Silent prayer or meditation, or reading of the prayer in Schedule 2.
Obituaries and other ceremonial matters.
Announcements or reports by the Premier.
Formal motions and notices by the Chief Whip.
Debate on the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill.
===================================== POSSIBLE FURTHER BUSINESS: 9. MOTIONS Dr S M Dhlomo, ANC, to move: This House notes:
The shocking passing away of Dr Senzosenkosi Mkhize who wasstabbed by a patient at Middelburg Hospital;
That this has affected the entire medical fraternity, as the countryfaces the challenge of a scarcity of doctors, and
That the safety of patients and staff is one of the six key priorities ofthe national Department of Health, as announced by MinisterMotsoaledi in his policy speech earlier this year. This House therefore resolves:
To encourage the Department of Health and other stakeholders tostrengthen security measures at health institution, and
To express its condolences to Dr Senzosenkosi Mkhize’s familyand the entire medical fraternity. Dr B T Buthelezi, IFP, to move: This House notes:
The coalition agreement between the ANC and NFP which seeks tostabilise governance at 19 municipalities in KZN which emergedwithout an outright winner in the 2011 local government elections,and
That many NFP councillors are failing to honour this agreement byvoting with the IFP to install IFP members to leadership positions inthese municipalities. This House therefore resolves:
To condemn the coalition that was clearly negotiated withoutconsultation with NFP structures and whose sole purpose was to
advance the personal ambitions of the NFP leader, without anyconcern for the people on the ground. Mr R E Keys, DA, to move: This House notes:
The increase in levels of poverty among the majority of Swaziland’scitizens;
The increasing opulence among members of the royal family andhousehold, and
The drive and determination of the people of Swaziland to establisha constitutional democracy. This House therefore resolves:
To express its solidarity with the people of Swaziland;
To call on the government to oppose human right abuses and toassist the people in working towards a constitutional democracy. Ms S Thakur-Rajbansi, MF, to move: This House notes:
That the recent local government election was an eye-opener whenit comes to the corrupt activities regarding flats and housing ineThekwini, and
That the beneficiaries lack the necessary knowledge regarding theirrights and responsibilities, as well as government programmes andprocedures. This House therefore resolves:
To call on the MEC for Local Government to investigate the workingof the eThekwini Housing Committee and the department from2004, and
To hold politicians, officials and “tenderpreneurs” to account for themess this crucial sector finds itself in. Inkosi N B Shabalala, IFP, to move:
kwemiphefumulo nasekucekelweni phansi kwempahla.
Kuyadumaza ukuthi namanje kusekhona abantu abasakholelwaekuxazululeni izinkinga ngodlame esikhundleni sokuxoxisana.
Siyakhathazeka futhi ngezinsolo ezithinta ukungaziphathi kahlekwamaPhoyisa
Le Ndlu inquma:
Ukuzichitha zonke izinhlobo zodlame ezenzeka kulo mbhikisho.
Ukunxusa zonke izinhlangothi ezithintekayo ukuba zihlale phansizixoxisane ngenhloso yokuxazulula le nkinga.
okusemandleni ukuzigcina ungabavikeli bomphakathi ugwemeukuthinteka ezenzweni ezehlisa isithunzi sawo. [This House is concerned about the outbreak of violence in Dukuzacaused by an increase in public taxi fares which has led to thedeath of people and the vandalising of property.It is sad to see that there are still people who believe in solvingproblems through violence instead of negotiations, andWe are also concerned about allegations of misconduct amongmembers of the Police Service who are extremely heavy-handedwhen dealing with protesters.This House therefore resolves: To condemn all acts of violence which take place during protests;To urge all relevant stakeholders to sit down and talk about theirproblems in order to come up with solutions;To urge the MEC for Transport, Community Safety and Liaison tointervene in this matter and encourage peace, andTo urge members of the Police Service to do everything in theirpower to promote peace and to discourage any form of misconductwhich puts the Police Service in a bad light.]Mr J Krog, DA, to move: This House notes:
Promises made by the ANC to fight corruption and eradicate fraud;
The ANC’s appointment of Alpha Shelembe as deputy mayor ofuMsunduzi, notwithstanding criminal charges against him;
The ANC’s appointment of Ms Hlatshwayo in the Department ofHealth after various investigations of fraud under her tenure asmayor;
That no disciplinary steps have yet been taken against the CEO ofIthala, and
The fraudulent use of government funds for canvassing by theANC. This House therefore resolves:
To call on the ANC to respect the difference between party
government, and to “walk the talk”. Ms N D Sikosana, ANC, to move: This House notes:
The innovative invention of the “WISE bag” by UKZN HIV/Aidsresearchers;
That the “WISE Bag” is a mechanism that sends a cell phonereminder to a woman, when she opens the bag, to use a Tenofovirmicrobicide gel before sexual intercourse, and to use another doseafterwards to prevent HIV transmission. This House therefore resolves:
To urge the Department of Health to support this kind of researchas the spread of the HI virus is still unacceptably high, especiallyamong young women. Mr J H Steenhuisen, DA, to move: This House notes:
The DA candidate for Ward 71 in Chatsworth, Jayraj Singh,trounced the Minority Front in the recent elections, despite the factthat the MF ran the filthiest campaign in the history of politics;
That the people of Ward 71 saw through the disgusting tactics ofthe MF and its so-called leader and sounding rejected his party atthe polls;
That, in addition, the MF candidate has since joined the DA andhas rejected the ugly racial campaigning of the MF and the filthybehaviour of its leader, and
That the MF is on the skids and is now left standing alone in thegutter where it belongs. Dr U Roopnarain, IFP, to move: This House notes:
That the 5th National Aids Conference has taken place in Durban,KwaZulu-Natal;
That conferences are collaborations between medical science,community and leadership, and
That the Portfolio Committee on Health has been totally excludedfrom attending or participating in the conference. This House therefore resolves:
To criticise this unacceptable oversight, as 1000 people in SouthAfrica die of Aids every day, so clearly some political will andleadership are also needed to fight the scourge. Dr M B Khoza, ANC, to move: This House notes:
The special contribution made to people’s lives by the late mamaSisulu. This House therefore resolves:
To pay a special tribute to mama Sisulu’s legacy by giving anunambiguous mandate to communities in KZN to -
Interrogate, debate, discuss and engage on issues regarding moraldecay, institutional integrity, value-for-money service deliveryprogrammes by the Executive Council, the oversight function ofthe KZN Legislature and the strengthening of municipalities –
in order to contribute in a tangible way to the prosperity of thisprovince, and
To request that the Management Committee on Rules considerallocating not less than three hours to this debate. Ms B S Mohlaka, IFP, to move: This House notes:
The cold-blooded murder of Dr Senzosenkosi Mkhize while on dutyat the Middelburg Hospital, a total loss to the country as there isalready such a shortage of medical doctors in South Africa. This House therefore resolves:
To express its anger and make a strong call for action inaddressing the issues of safety and security in our hospitals andclinics, and
To send our sincere sympathies and heartfelt condolences to thebereaved family of Mr Z J Mkhize, former Deputy Secretary to theKZN Legislature. Mr G Mari, DA, to move: This House notes:
The prediction of the DA that, following the local governmentelections, we would see a wounded tiger hiding in a tree, drunk onViagra juice, becoming a reality as the Indian vote swung towardsthe Democratic Alliance;
That the tiger was so badly mauled that it now suffers fromamnesia, denying the loss of support by members in the Indiancommunity, and
That its demented mind is now slipping into a sense of madnessand denial after losing two seats in Chatsworth. This House therefore resolves:
To congratulate the DA on increasing its support to 24% nationallyand on winning 10 additional seats in the Durban metro. Ms M C Frazer, ANC, to move: Le Ndlu iyaliqaphela:
Izinga eliphezulu lokuthakaselwa kombutho wabantu endaweniyaseMtshezi namaphethelo okubonakale ngesikhathi sokhetholohulumeni basemakhaya beyivotela ngobuningi babo.
emawodini awu 9 umbutho wabantu uhole amawadi awu 6okungokokuqala ngqa emlandweni woMtshezi. LeNdlu iphakamisa kanje:
umuntu wase SA okokuqala ngqa, umthetho uthathe indawo yawoezigebengwini. [This House notes: The massive support that the ruling party enjoys in Estcourt and itsneighbouring areas which was evident during the local governmentelections when people voted for the party in their numbers. For thefirst time in the history of Estcourt, the party won six out of ninewards, andThat there were criminals who tried to usurp the position of mayorthrough dishonest means.This House therefore resolves: To congratulate the people of Estcourt who, for the first time, didwhat many other people in South Africa did before, namely electedthe people’s party which liberated them. Let the law take its coursewhen it comes to those criminals.]Ms L A Mncwango, IFP, to move:
Izwakalisa ukushaqeka kwayo kanye neningi labantu abathandaubulungiswa ngesenzo se-ANC, sokuqoka uMnuz. Alpha ShelembeabeyiPhini
Lesi senzo se-ANC sokushaya indiva ukukhononda kwabantuiqoke lomholi sikhomba ukuthi kayikazimiseli ukuletha uzinzokuloMasipala. Le Ndlu inquma:
Ukusichitha isenzo se-ANC sokucabangela izisu zoComradengaphezu kokulalela izikhalo zabavoti nabakhokhintela, ngokuqokaabantu ababhekene namacala.
Ukukhalela abantu baseMgungundlovu ngamavoti abo emukenomfula
Kodwa-ke kucishe kungaismangazi thina be IFP ngoba vele u-ANCyindlovu engaphikiswa. What ANC wants ANC gets no matter whogets trampled on whilst thet so do. [This House: Along with the majority of people who believe in justice, expressesits shock that the ANC appointed Mr Alpha Shelembe as DeputyMayor of Msunduzi while he is facing charges of corruption, andNotes that the ANC, by appointment this leader, is ignoringpeople’s grievances, which is an indication that the ANC is notcommitted to maintaining stability in this municipality.This House therefore resolves: To condemn the ANC’s greediness by appointing people who arefaced with charges of corruption, instead of listening to thegrievances of the voters and the taxpayers;To sympathise with the people of uMgungundlovu who wasted theirvotes, as they will not find development under the tenure of thesekinds of leaders.The IFP, however, is not surprised by this because the ANC isautocratic. What the ANC wants, the ANC gets, no matter who getstrampled on in the process. Where is that government that issupposed to listen?]Mr T F N Stokes, DA, to move: This House notes:
The new ANC/NFP alliance that is frustrating the democratic voiceof the people;
The conflict and confusion in electing office bearers in variousmunicipalities throughout KZN as a result of NFP councilorsrefusing to dishonour the electorate and vote with their politicalenemies, and
The lack of a clear political vision and mandate from the NFP todistinguish itself from the ANC. This House therefore resolves:
To lament the undermining of the democratic rights of our people tovote for the party of their choice, and
To condemn the ANC for its continued efforts to narrow ourdemocracy. Ms H S Ngxongo, ANC, to move:
Imiphumela yalolu khetho ikhombisa ukuthi kule Ningizimu Afrikaeyakhululwa ngegazi lamaqhawe namaqhawekazi azabalazelainkululeko abantu kuwo womane amakhona esiFundazwe sethusebevulekile amehlo bayabona ukuthi ikusasa labo lisezandlenizobuholi bukaKhongolose.
EMkhanyakude nakwezinye izindawo abantu bakhulumile bathiimisebenzi kaKhongolose iyabonakala.
okhethweni oluzayo esehamba ngesithuthuthu. [This House: Congratulates the ANC on its historic success in the localgovernment elections that took place last month. The electionresults indicate that, in this South Africa that was liberated by theblood of our heroes and heroines who fought for the freedom of ourpeople in all four corners of our province, people have opened theireyes and now realise that their future is in the hands of the ANCleadership, andPeople in uMkhanyakude and other areas said that they can hadseen service delivery by the ANC. Political parties in this Housecame back riding Siyaya after the local government elections; in thenext election they will return, riding a motorbike.]Mr R Liptak, IFP, to move: This House notes:
The call by national Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan, for adebate on job creation, followed by the first instalment of R9 billionallocated for this purpose over the next three years. This House therefore resolves:
To welcome any meaningful debate on job creation, and
To urge the government to expand its job creation policies beyondthe supply side with the focus on State investment, towards thedemand side by relaxing the current labour laws. Ms V V Tambo, ANC, to move: This House notes:
That citizens of this country turned out in their numbers to cast theirvotes for the ruling party, the ANC, during the recent localgovernment elections that took place on 18 May 2011, and
That this shows that citizens of this country appreciate the warmththey receive from the hands of the ruling party, the African NationalCongress. This House therefore resolves:
To request the ruling party and government to work closely withmunicipalities to ensure a smooth running in terms of servicedelivery. Mr M B Gwala, IFP, to move:
leNkatha yeNkululeko yokuthi neboni baze balibona ukuthi libeletheindoda.
leNkatha yeNkululeko ufakaza imiphumela yokuqhetha kwesokalamanyala nomahlabadlule onjengetulo lokufulela indlu yotshani. Ms M M Mdlalose, DA, to move:
Amaqembu asebenze kahle afaka wonke umdlandla wokuvuselelaubuzwe nokuqhudelana nokuncintisana ukuze kube nokuphumelelaokhethweni. Amaqembu ancintisene baphumelela abantu kodwa ngibabazaangiqedi
Awukayiboni imicimbi engaka kugaywa ivoti noma uhulumeniuhlangabeza izidingo zomphakathi ugcine ungasaboni noma ama-campaign noma uHulumeni esebenza ngemali yabakhokhintelanoma iqembu ligqoke zonke izigqoko elizithela kuzo.
kukaHulumeni nokuhlukanisa phakathi kukaHulumeni nokusebenzakwamaqembu. [The political parties worked hard to revive the nation andcompeted against each other in order to win the elections.Political parties competed with each other and some won theelections. However, I am stunned that there is no visible distinctionbetween the government and the ruling party.There are many government functions that are held in order to gainvotes. You cannot distinguish whether the government is deliveringservices or whether it is campaigning for votes; whether thegovernment is using taxpayers’ money or whether it is the rulingparty simply wearing a different hat.This House therefore resolves: To review the work of the government, and to distinguish betweenthe government and the work of political parties.]Ms W P Zondi, ANC, to move:
Ngokuhlala kwale Ndlu okulandelayo ngiyokuphakamisa kanjeUKhongolose
uMnambithi (25 – 27)uMtshezi (6)iMbabazane (11)
Le Ndlu iphinde ibongele ubuqotho bamalungu e-NFP atheesethengwe ngemali yamanzi okufuze engabe ahanjiselwa abantukodwa yahlala esikhwameni sendoda ethile ebihamba ithengangayo inikezana u-R200 000 per person. Bayithathe bayibuyiselaemuva bathi phinde angeke sidayise ngabantu impilo yethu yonke. Imile-le imikhandlu iyavevezela kuze kukhihlika iqhwa endaweniyasoKhahlamba ukugeza izinyembezi
Namhlanje bazozuza intuthuko yabo. Amanzi adayisa e-Gautengazophuzwa yibo. Amanzi achitheka emfuleni azoklinwa bakwaziukuthi badle amanzi ahlanzekile.
Ngiyokuphakamisa ukuthi intando yeningi ayisoze yaphindelaemuva ngisho u-Hellen Zille angateta abantwana aphinde agezeizandla. [The ANC won uKhahlamba Region, also known as uThukela. Wewon the following municipalities –Mnambithi (25 – 27)Mtshezi (6)Mbabazane (11)Khahlamba (10)and we also took iNdaka from the IFP;This House congratulates the members of the NFP who refused tobe bribed with money that was supposed to be used for water, butended up in some man’s bag; and that man used the money tobribe people with an amount of R200 000 at a time;People refused this bribery and told the man that they would notsell out people’s lives. The council is angry because of this. The icein Khahlamba is melting and washing away the tears of people whoare crying for the money that ended up in some men’s bags;Today they will access service delivery. They will drink water fromGauteng. They will access clean water so that they can drink that;This democracy will never be taken back, even if Helen Zille carrieschildren and washes her hands.]Ms N R Majola, ANC, to move:
Iyakuncoma ikuhalalisele ukubamba iqhaza loMnyango wezeMpiloukuqinisekisa
liyophuthulwa ngomhlaka 10 June 2011, e-Kokstad, liholwa ilungalesiShayamthetho u-Honourable E V Dube, aligcini ekuvocavoceninje ligqugquzela uhlelo lokulwa nokukhulelwa kwentsha yethuibuye iqwashise intsha ngokuvikela ukutheleleka kwezifo zocansingokuzithiba ocansini. Le Ndlu inquma kanje:
Sonke siyazi inkunzi isematholeni masiyivikeleni intsha yethukulolubhubhane lwesifo. [This House: Praises and congratulates the Department of Health for playing itsrole in ensuring that the long-distance Abstinence Walk took place. This event, which has been running for the past 10 years, tookplace in Kokstad from 4 June to 10 June 2011, and was led by amember of the Legislature, the hon E V Dube. The event does notonly focus on exercising, but also encourages the fight againstteenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.This House therefore resolves: To protect our youth from such diseases, since we all know that theleaders of the future are found among our youth.]Ms G N Swartbooi, ANC, to move:
Iyakunaka ukuthi kokokuqala ngqa izinhlangano namaqembuKwaZulu-Natal engenele umkhankaso woHulumeni baseKhayalapho bekukhona izinga eliphezulu lokuhloniphana, ukungesabisaninokubekezelelana.
Lokho kwenze isibalo sabantu abaphumile bayovota senyukakakhulu kunangaphambili. Le Ndlu inquma:
umhlanganiso ihambe phambili ngo ± 56% e-KZN, lokho kwenziwekukudlondlobala kwayo kwizifunda ezinjengo Thukela, uMzinyathi,Amajuba, Umkhanyakude ngisho nase Zululand siyanyathela.
esiShayamthetho ijazi ligcwele umoya. [This House notes: that, for the first time in history, the political parties that participatedin the elections in KwaZulu-Natal showed a high level of respect,non-victimisation and tolerance, andThat this has led to an increase in the number of people whoparticipated in voting, compared to previous elections.This House therefore resolves: To praise and congratulate the ANC for winning some 56% ofwards in KZN, which was the result of the growth of the party indistricts like uThukela, uMzinyathi, Amajuba, uMkhanyakude andZululand.This has led to the return of the hon Gwala to the Legislature.As we speak, the ANC now has 50 mayors in 61 municipalities.]
Date: 26/9/2012 Imtiaz Cajee - Biography: I was born in August 1966 at my maternal grand-parents’ residence. As per Indian tradition, a first time mother is expected to return to her parents’ home for maternity, thus I was born in Roodepoort on the West Rand. However, forty days after my birth my mother returned to her matrimonial home in Standerton, the Eastern Transvaal (now Mpumalan