Bladder stone discovery and treatment. Clavamox, cranberry, methionine to She pees blood for 2 days followed by blood clots for 1 day after catherization Urine cloudy, squatting frequently.
inflammation/damage to bladder wall that is not completely healed Frequency noted
frequent squatting that AM.
Free catch examined. Riley sees
struvites but no sign of bacteria.
cholesterol and low glucose
Frequent squatting, urine stinks, very
2/12 Free catch examined. UTI
confirmed by Riley. “Full of rods.” Count is 1 million (100,000 is considered an Baytril started while we wait for culture to come back.
First notation made that she is licking
herself like she is uncomfortable.

2/14 Bloodwork finds high cholesterol

2/18 Lab reports “Enrobacter aerogense
supposedly sensitive to Baytril, but changed to SMZ TMP since symptoms have not resolved. This strain is Clavamox resistant. throughout course of treatment.
Frequency continues 10 days after
treatment started. Still looks cloudy.
Noted that she seemed to be drinking
more water than usual

2/24 Sample collected by cysto in the
afternoon and sent for culture to confirm
she’s been cleared. I notice sample is
cloudy and Riley calls it “turbid”, but
at 40x, but wants to wait for lab results.
We discuss taking her for Ultrasound /
cystoscopy / biopsy. If the infection
doesn’t clear.
Blood chemistry comes back normal, so continue SMZ TMP while we wait form culture to come back. 2/26 Second cysto taken to culture for yeast. Riley remarks that it looks clearer than the sample taken 2 days
ago. Yeast culture later comes back negative. In all, she was on Baytril for 6 days and SMZ TMP for 14 days. Frequency continues Noted drinking more water.

Reported samples were clear during

3/10 cysto sent for culture. Lab reports
no growth.
Frequency continues though labs
show no bacteria present. Started
Rimadyl in hope that she is still irritated
from the infection and will improve over time.
3/16 Cloudy, golden color
3/30 Cloudy, darker than golden,
almost brown. Strong odor.
Look at
Later learn that samples have to be spun. For some reason, I did not take 3/7 Yellow and clear
continues and turbidity
Notes report clarity cycling betwee clear
and cloudy.

4/12 Took sample to vet. No bacteria
Continue to report cloudy on every
6/15 More cloudy and strong odor
6/22 Yellow and clear, “usual” cloudiness Reported yellow and clear several times,
Cloudy is now normal, so if it’s

7/23 – 24 (weekend) Very high

7/25 UTI test strip is negative.
Frequency has dropped back to her normal (which is still frequent, but now color and clarity are “pretty good”. UTI test strips are brought into regular use. 8/8 UTI strip looks positive (+15 –
the first step) for leukocytes.

8/19 UTI strip Looks same as above,
positive for leukocytes to me, but Mark
doesn’t think so. The color patch is very
Super high frequency disappears , so I’m convinced there is no infection. I leukocytes, so I begin to ignore “first patch” positive results, assuming that the color change I think I see is not really there. 10/15 Increased frequency

10/16 No odor noted, almost clear (i.e.

Notes of frequency continue, but UTI
strips are reported as negative.
“Negative” means that nitrites are negative, leukocytes are always borderline positive. I make the mistake of thinking all bacteria produce nitrites are always unequivocally negative. Cloudy and frequent

11/9 Note slight orange tinge

11/15 cysto sent for analysis.
Lab reports cloudy. No bacteria and
culture negative.
Lab reports 2 – 3 WBC present and 0-1
transitional epithelia

Blood taken at same time reports high

She has her first facial swelling event, deemed an allergic reaction. Hives are 1/27 cloudy, rust-colored.
2/6 red, UTI strip negative. Coincides
with recent food change and dye is suspected.
2/10 Increased frequency. Planned to
and straw colored.
2/22 Still frequent but color and clarity
“not totally clear” i.e. normal for her. High frequency. UTI strip “negative”
5/21 High frequency. Not first urine,
color and clairity “good” pH is higher 5/22 First AM not as clear as yesterday’s late morning catch. UTI strip “negative” (i.e. leukocytes 11/5 UTI infection. Cloudy and

Test strip is positive for leukocytes
but negative for nitrites.
Today I
learn that not all bacteria produce nitrites and that bacteria can be present
11/5 Vet confirms infection. Finds WBC
and bacteria.
Start 14-day course Baytril plus rimadyl
as she was sensative in bladder area
when palpated.

11/23 Finished Baytril 5 days ago.
All symptoms still present. Deemed
normal for her. Test strip is negative and Vet finds no sign of infection. Frequency continues. Now normal for
her unless she wakes me up in the middle of the night or scratches at the 3/5 UTI Infection - strip positive.
Vet reports lots of crystals, lots of
blood cells (serious infection). X-ray
shows no stones. Begin 14-day course of

3/28 Cysto for analysis and culture. No
bacteria present.
patch on her back this month.
Increased frequency
5/5, 5/16, 5/17 and 5/30 Test strip

Note that urine is clear, yellow. Looks
Frequency still higher than normal
ongoing diarrhea. Cholesterol and
Calcium are elevated.

6/28 Nitrite positive, leukocyte
negative. Slightly cloudy, red tine.
clear. 6/29 Strip negative for leukocytes, “less positive” for nitrites than yesterday. (Starts metranidazole for diarrhea on 6/24, switched to sulfasalamide 6/28) 7/9 Cloudy, strip negative nitrites,
leukocytes are “the usual” that is now deemed negative (+15) 7/11 Vet checked. No infection. 7/24 Urine “nice and clear”, yellow High frequency. New behavior “Peeing
in three’s” (Squats 3 times in rapid
succession whenever she pees). She is on hydrocortisone for allergic reaction 9/3 to 9/14. 9/11 Sample clear and yellow, test strip the usual neg/+15. 9/14 Yellow and clear 9/16 pH 5.5. Strip neg/+15 Vet confirms no bacteria, sends out to lab.
9/17 Lab finds no bacteria or WBC but
reports “Oval Fat Body” in 9/16
sample. Frequency returns to normal.
9/23 cloudy

9/26 squatting “a lot”, including a
couple of “double squats”. Sample
looked clear and golden.

9/30 Found white, cottony mass
in today’s sample, otherwise
color and clarity looked good. I’d call it clear.
Vet finds leukocytes but no bacteria.
By the time I arrive there the mass is
much smaller, some has dissolved in urine, Riley suspects it was mucus. 10/1 Mucus, smaller clump than
yesterday, found in 1st catch container, and several floating spots that look
(“grease spots”). I may have seen
not understand their significance before.
10/2 Mucus smaller than yesterday,
almost missed it. Found in 1st catch
container again. Also, fewer and smaller “grease spots”, otherwise clear. Odor


T a g d e r M e d i z i n 2 0 0 7 Befreiung von der abhängigkeit arzneimittel helfen beim ausstieg Immer bessere Medikamente helfen Abhängigen, auch dauerhaft von ihrem Suchtstoff loszukommen. Diese Chancen sollen konsequenter genutzt werden. Abb. 1: Mit Naltrexon (Nemexin®) plus Acamprosat (Campral®) Abb. 2: Vareniclin (Champix®) hilft am besten bei der Nikotin- Abb. 3: H

Microsoft word - la via thailandese alla lotta contro le emergenze sanitarie.doc

Published on 5 November 2007 Bangkok - La via Thailandese alla lotta contro le emergenze sanitarie Bangkok dal nostro inviato – La Thailandia insieme ad altre nazioni come Brasile e India sta mostrando a tutto il mondo la sua via per far fronte alle emergenze di salute pubblica, come l’HIV e le malattie cardiocircolatorie e sta aprendo la strada ad un nuovo paradigma commerciale i

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