No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.

Microsoft word - final list for 2010-2011.doc

(A) Biological Science (BS)
1. Dhaka University
and Food Science composition databank on multi- (INFS), University ingradient cook foods and a Psychology, Dhaka Scales of infant Development Monopterus Cuchia, a non-Traditional Export Commodity of Bangladesh University, Probiotic Bacteria in Shrimp of Zoology, Dhaka diagnosis, treatment, prevention University, Dhaka- and control of vector borne and Malaria) in Endemic areas of Bangladesh University, for the detection of Hepatitis B and C virus infections and determination of their genotypes. Advanced Research drug resistance and zoonoses. Institute of Nutrition Fruits of Bangladesh for Vitamin and Food Science, C, Beta-carotene, total phenol environment, Dhaka security, supply of drinking and University, Dhaka- irrigation waters in different hot-
2. Bangladesh Agircultural University, Mymensingh

ingredient in diets for cat fish (Clarias batrachus) post-larve Agronomy, Bangladesh cultivation with different Agricultural University, agronomic practices Agricultural University, agricultural by-products and non-conventional feedstuffs and technology transfer to farmers improvement in Haor Area of Netrokona District Agronomy, Bangladesh fibre and seed production Agricultural University, technology of jute crop by Bangladesh Agricultural from plant origin Agronomy, Bangladesh jute seed from off-season Agricultural University, crop as affected by different Chemistry Bangladesh inhibition: A novel plant- Agricultural University, soil interaction can mitigate Dept. of Crop Botany, Collection and conservation Bangladesh freshwater catfishes, Clarias University, batrachus and Heteropneustes Dept. of Animal Beeding In Vitro Culture of Buffalo Plant Breeding, Bangladesh Poverty Alleviation and development of salt tolerant rice varieties of Cassava strains for use as potential human and animal food Department of Pathology, Preparation of Pathological Dept. of Pathology, Faculty Epidemiology
3. BRAC University, Dhaka

BRAC university, 66, restaurants and footpath of Mohakhali, Dhaka. 4. Non-Government Organization (NGO)
Society for Vocational Developmental Abnormality Training & Research, of the Fetus one of the cause Janakallan Nari Society awareness and practices of Centre for woman and Effective Management of child health, Gulshan Childhood Overweight and Ltd, 162-63, Aziz Co-op. positivity among the type 2 Parisad Road, Upazila constraints in the production District, and development of spice & Foundation, Studies on the development of Organization ( IRDO), strategies for soil borne and House- 54, Road- 13, foliar diseases of vegetable (BHRRDS), House#7/9, Trophoblast Apoptosis RIGS HERBS, 113/2, Evaluation of the efficacy of Tejgaon Industrial Area, F-O blended tea (Herbal
5. Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University

University, Sher-e-Bangla different seed sources and Agricultural field using allelopathy (an University, Sher-e-Bangla eco-friendly concept) Faculty of Agriculture, Integration of fertilizer and Department of soil Science, Sustainable rice productivity Agricultural and soil quality as affected by Sher-e-Bangla organic and inorganic based University, Sher-e-Bangla development of an IPM package by utilizing bio-control agents and neem products in three intensive jute University, Physiological Attributes and 6. Khulna University
Technology assay of different morph types Discipline, agroforestry technologies for University, the potential land-use towards Discipline, biodiversity conservation and University, livelihood options: an address 7. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)
Dept. of Dermatology and A gel formulation of 0.025% Bangabandhu tretinoin and 1.2% clindamycin Mujib Medical University, immune functions of children Department of Obstetrics & Pilot Programme for the Gynaecology, Bangabandhu Development and Design of Mujib Medical University, cataract glaucoma surgery Dr. Shaikh Abdullah Al Mamun, Resident Physician Medicine and Rehabilitation, elderly people: a case control Department of Dermatology Association of changes of Venereology, liver enzymes with cutaneous Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib manifestation of arsenicosis Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Cancers and Tumors Cardiology, Prevalence and risk factors of Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib coronary heart disease in
8. Jahangirnagar University

utilizing laboratory rat acute hemorrhage anemia Department of Botany, Development of Protocols for important Species of Bamboo through Plant Tissue Culture Biotechnology, Establishment in the Field and Evaluation of Field Performance- Phase- II
9. Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute, Ishurdi, Pabna

Institute, Ishurdi 6620, properties, growth and yield 10. Chittagong University
11. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) Sheik Mujibur Rahman technologies of brinjal for the disease and higher yield in intensive cultivated areas. Dept. of Biotechnology, Studies on plant growth 12. BANGLA ACADEMY
Department, Text book bangla) on crop cultivation division, conditions of Bangladesh in order to enhance public awareness 13. Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute (BARI)
Bangladesh Mungbean variety for sustaining Research the changing climate of Southern Agriculture Research Institute vegetables of Bangladesh (BARI), Md. Golam Kibria, Senior Scientific Officer Oilseed Research Center, Development of an Integrated Agriculture Approach for the Management of Research Institute (BARI), Alternaria Blight of Rapeseed- Agricultural Isolation & Identification of Research Station, BARI, seed-borne pathogens with 14. Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Patuakhali Science and through rapid screening and 15. Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes,
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM)
Pharmacology, Research Effect of Pioglitazone and/or Rehabilitation in Diabetes, resistance in patients with Endocrine and Metabolic Type 2 diabetes. Disorders (BIRDEM), 122 Kazi Department of Physiology Association of vitamin d Bangladesh Institute of common polymorphism in Endocrine and Metabolic Bangladesh Disorders (BIRDEM), 122 Kazi Dept. of Gynecology & Pregnancy outcomes with 16. National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM)
Dept. of Occupational & Non-Dermatological Department of Maternal Determinants of Health and and Child Health, National Social Status of Elderly Institute of Preventive and People in Rural Bangladesh Department of Maternal Effect of Intervention on Dept. of Public Health and Hospital Prevalence and Cost Administration, Involvement of Nosocomial Dept. of Epidemiology, Type-2 Diabetes and its risk 17. ICDDR,B
(ICDDR,B), Mohakhali, Health education in peri-Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh 18. Khulna Medical College Hospital
and Gynecology, Khulna Dysfunction in Pregnancy 19. Dhaka Shishu Hospital

Intensive care Unit, Dhaka therapy in neonates with 20. Rajshahi University
Department of Botany, Integrated management of University of Rajshahi, major diseases of betel vine University of Rajshahi, biomass processing plant for Department of Botany, Quick Production of Organic 21. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU)
Agricultural Chemistry, and soil systems and soil Technology University regulator (NAA) (HSTU), 22. Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford Hospital
Department of Medicine, Clinical profile of diagnosed Sir Salimullah Medical tuberculosis cases among Department of Medicine, Multidrug-resistant Sir Salimullah Medical tuberculosis in Bangladesh: a 23. Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)
Scientific and Industrial techniques for processing and Resin Research Section, Production of some Metallic Fibre & Polymer Research Stearates to be used as Institute of Food Science Toxicity and Safety test of and Technology (IFST), foods, feeds and medicine by Bangladesh Council of using laboratory animals Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Dr. Kudrat-I-Khuda Bangladesh Council of transgenic plant Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR), Dr. Qudrat-i-Khuda 24. National Institute of Cardiovascular Disease (NICVD)
NICVD, Sher-e-Bangla intensive care unit in cardiac 25. National Institute of Ophthalmology (NIO)

26. Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
The Laboratory of the Antibiotic Sterilization of
27. Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commissiom

Ultrasound, Bangladesh anomalies with sonographic (B) Enviormental Science (ES)
University, change impact on increase in Department of Geology, Wastewater agriculture in School of Agriculture Studies on impacts of climate and Rural Development changes on dairy cattle in diversity and structure of the Sundarbans mangrove forest: an and Maritime Institute disasters of Bangladesh and Plaza, Sonargaon Road, and livelihood. Hatirpool, Dhaka Department of Zoology, Heavy metal pollution and University, their bioaccumulation by fish basins of Bangladesh: A digital approach Sciences, Jahangirnagar with farm raised black tiger and giant fresh water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Agricultural Chemistry, on Geology of Barapukuria Agricultural University, Dinajpur Bangladesh Mymensingh. Dept. of Biochemistry Environmental health hazard BIRDEM, 122 Kazi commonly used beverages in Nazrul Islam Avenue, Bangladesh from laboratory Shahbag, Dhaka. Bangladesh sustainable utilization of land Agricultural University, and water resources for food Mymensingh Sciences and Fisheries, on Biota to Climate Change Chittagong University, Impact from the Moheshkhali Sciences and Fisheries, change impact: Development Chittagong University, of indigenous resilience and fishing community at Hatiya Island, Noakhali (HEDS), House# 19/18, integrated use in HYV rice Block-C, Energy Commission, E-12/A, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka Environmental Science Diagnostic Tool to Study Dr. Rezina Laz, Associate Prof. Rajshahi (C) Physical Science (Phy-sc)
phosphorus donor ligands for catalytic hydrogen evolution Scientific and Industrial of Synthetic Bio-ceramic Research (BCSIR), Dr. materials for orthopedics and Mathematics Discipline, Iso-thermal fluid in a helical Bhattacharjee, Associate Prof. Delowara Begum, Assistant Teacher Department of Geology, Prospecting and probable Mathematics, Shahjalal to computer science and (D) Inter-Disciplinary (ID)
Oceanographic Seventh Training Course on (NOAMI), 10/8, Eastern Applications Plaza, 9th floor, Sonargaon Road, Hatirpool, Dhaka. Community Union for Community based prevention House# 33/2, Azimpur hazards Road, Azimpur, Dhaka- 1205 Community Union for Study the knowledge on House# 33/2, Azimpur Dhaka city Road, Azimpur, Dhaka- 1205 Dr. Nilufar Sultana, Asstt. Prof. Department of Obs. & Experiences at Menopause of Gynae, Dhaka Medical rural Bangladeshi Women: A University of Science Metallo-Macrocycles Ahsanullah University Development of Analytical 141-142 Love Road, of gravity turning reactor Tejgaon Biomedical Physics & Capacity Building of the (E) Engineering and Applied Science (EAS)
Dept. of Farm power Feasibility Study on the Agricultural University, of Fruits and Vegetables Mymensingh Department of Applied Development of a treatment Chemical Engineering, removal from groundwater University, by a ‘simple family filter’ University, chemicals in tannery industry Bangladesh Council of biorefinery initiative Department of Applied Production, Characterization Physics and Electronic and finding application of Research Centre, Dhaka Photovoltaic (PV) Mini-Grid Applied Chemistry and Mass and Energy Balance Chemical Engineering, and Cost Analysis of the Department of Food Technology Development for Technology and Rural Soybean Products Processing Industries, Bangladesh to Mitigate the Malnutrition Agricultural University, and Improve Livelihood of


Microsoft word - usaultratri_double_iron_edit.doc

Race Report: USA Ultra Triathlon Double IRON – Tampa, Florida, March 1 & 2, 2013 7.6 km Swim — 360 km Bike — 84 km Run Pre-race Yasmin and I arrived in Tampa on Monday evening. With the race on Friday morning we would have a few days to rent a car, poke around and get to know the area, and just get used to being away from our snowy and cold winter home back in Ottawa. On Thur

Esther 6 9 11-13, 23-32(sa).pdf

Lightning Lightning Esther 9:11-13; 23-32 Esther 9:11-13; 23-32 11 On that day the number of those who were killed at the citadel in Susa was reported to 11 On that day the number of those who were killed at the citadel in Susa was reported to 12 The king said to Queen Esther, “The Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men 12 The king said to Queen Esther,

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