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Publication list of Werner Brannath
A) Original papers in Statistics and Mathematics published in
peer-reviewed journals

Gutjahr G, Brannath W, Bauer P, (2010). A general approach to the conditional error rate principle with nuisance parameters. Biometrics, accepted. Brannath W and Bretz F (2010). Shortcuts for locally consonant closed test procedures. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105 (490): 660-669. Bauer P, Koenig F, Brannath W, Posch M (2010). Selection and bias - Two hostile brothers. Statistics in Medicine, 29(1):1-13. Brannath W, Bretz F, Maurer W, Sarkar S (2009), Weighted and trimmed Simes' test for two hypotheses. Biometrical Journal, 51(6):885-898. Brannath W, Zuber E, Branson M, Bretz F, Gallo P, Posch, M, Racine A, (2009) Confirmatory adaptive designs with Bayesian decision tools for a targeted therapy in oncology. Statistics in Medicine, 28(10):1445-1463. Stallard N, Posch M, Friede T, Koenig F, Brannath W (2009) Optimal Choice of the number of treatments to be included in a clinical trial. Statistics in Medicine, 28(9):1321-1338. Bretz F, Maurer W, Brannath W, Posch M. (2009) A graphical approach to sequentially rejective multiple test procedures. Statistics in Medicine, 28(4), 586-604. Brannath W, Mehta CR, Posch M. (2009) Exact confidence bounds following adaptive group sequential tests. Biometrics, 65(2):539-546. Koenig F, Brannath W, Bretz F, Posch M. (2008) Adaptive Dunnett tests for treatment selection. Statistics in Medicine, 27(10):1612-1625 10. Posch M, Wassmer G, Brannath W (2008) A note on repeated p-values for group sequential designs. Biometrika, 95(1):253-256 11. Mehta CR, Bauer B, Posch M, Brannath W (2007) Repeated confidence intervals for adaptive group sequential trials. Statistics in Medicine, 26(30):5422-5433 12. Brannath W, Koenig F, Bauer P. (2007) Multiplicity and flexibility in clinical trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics, 6(3):205-16. 13. König F, Bauer P, Brannath W (2006) Combining treatment selection and definitive testing - Rejoinder Biometrical Journal 48:693-94 14. König F, Bauer P, Brannath W (2006) An adaptive hierarchical test procedure for selecting safe and efficient treatments. Biometrical Journal 48:663-78 (with discussions) 15. Brannath W, König F, Bauer P (2006) Estimation in flexible two stage designs. Statistics in Medicine 25(19):3366-3381. On the efficacy of adaptive designs for flexible interim decisions in clinical trials. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136:1956-1961 17. Posch M, Koenig F, Branson M, Brannath W, Dunger-Baldauf C, Bauer P (2005) Testing and estimation in flexible group sequential designs with adaptive treatment selection, Statistics in Medicine 24(24):3697-714. Optimal conditional error functions for the control of conditional power. Biometrics, 60:715-23. 19. Brannath W, König K, Bauer P (2003) Improved repeated confidence bounds in trials with a maximal goal. Biometrical Journal 45:311-24. 20. Brannath W, Bauer P, Maurer W, Posch M (2003) Sequential tests for noninferiority and superiority. Biometrics 59:106-14. Issues in designing flexible trials. Statistics in Medicine 22:953-69. Recursive combination tests. Journal of the American Statistical Association 97:236-44. 23. Bauer P, Brannath W, and Posch M (2001) Multiple testing for identifying effective and safe doses. Biometrical Journal 43:605-16. Séminaire de Probabilités Vol. XXXIII (Lecture Notes in Mathematics), 1709:349-54. Heteroclinic networks on the tetrahedron. Nonlinearity 7:1367-84. Impact Factor: 1.359 B) Overview papers published in peer-reviewed journals
26. Bretz F, Koenig F, Brannath W, Glimm E, Posch M (2009) Adaptive Designs for Confirmatory Clinical Trials. Statistics in Medicine, 28(8):1181-1217. The advantages and disadvantages of adaptive designs for clinical trials. Drug Discovery Today, 9:351-7. Flexible two stage designs: an overview. Methods of Information in Medicine 40:117-21. C) Papers from clinical collaborations published in peer-
reviewed journals

29. Krebs I, Hagen S, Brannath W, Haas P, Womastek I, de Salvo G, Ansari-Shahrezaei S, Binder S. (2010). Repeatability and reproducibility of retinal thickness measurements by optical coherence tomography in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology 117, 8:1577-84 30. Boltz A, Luksch A, Wimpissinger B, Maar N, Weigert G, Frantal S, Brannath W, Garhofer G, Ergun E, Stur M, Schmetterer L. (2010). Choroidal Blood Flow and Progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in the Fellow Eye in Patients with Unilateral Choroidal Neovascularization. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 51 (8): 4220-4225 31. Krebs I, Falkner-Radler CI, Hagen S, Haas P, Brannath W, Lie S, Ansari-Shahrezaei S, Binder S.(2009). Quality of Threshold Algorithm in Age-related Macular Degeneration: Stratus versus Cirrus OCT. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 50(3):995-1000 32. Weghofer A, Munné S, Brannath W, Chen S, Barad D, Cohen J, Gleicher N. (2009). The impact of LH-containing gonadotropin stimulation on euploidy rates in preimplantation embryos: antagonist cycles. Fertility and Sterility 92(3):937-42 33. Wimpissinger B, Kellner L, Brannath W, Krepler K, Stolba U, Mihalics C, Binder S,.(2008) 23 Gauge versus 20 Gauge System for Pars Plana Vitrectomy: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial. British Journal Of Ophthalmology 92(11):1483-7 34. Weghofer A, Munné S, Brannath W, Chen S, Tomkin G, Cekleniak N, Garrisi M, Barad D, Cohen J, Gleicher N. (2008). The impact of LH-containing gonadotropins on diploidy rates in preimplantation embryos: long protocol stimulation. Human Reproduction 23(3):499-503. 35. Matthes-Martin S, Pötschger U, Bergmann K, Frommlet F, Brannath W, Bauer P, Klingebiel T. (2008). Risk-adjusted outcome measurement in pediatric allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Biology of blood and marrow transplantation 4(3):335-43. 36. Thurnher D, Erovic BM, Frommlet F, Brannath W, Ehrenberger K, Jansen B, Selzer E, Grasl MC. (2008). Challenging a dogma - surgery yields superior long-term results for T1a squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic larynx compared to radiotherapy. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 34(6):692-8 37. Willeit M, Sitte HH, Thierry N, Michalek K, Praschak-Rieder N, Zill P, Winkler D, Brannath W, Fischer MB, Bondy B, Kasper S, Singer EA. (2008). Enhanced Serotonin Transporter Function during Depression in Seasonal Affective Disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 33(7):1503-1. 38. Krebs I, Brannath W, Glittenberg C, Zeiler F, Sebag J, Binder S. (2007). Posterior Vitreomacular Adhesion: A Potential Risk Factor for Exudative Age-related Macular Degeneration? American Journal of Ophthalmology 144(5): 741-746. 39. Weghofer A, Munne S, Brannath W, Barad D, Cohen J, Gleicher N (2007). Qualitative and quantitative effect of gonadotropin stimulation on the embryonal aneuploidy rate in the scope of in vitro fertilisation. Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde 67:533-533 40. Wöber C, Brannath W, Schmidt K, Kapitan M, Rudel E, Wessely P, Wober-Bingol C (2007) Prospective analysis of factors related to migraine attacks: the PAMINA study. Cephalalgia 27 (4): 304-314 41. Delle Karth G, Buberl A, Nikfardjam M, Meyer B, Wollenek G, Grimm M, Lassnigg A, Brannath W, Hiesmayr M, Heinz G (2007). Role of amiodarone on the systemic inflammatory response induced by cardiac surgery: proinflammatory actions. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia / Journal canadien d'anesthésie 54 (4): 262-268 42. Sunyer B, Patil S, Frischer C, Hoger H, Selcher J, Brannath W, Lubec G (2007). Strain- dependent effects of SGS742 in the mouse. Behavioural Brain Research 181 (1): 64-75 43. Kellner L, Wimpissinger B, Stolba U, Brannath W, Binder S (2007). 25 Gauge versus 20 Gauge System for Pars Plana Vitrectomy: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial. British Journal of Ophthalmology 91 (7): 945-948 44. Chiari C, Pirich C, Brannath W, Kotz R, Trieb K. (2006). What Affects the Recurrence and Clinical Outcome of Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis? Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research, 450:172-8 45. Erovic BM, Pelzmann M, Grasl MCh, Pammer J, Kornek G, Brannath W, Selzer E, Thurnher D (2005). Mcl-1, vascular endothelial growth factor-R2, and 14-3-3sigma expression might predict primary response against radiotherapy and chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. Clinical Cancer Research 15(11):8632-6 46. Krischek B, Morgenstern E, Mestres P, Klinkhardt U, Brannath W, Wieding U, Nemeh A, Heinrich W, Schenk J, Wenzel T, Wenzel E (2005). Adhesion, spreading, and aggregation of platelets in flowing blood and the reliability of the retention test Homburg. Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis 31(4):449-57. 47. Krischek B, Brannath W, Klinkhardt U, Graff J, Wieding U, Nemeh A, Heinrich W, Schenk J, Wenzel T, Wenzel E (2005). Role of the retention test Homburg in evaluating platelet hyperactivity and in monitoring therapy with antiplatelet drugs. Seminars in thrombosis and 48. Fialka C, Oberleitner G, Stampfl P, Brannath W, Hexel M, Vecsei V (2005). Modification of the Constant-Murley shoulder score - Introduction of the individual relative Constant score. Individual shoulder assessment. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 6(10):1159-65. 49. Krebs I, Binder S, Stolba U, Glittenberg C, Brannath W, Goll A (2005). Choroidal neovascularisation in pathologic myopia. Three years results after photodynamic therapy. American journal of ophthalmology 140(3):416-25. 50. Focke M, Sesztak-Greinecker G, Brannath W, Gotz M, Jarisch R, Hemmer W (2005). Plasma levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with atopic dermatitis and in atopic and nonatopic controls. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 117(13-14):485-91. 51. Krebs I, Binder S, Stolba U, Schmid K, Glittenberg C, Brannath W, Goll A (2005) OCT guided retreatment of photodynamic therapy. British Journal of Ophthalmology 89(9):1184-7. 52. Schreinzer D, Ballaban T, Brannath W, Lang T, Hilger E, Fasching P, Fischer P (2005). Components of behavioral pathology in dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry 20:137-45. 53. Boigner H, Brannath W, Hermon M, Stoll E, Burda G, Trittwein G, Golej J (2004). Predictors of mortality at initiation of peritoneal dialysis in children after cardiac surgey. Annals of thoracic surgery 77:61-5. 54. Stacher G, Lenglinger J, Bergmann H, Schneider C, Brannath W, Festa A, Meghdadi S, Stacher-Janotta G (2003). Impaired gastric emptying and altered intragastric meal distribution in diabetes mellitus related to autonomic neuropathy? Digestive diseases and sciences 48:1027-34. 55. Spacek A, Orlicek F, Woeber C, Brannath W, Wessely P, Kress HG (2002). Ganglionic local opioid analgesia in refractory trigeminal neuralgia: Just a placebo? A randomized, controlled, double-blind, cross-over study. Pain Clinic 14:195-200. 56. Vormittag W, Brannath W (2001). As to the clastogenic-, sister-chromatid exchange inducing- and cytotxic activity of inosine triphosphate in cultures of human peripheral lymphocytes. Mutation Research-Fundamental And Molecular Mechanisms Of Mutagenesis 476:71-81 57. Wöhrl S, Kriechbaumer N, Hemmer W, Focke M, Brannath W, Götz M, Jarisch R (2001). A cream containing the chelator DTPA (diethylenetriaminepenta-acetic acid) can prevent contact allergic reactions to metals. Contact Dermatitis 44:224-8. 58. Gustorff G, Felleiter P, Nahlik G, Brannath W, Hoerauf KH, Spacek A, Kress HG (2001). The effect of remifentanil on the heat pain threshold in volunteers. Anesthesia and analgesia 92:369-74. 59. End A, Hollaus P, Pentsch A, Brannath W, Janakiev D, Mueller MR, Pridun N, Wolner E (2000). Bronchoplastic procedures in malignant and nonmalignant disease: Multivariable analysis of 144 cases. Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 120:119-27. 60. Holzäpfel A, Festa A, Stacher-Janotta G, Bergmann H, Shnawa N, Brannath W, Schernthaner G, Stacher G (1999). Gastric emptying in Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus before and after therapy readjustment: no influence of actual blood glucose concentration. Diabetologia 42:1410-2. D) Book
Brannath W, Futschik A (2001) Statistik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (Lehrbuch)
UTB (ISBN 3-8252-2207-1)



Table of Contents Letter of Introduction ………………………………………………Page 2 Daily Schedules ……………………………………………………Page 3 Infants, Creepers, Toddlers Clothing and Personal Belongings .……………………………….Page 5 Arrival and Departure Procedures Transportation Procedures Emergencies and Hazardous Weather Health and M

Spotting bleeding and cramping

Spotting, Bleeding & Cramping What are the possible causes of bleeding or spotting? ANYTIME • Cervical friability (i.e. cervix that bleeds easily for benign reasons – often after sex) • Irritation or trauma, especially if infection (i.e. chlamydia), or cervical cyst/polyp present • Haemorrhoids • Growth spurt (common around 12 weeks, again around 20 weeks – often with c

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