Introduction Pupils with asthma are welcomed in Lansdowne Primary School. They will be encouraged to take a full part in all activities in school. Although 1 in 10 children in the UK have asthma, most of them can expect to live a normal life. Aims
In accordance with the school’s responsibility to do so, to advise all staff (class teachers, sports teachers, break time supervisors, midday supervisors) on practical asthma management.
To allow children to have immediate access to reliever inhalers.
Implementation School Records
The school will first ask all parents whether their child has asthma (or is even wheezy). A record of all pupils with asthma is maintained on asthma school record cards that can be updated when necessary. Details of treatment will need to be obtained from parents, together with clear guidance on correct usage. Implementation will be in accordance with the school’s policy on administering medicine to pupils. Access to inhalers
Pupils can bring an additional inhaler to school (for use there or on the journey to school). Common reliever inhalers are: Ventolin, Bricanyl and Salbutamol. Pupils may have two preventer inhalers (for example Intal, Becotide, Pulmicort) to be taken during the school day. At school the issue of access to inhalers is a very important one. At Lansdowne Primary School pupils in the foundation phase will have their inhalers kept by a classroom teacher in a central place, eg teacher’s desk. This would normally be a reliever inhaler. In KS2 the pupils themselves will normally keep the inhalers. It is essential that the pupil has immediate access to his/her reliever inhaler at all times. Delay in taking reliever treatment can lead to a severe attack, and in rare cases prove fatal. Our school will ensure that the pupils have easy access to their inhalers at all times – in the classroom, on the sports field, at the swimming pool, at break and lunch times and on school trips. Each child that may require asthma medication during the school day, whether an infant or junior pupil, should have a supply that is kept at school, clearly labelled with the child’s name, date of birth and prescribed dose. Parents should replace this medication as required. In the event of any problems arising, contact should be made with the school nurse/doctor.
Some children with severe asthma may use an electric device, known as a nebuliser, to deliver asthma drugs. In such cases our school will liase with the GP/Nurse on correct management. Asthma in sports and PE Full participation in PE and sports should be the goal for all children except those most severely affected by asthma. However, many children with asthma will experience asthma symptoms during exercise. Teachers will need to encourage and support pupils with asthma. Children need to be reminded to take a dose of reliever medication a few minutes before they start the class and also to do a few short sprints over a 5-minute period to warm up. Children at KS2 need to make sure they take their reliever inhalers to the gym, sports field and swimming pool (in year 5). Pupils who are normally active should not be forced to participate in games if they are too wheezy to do so. Time may be taken to speak to parents to allay their concerns or fears about the participation in PE of children with asthma. The school environment Lansdowne Primary School does all that it can to ensure that the school environment is favourable to children with asthma. Staff and older KS2 pupils understand that inhaling someone else’s cigarette smoke can trigger attacks of asthma. Teaching and learning about asthma Our school tries to ensure that all children understand asthma. Asthma is included in the foundation phase and KS2 in our science topics (eg life processes and living things), geography in KS2 (when the study can cover the need to manage and sustain the environment in order to avoid pollution and other asthma triggers), and also history, focusing on changes in the local environment caused by changes in industry and transport.
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