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• ALFALFA – Useful in the low potency for deficiency of lactation in bitches. • ALFALFA-POLYGON (Combination) - For pigment problems of the nose and muzzle. Condition could be imbalance of the hormones, or metabolism. • ARNICA – Proven remedy when bruising and injury occur. Reduces shock when given after surgery. Helps in the recovery of bruised tissue. • ACONITE – Restlessness with frequent changes of position. Immediately after a shock – follow this by Arnica. A remedy for fevers and inflammatory states. Shivering, cold sweats. Acute anxiety. (COULD BE ONSET OF BLOAT where time is of the utmost importance) Aggressive behaviour. Convulsions. Heat stroke. Hysteria. • BORAX – Good when an animal is sensitive to sudden noise – works on central nervous system. • CALAMINE – to relieve itching. However, not as affective as on humans. • CANTHARIS – a remedy to use when the animal appears distressed when trying to pass urine. Cystitis. Acute kidney inflammation. Burns with blistering. Eczema with burning itch. • CAR SICKNESS – Ginger caps given night before journey and also given an hour before journey • Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) a drug given to humans to ward off car sickness also works on pets. Medium to large dogs should be given 25 t0 50 milligrams at least an hour before traveling. Cats and small dogs should get about 12.5 milligrams. • FRAGARIA VESCA – Helps to prevent excessive tartar on the teeth. • FRIAR’S BALSAM – Put on a sugar lump and smothered in butter will help to avoid • GARLIC – The finest antiseptic there is. Helps to avoid worms and fleas. • PULSATILLA – Useful remedy for false pregnancy or when the seasons are out of balance. • SEPIA – Good results in the bitch in cases of pyrometra and also infertility. • TUMERIC – Good for stopping bleeding if you have cut into a dog’s nail bed. • ACNE – Usually found around the chin or around the face. Caused by a bacterial infection usually inside a blocked oil gland. Gently wash your pet’s face with a mild soap and washcloth with remove surface bacteria and help break down material that may be plugging the oil glands. The washcloth should be a little warmer than a baby’s bath, but not hot or scalding. Scrub gently, and then rinse well with warm water to remove the soap. Reach for the Echinacea – given orally, this infection battling herb which is sold in health food shops may act like a mild antibiotic, stopping acne from the inside out. Recommendation being one half of the human dose for large dogs, one quarter to a small dog. Not recommended to be given to cats. Put on CALENDULA to help quell the skin infection and speed healing. Mix six drops of the tincture in an ounce of warm water. Using a clean cotton ball apply the solution to the acne twice a day. Apply a thin layer of gel from an ALOE VERA plant will also help to ease discomfort caused by painful acne. If you do not have the plant then aloe vera gel is available from most health shops. • Cantharis – For dermatitis, eczema due to hormone imbalance. • Psorinum – Eruptions on the head, bends of joints, crusty eruptions all over body. • Sulphur – Dry eczema, pimples and eruptions on dry skin. • Urtica – Itching blotches, burning heat of skin, allergy can re-occur at the same time each year. • ITCHING – Constant itching is usually caused by such things as fleas, hay fever or other allergies. Or nothing more serious than dry skin. Itching itself is not really a problem it is the constant scratching however, that can lead to hair loss, skin damage and serious infections. Soothe with a cool bath which gives temporary relief and can last for several hours to several days. Keep dog in water for at least ten minutes. Oatmeal baths can also be helpful to animals just as they can for humans. Washing with oatmeal shampoo or take an old sock and fill it with oatmeal. Tie the sock over the bathtub spout so the water comes through the oatmeal. Try a foot soak if your pet has been biting or licking his paws, he could have itchy feet. Try an Epsom salts soak. Run several inches of cool water into the tub. Add two cups of Epsom salts and lift him in for five to ten minutes. Oil the itch. Itchy skin is often dry skin, so using a moisturizer can help relieve the problem. Avon skin so soft is quite good. Since some itching is caused by hay fever try giving an antihistamine. As with humans long term damage from sunburn can lead to cancer. The result of sunburn on the tops
of their ears, the bridge of their noses and even on their tender tummies, where fur is thinnest.
White pets or fair skinned animals are susceptible to sunburn.
To quickly soothe sunburn, spray the area with cool water from a squirt bottle every half hour or so.
Put a cold compress on a burn is a great way to soothe the pain. Wet a washcloth or towel with cold
water, wring it out and then drape it over your pet’s sunburned areas. Hold it gently in place for a few
minutes making sure it is not too tight. Once the cloth warms up repeat the process again.
Bathe your pet in cool water in which you’ve mixed oatmeal can also be soothing.
Apply WITCH HAZEL to burned skin causes almost instant cooling due to the liquid’s sudden
evaporation. Soak a cotton ball with the witch hazel and apply to the burned area three or four times a
There are a variety of over the counter sprays, like Lanacane, that contain local anesthetics that will
make the pet feel better fast. These products are fine for dogs but seek advice for cats.
Re-hydrate the skin as quickly as possible with jojoba, coconut oil-based creams or even petroleum
jelly, help seal in the moisture. Coat the sore spot with a thin layer of cream two or three times a day.
Reach for the ALOE VERA - to extract from a plant just simply break off or cut off a bit of a leaf and
squeeze – or buy the aloe vera gel from a health food shop.
After a problem with sun burn ensure that your pet is protected with APPLYING A SUNSCREEN to
the vulnerable areas. Use something with a minimum SPF of 15 and preferably higher – the higher the
SPF the better protection for the dog. Feed your pet immediately after applying so that the dog forgets
and will not lick off the preparation.
Avoid sunscreens containing paba or zinc oxide which can be dangerous
if swallowed.
HOT SPOTS – Wash with a mild cleansing solution such as an antibacterial soap or a non perfumed
pure soap you may happen to have around. Or dab with cotton soaked in an antiseptic solution such as
Betadine and repeat the process two or three times a day.
Some Vets recommend washing hot spots with strong black or green brewed tea. Tea contains tannic
acid, which will help dry the area and help the sore heal. However, do not apply hot tea!
Hydrocortisone cream may be used but be careful to ensure animal does not lick off the medication.
Vitamin E is a good way to soothe the skin. Just open the capsule and apply the gel to the hot spot once or twice a day. Again aloe vera will quickly ease the pain of hot spots. Other preparations are Livereen for skin problems. Septrex for lumps that may occur on the dog’s hind leg. CHEYLETIELLA MITE The rabbit mite apparently lives on the surface of the skin of its host where it feeds on tissue fluid and lays eggs which adhere to the hair similar to house nits. The entire life cycle of 5 weeks is spent on the host. The parasite causes little damage to the dog’s skin but infestation results in marked skin scaling, which gives rise to the popular term “WALKING DANDRUFF!” With good lighting and a magnifying lens it is not difficult to observe the parasite moving about on the skin. Rapid confirmation of the diagnosis is possible merely by pressing a piece of adhesive transparent tape several times on the skin then sticking it to a glass slide for examination under the microscope. Like other parasites the rabbit mite can be transferred to humans. Pet rabbits may carry massive infestations. The mite is susceptible to most insecticides but because the life cycle is rather long, weekly treatments should be continued for at least 4-6 weeks. This mite is a particular problem when it burrows its way into ears and can cause considerable suffering to dogs whose ears hang down. In this case warm olive oil every night for one week – then using a cotton wool ball wipe the top of the inside of the ear flap. This should kill the mites off. If not repeat for another week. There is a powder called Thornit which some people find very useful in keeping the ears free from mites. Food - Chocolate is poisonous, keep an eye on your chocolates. Christmas Decorations – some of these can also be a hazard. Medication – may be in childproof bottles but they certainly aren’t dog proof. Keep such things as Aspirin, paracetamol, ibroprufen and other tablets out of reach. Cleaning Products – Don’t let the dog drink out of the toilet. Again keep bleach and other cleaning materials out of reach. Weed killer, slug pellets, rat poison, etc.; - keep these out of reach from your pet. Slug pellets can be bran flavoured therefore tempting for dogs. Rat poison can cause fatal hemorrhaging. Wood bark mulch is also very poisonous. As is cocoa mulch Poisons found in garages – antifreeze tastes sweet, so your dog could drink it which could lead to renal failure. If you suspect your dog has drunk antifreeze seek veterinary advice immediately! Old paint, pipes and batteries contain lead which if eaten could lead to convulsions. Tar, paint and oil can also contaminate your dog’s skin. WHAT TO DO? If you catch your dog in the act of eating something that you think could be poisonous then make them bring it back up. Give your dog salty water or mustard or something that will make them sick. Only induce vomiting if it has been less than 1 hour since your dog ate the suspected poison. Do not induce vomiting if you think that the poison is corrosive – Call the Vet immediately! If your dog ate something a while ago that you think may have been poisonous then give your dog some cereal and milk which may help to absorb the poison. Still telephone the vet for further advice. If you dog has eaten something poisonous by telephoning your vet, they will be able to ring a special poison unit who will advise what treatment is necessary. Try and keep the package that the poison was in as the vet may need to know the active ingredients of the poison. If you need to take the dog to the vets then keep him/her warm and try to keep him/her calm. If your dog gets poison on the skin, don’t try to get it off with paint stripper or solvent. Wipe off as much as you can with a clean cloth, apply petroleum jelly or cooking oil immediately to try and absorb the poison then cut away any contaminated hair. You can then clean your dog’s coat with mild baby shampoo or mild soapy water. Consult your vet to see if any further action is necessary. IF YOU ARE EVER IN DOUBT - THEN ALWAYS – SEEK VETERINARY ADVICE. Remember prevention is best – keep all poisons out of reach from your dog.


Report on pharmaceuticals and personal care products in illinois drinking water

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