Minutes of special adjourned meeting


HELD ON FEBRUARY 26, 2004____________
The Board of Commissioners of the Oak Lawn Park District was convened in a Special Adjourned meeting on February 26, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. with President Callahan presiding.
Present: McCauley, Vorderer, Andersen, Karr and Callahan

Andersen moved, McCauley seconded to re-convene. EXELON: Project outline was given to the board with the breakdown, as
requested, keeping it within the park district budget. Representative from Exelon said after the last meeting they met to try and come up with the highest priority items in order to bring the price down as requested. Administration Center. The electrical system upgrades and site work were eliminated. Duct work will be taken care of and it will be insulated. The changes Rink $300,000 was saved at this facility. Oakview. The primary cost for this facility is for mechanical upgrades, then the building envelope, electrical upgrades and the parking lot. Painting will be done in- house. Cal ahan said there was talk about some type of lighting to brighten up the hallway as you walk in the building. Racquet Club. In this new estimate, all the lighting changes were dropped. Board said the exterior lighting is something they want to keep, if possible. The cost for the building envelope is the main cost. Putting a new roof should help a great deal, Pavilion. The biggest risk at this building is the chiller so replacing this is the priority and the one contemplated will give you an additional 20 tons. This will make a significant difference and will be a major upgrade. The plan is to add 5 additional light poles to the existing 6. Eliminating the site work will save an additional $200,000. Also, the front window section has to be replaced in order to get the maximum use from the air conditioner. Vorderer said we have a good chance to get a grant for lighting improvements and will know by April. Pool. The mechanical work is the only thing being done there. Two Memorial Pool, Stony Creek and the Johnson Center. All dropped. Center. The hot water system will be replaced. Kelly said these figures do not reflect if we get a Clean Energy grant. Items that were requested tonight were the acid room at Central Pool, the bathrooms at Oak view and outdoor lighting at the Racquet Club. Dan will fax the figures for these items to Director Kelly. Resident Rose Murtaugh asked about the status of Memorial Pool. Pres. Callahan said we knew we had a problem over there because of it leaking. There is a huge leak and we don’t have the money to fix it. Aquatics is changing and we may not have a need for 3 pools. We are trying to find a solution, discussing the possibility of having a splash pad. We will keep Central and Centennial Pools open. Memorial Pool will be closed this year – it has been leaking 32,000 gallons. That pool was designed to last 30 years and it has been open for 36 years. The baby pool will remain open. Kelly asked Mrs. Murtaugh her opinion of a splash pad and Mrs. Murtaugh said it would be primarily for boys and older children. Board said at the March 8th regular meeting there will be a presentation about the splash pad. ADJOURN:
McCauley moved, Andersen seconded to adjourn this meeting to Monday, s/s________________________________________ Gary Callahan, President s/s/________________________________________

Source: http://www.lib.oak-lawn.il.us/MINUTES/pd040226.pdf

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The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol. 40, No. 1, 151–162© 2012 World Scientific Publishing CompanyInstitute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and MedicineLien Chai Chiang§ and Chun Ching Lin* ††School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy§Department of Microbiology, College of MedicineAbstract: Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) causes serious pediatric infection of t


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