IRCHET International Research Centre of Healthy and Ecological Technology “The electromagnetic radiations emanating for radar, television, communications systems,microwave ovens, industrial heat-treatment systems, medical diathermy units, and many othersources permeate the modern environment, both civilian and military.”“Unless adequate monitoring and control based on a fundamental understanding of biologicaleffects are instituted in the near future, in the decades ahead, man may enter an era of energypollution of the environment comparable to the chemical pollution of today.”“The consequences of undervaluing or misjudging the biological effects of long-term, low-level exposure could become a critical problem for the public health, especially if geneticeffects are involved.”These quotations are excerpts from the US government report “Program for Control ofElectromagnetic Pollution of the Environment”, which was published in December 1971. Thegovernment report was drafted starting in December 1968 by an expert group made up of ninepeople, “The Electromagnetic Radiation Management Advisory Council”. “The President’sOffice of Telecommunications Policy” issued the order. This report was an urgent warning forthe future.
About 36 years have passed since the publishing of this report. Unfortunately, this urgentwarning, which is scientifically well-founded, is currently not taken seriously. The beauty oflandscapes and cities are spoiled with “forests of radiant radio antennas” in order to serve anew addiction of people: telecommunication. From this unethical, environment-disfiguringantenna forest, people are continuously bombarded by invisible, imperceptible, health-damaging, stressing, high-frequency, electromagnetic radiations.
As predicted 36 years ago in the US government report, our planet today is more“contaminated” by “electronic smog” than with the chemistry that already heavily strainspeople. Those responsible have unfortunately still not considered a possible double strain ofthese two harmful factors.
The telecommunications and microwave industry even contends that these high-frequencyelectromagnetic radiations are not harmful for people’s health. That is irresponsible deception.
Facts support the opposite.
Seventy-five years ago in August 1932, the German doctor Erwin Schliephake publishedscientific data in the German Medical Weekly about radio transmitter-induced “microwave”or “radio wave sickness” with the following symptoms: severe tiredness and fatigue duringthe day, fitful sleep in the night, headaches to the point of intolerability, and highsusceptibility to infection.
These symptoms, which are also observed in neurasthenia (enervation), were not to be tracedback to the thermal effects, but rather to the athermal effects of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, according to Schliephake’s view. The health-damaging effect ofhigh-frequency electromagnetic and electric radiation was reproduced in thousands ofinvestigations.
This microwave sickness, induced by athermal high-frequency EMF radiation, was verifiedby the scientific work of the Russian author Zinaida Gordon from the Moscow Institute forIndustrial Hygiene und Occupational Diseases, in 1966 in the Russian language and in 1970in the English language, among many others. She examined more than 1,000 workers whoworked at radio installations, electric utilities, radar stations, etc., over the duration of10 years. She established the following symptoms: cardiovascular regulation changes of various types According to Prof. Gordon [1966], the symptoms strengthened with increasing duration ofexposure, and sensitivity to the microwave radiations increased.
Reports from Poland were presented by Baranski (1971, 1967, 1966) and Czereski et al. (1972,1964) about: Minecki [1967, 1965, 1964, 1963, 1961] about: after the chronic influence of weak high-frequency fields.
Karel Marha, from the Institute for Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases Prague(1968-1971), reported about analogous symptoms, like they had already been described by theothers. He stressed, though, that the brain functions are especially sensitive to high-frequencyelectromagnetic radiation.
In the USA from 1955 until 1969, eleven large conferences took place under the title“Microwaves – Their Biologic Effects and Damages to Health”. The so-called RichmondConference in 1969 presented such overwhelming facts that the above-mentioned governmentreport had to be compiled. Besides the microwave symptoms mentioned, gastric bleeding,leukemia, chromosome breakages, cancer, and clouding of the eye lenses were also observedby doctors in the USA.
Already in November 1958, the “Security Measures for Persons in the Range of MicrowaveGenerators” was instituted by order of the Minister of the Soviet Public Health Service.
The threshold value was established at the value of 0.01 mW/cm2 for full-time contacts withhigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation, based on research results in Russia (the formerSoviet Union).
The threshold value was bindingly stipulated at 10.0 mW/cm2 in the USA at the 1955conference at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. With the establishment of NATO, this thresholdvalue became binding also for Western Europe. This difference of three orders of magnitudebetween the threshold value in the East and the threshold value in the West still exists today.
In the East, electrical smog is taken more seriously.
The annual report of the national Committee of Russia for non-ionizing radiation of the year2002 addressed the following themes among others: “Emotional stress and EMFs” (electromagnetic fields), “The State of Health and Work Conditions of Workers in Civil Aviation Who OperateRadar, Navigation, and Communication Equipment”, “The Functional Brain Hemisphere Asymmetry Under the Influence of MagneticFields”.
They adopted the following recommendations for the protection and safety from mobiletelephone use: mobile telephones should not be used by children under 18 years old,pregnant women, patients with neurologic diseases, neurathenia, psychopathy, neurosis, sleepdisorders, memory loss, or epilepsy syndrome.
Basically, it is recommended to keep mobile phone conversations as short as possible and inno case to have a conversation longer than 15 minutes.
Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht and his associate Hans-Ullrich Balzer were commissioned in 1996 by theGerman Federal Institute for Telecommunication to carry out research on the Russiantechnical literature about the health-damaging and biological effect of high-frequencyelectromagnetic radiations from the years 1960-1996. In 1997, the authors turned over thereport, which was based on 878 scientific works, to the sponsor. The data was sooverwhelming for the German conditions that the report immediately disappeared into thearchive.
Next we would like to mention a few important facts of this report.
The duration of the effects proved to be a very decisive factor for the health-damaging effect
of the EMF. A three-phase progression in the development of the microwave syndrome was
In the first 1-3 years, predominantly a sympathicotonic deflected initial phase was
predominantly demonstrated, which proceeded in three sub-phases:
as = Pronounced sympathicotonia (hypertonia) activation phase. This phase is
comparable with the alarm phase of the general adaptation syndrome of Selye and with the
unspecific activation according to Lindsley [1951], Lacey [1967], and others.
as : Performance-promoting, increased sympathicotonic reaction phase in the
sense of a eustress reaction or an emotional activation [Lindsley 1951]. According to Selye
[1953], it is to be interpreted as a resistance phase.
as : Adaptive, balancing phase with less sympathicotonic deflection. The body
functions are still located in the range of homeostasis, so normal values are measured,
although latent, intermittently appearing ailments may already express themselves. This phase,
too, is still to be assigned to the resistance phase, according to Selye [1953].
After 3-5 years of influence duration, weakly visible and/or strengthening pathologic
developments of neurasthenic basic symptoms with vagotonic reaction tendencies, sleep
disorders, and daytime tiredness appear.
Pronounced neurasthenic symptoms with increasing pathologic lapses of the regulationsystem, neurotic and neurasthenic symptoms, sleep disorders, daytime tiredness, and generalexhaustion are dominating appearances. Effect duration > 5 years.
r 1. Schema of the stages of illness development after long-term influence of EMF radiation in
comparison with the stages (1, 2, and 3) of the General Adaptation Syndrome according to Hans Selye [1953].
I = activation phase, A = activation (excitement), B = positive stimulation, C = adaptive phase; II = latent, weakpathologic development; III = strong pathologic development. Based of the findings of a literature review[Hecht und Balzer 1997].
EEG changes (decay of the alpha rhythm into the theta rhythm and isolated deltarhythm) deformation of the biologic rhythm hierarchy disorder in the hypothalamohypophyseal adrenal cortex system arterial hypotonia, more rarely arterial hypertonia, bradycardia, or tachycardia vagotonic displacement of the cardiovascular system constriction of physical and mental ability spontaneously occurring excitability from hypotonic reaction situation, especially inthe case of external pressures [Rubzowa 1983; Rakitin 1977; Drogitschina et al. 1966; Gordon 1966; Drogitschina undSadtschikowa 1965, 1964; Piskunova und Abramowitsch-Poljakow 1961].
Duration of Influence: At the earliest, pathological appearances appear after ca. 3 years;duration of influence > 20 min. daily, 5x per week has no pathological consequences.
Age: Younger organisms show greater electromagnetic sensitivity than older ones; childrenespecially must be protected.
Individual State of Health Electromagnetic Sensitivity: decreasing healthiness increasinglyraises electromagnetic sensitivityStatus of the Elektrolyte/Mineral Balance: lack of minerals and toxic stress increaseselectromagnetic sensitivityAdditional stressor effects, e.g. noise, other radiations, conflicts, and stress, increase the riskto come down with microwave syndrome.
Active Ingredients and Medications: stimulants, e.g. caffeine, can increase electromagneticsensitivity.
The research projects of today’s cell phone, microwave, and telecommunication industry runfor at most one year, very rarely two years. According to the state of knowledge shown, noharmful effect of the high-frequency electromagnetic radiation can be established at all. Howthe factor of the duration of influence is handled in these research projects should beexplained with an example of a BUWAL study (BUWAL = Switzerland’s Department of theEnvironment).
The findings of a table of scientific works regarding the investigation of the duration of effectof high-frequency microwave radiations on various function systems or states of health, whichone of us extracted and compiled from the tables of the BUWAL document, shows thatamong 129 analyzed scientific works or studies, an immediate effect (up to 1 h) wasinvestigated in 44% of them. The duration of effect was tested for the short-term (up to threedays) in 22.5% of them and for the middle-term (3-30 days) in 11% of them. Only 22.5%investigated the duration of effect of high-frequency microwaves longer than a month.
It must be added that cardiovascular, hormone system, and immune system symptoms ofradio-wave or microwave sickness are cited in the BUWAL documentation in the form ofheadaches, sleep disorders, general condition, EEG changes, and information processing,which the authors could not explain with their one-sided conceptions of the thermal effects ofhigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
With such erroneous research approaches, of course no health-damaging effect can be found.
Such research projects are also completely unnecessary, because the athermal, health-damaging effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation has been known for 75 years andhas been confirmed again and again during this time in more than a thousand investigations,whenever serious principles of research were guaranteed.
Various views have existed about the term “health” for 60 years.
Such a definition does not correspond to the realities. The so-called “functional syndrome” or
somatoform disorders (ICD 10F) are not accounted for in it.
In the founding preamble of WHO, health is defined as follows: “He
s ” In the Ottawa Charter of 1986, this definition was extended as
“as a sat
age” [WHO 1987].
The terms health damage, bioactive effect, or bioactive reaction are frequently used withoutbeing sharply delimited from one another, thus leading to confusion. Therefore, a shortdefinition for clarification:A bioactive effect is mostly an unspecific reaction of the organism to outside influences ofvarious natures (physical, chemical, social, bacterial, viral). It must be differentiated: if this reaction is temporary and the homeostasis (norm) recuperates through areversible transient effect; that is an individual’s normal adaptation reaction, or if the changed reaction remained temporarily (e.g. several days) and then “normalized”again through a reversible transient effect. That would be equivalent to a healthdisorder in which the foreign influence was effective as a trigger, or if the triggered changed reaction involves problems, losses of abilities to do things, andquality of life for the long-term and is not reversible. That is damage to one’s health.
Under health damage, we thus understand enduring or intermittent irreversible changes of thephysical, mental, and social functional capability of the person, which can arise from noxiousinfluence developed over the short-term or long-term, or also from intense, short-terminfluences (e.g. shock). (Noxa = pollutants, harmful agents, pathogenic causes) Animals and plants are also very negatively influenced by this high-frequencyelectromagnetic radiation. In the case of cows, reduction of the milk yield and malformedoffspring have been proven. Graver for humankind could be the death of bees observedeverywhere due to the electro-smog contaminated environment. When the bees are dead,people not only have no more honey, but also no more fruit, because pollination of theflowers is impossible without bees. Humankind stands today before an important decision:further development of the technogenic pollution of the environment or finding our way backto Nature.
Let us remember the report of the Club of Rome [1983] in which there is the followingstatement: “The pressure of the facts is so great that we must either change our way-of-life ordisappear from the face of the Earth.” Microwave syndrome must be taken very seriously. The truth about health damage isnot fear mongering.
Long-term research with life-science approaches to athermal effects is urgentlynecessary.
Pay great attention to sleep. Measurement of sleep over a period of weeks in thebedrooms of those affected.
Warning labels on cell phones: Lon
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Prohibition of cell phones for children. Prohibition of cell phone use in schools and day-care centers.
Consider interactions with other harmful factors, e.g. toxic stress, noise, and othertransmitters.
Obligation of mobile network operators to assume the costs for health checks of theinhabitants near transmitter towers, to be undertaken at least once yearly.
Physical threshold values do not offer real protection, but an individual biologic effectfactor does.
First: Introduce the Russian model of the threshold value regulation with specialconsideration of the exposure time of high frequencies and populations in need ofprotection: children, pregnant women, sick people, and seniors Introduce as soon as possible a medical obligation to report microwave symptoms.
Appeal to all:Cell phone conversations as short as possibleUse cell phone only for important situations (only to call); otherwise, leave turned offAvoid electric appliances, microwave ovens, etc.
Healthy ways of living can reduce or even prevent the effects of microwaves:Body movement and spending time in the fresh air (hiking, Nordic walking)Regulation of the waking-sleeping rhythm (regular bedtimes and getting-up times)Rhythmic breathing to harmonize the physical and mental processesEmotional intelligenceGuarantee of the electrolyte balance and stabilization of self-regulation through Natural minerals (clinoptilite zeolite and montmorillonite)Amino acids, above all glyzine, andVitamins, especially A, B, C, and E Avoidance of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and of stimulants and sedativesMinimization of electricity in the home


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