No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.

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Oil Pulling
Dr. F. Karach Visit Author's Website ( March 13, 2007 Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the All-Ukrainian Association. Oncologists and Bacteriologists belonging to the Academy of Science of the USSR attended the meeting. Dr. Karach explained an unusual simple healing process using cold-pressed oils. The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt concerning the contents of his report. However, after further examining the workings of the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its validity and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method. This simple method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of medications that can have harmful side effects. The exciting factor of this healing method is its simplicity. It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in the mouth (Sunflower or Sesame,) Please note you don't need to go for organic oils only, A normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to be effective in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the human organism on its own. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue and all organs simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste without disturbing the healthy micro flora. Dr. Karach says human beings are living only half their life span. They could potentially live healthy to be 140 to 150 years old. The method
In the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach you take one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil
Slowly in the mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as “sip, suck, and pull” through the teeth for fifteen to twenty
minutes. This process makes oil thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes draw toxins
out of the blood. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and
white. If the oil is still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from the mouth, the oral cavity must be
thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be washed thoroughly. Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean. (Thieves oil,
Clean the sink properly; you can use some antibacterial soap to clean the sink. The spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic
bodily waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times under a microscope, one would see microbes in
their first stage of development.
It is important to understand that during the oil-pulling/swishing process one’s metabolism is intensified. This leads to
improved health. One of the most striking results of this process is the fastening of loose teeth, the elimination of bleeding
gums and the visible whitening of the teeth.
The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To accelerate the healing process, it can be repeated three times a day,
but always before meals on an empty stomach.
(a) Do not swallow. The oil should be spat out. But inadvertently if you swallow there is nothing to worry. It will go out
through faeces. Nothing is to be done.
(b) If you are allergic to a particular brand of oil, change the brand of oil or change to different oil, or
upgrade to an organic oil.
(c) Sunflower and Sesame oil have been found to be equally effective in curing diseases. Other oils were not found to be as good. Do not blame oil pulling by practicing with other oils. Use cold pressed oils. Results of Oil Pulling
The result of this healing research has attracted amazement and resulted in further research. This additional research
concerning Oil Therapy has now been thoroughly documented, especially with regard to physiological similarities between
individuals. It is surprising that through this biological healing method a wide variety of symptoms have unquestionably
disappeared without any side effects. This simple method makes it possible completely heal such a wide variety of diseases
which would normally be treated by an operation or by powerful or potent Drugs, usually with significant side effects.
The simplicity of this healing system in which Oil is swirled backwards and forwards in the mouth is due
to the stimulating effect, which it has on the body's eliminatory system.
Through this method it is possible to heal individual cells, cell conglomerates such as lymph nodes and more complex tissues
such as internal organs simultaneously. This occurs because the beneficial micro flora throughout the body are provided with a
healthy continuum. Without this natural bodily intrusive element evinced by the micro flora the usual pattern of human health
tends to lean towards illness rather than wellness. Dr. Karach anticipates that regular application of this treatment by reversing
this process so that wellness is the dominant state of the human body is likely to increase the average human lifespan to
approximately 150 years, double the present life expectancy.
Dr. Karach is supported in this view by other colleagues in the world.
By means of this treatment {Oil Pulling} it is invariably the result that diseases like migraine headaches, bronchitis, diseased
teeth, arterial thrombosis, chronic blood disorders such as leukemia, arthritis and related illnesses, neuro physiological
paralysis, eczema, gastro enteritis, peritonitis, heart disease, kidney disease, meningitis, and women’s hormonal disorders are
completely eliminated from the organism.
The benefit of Dr. Karach's method is that the oil therapy heals the whole body in perpetuity. In terminal diseases such as
cancer, Aids and chronic infections this treatment method has been shown to successfully replace all others. Dr. Karach has
successfully healed a chronic leukemia patient with 15 years of harsh treatment methods behind him. Acute arthritis in 1
patient who was totally bedridden was removed from his body in 3 days with no inflammation apparent.
NOTE: The recommended oils to use are Sunflower Oil, Sesame Oil. We are
receiving many emails about which oil to use. Our experience with thousands of people across the globe says USE COLD
PRESSED OIL as first choice, if it is not available use REFINED OIL (which seems to be effective in the process too). We
have observed that any oil other than SUNFLOWER or SESAME may not be effective.
User Experiences Results of Oil pulling Survey by a news paper in India: In 1996, after continuous publication of a regular column for three years in their Sunday edition on OP, Andhra Jyoti, a Telugu daily news paper, conducted a survey to find out the types of diseases cured and the effectiveness of OP. Out of a total of 1041 respondents, 927 (89%) reported cure of one or more diseases. People who did not report any cure were 114(11%).The analysis indicated cure of the following types of chronic diseases: Pains in the body and problems pertaining to neck and above 758 cases Allergy and respiratory problems of lungs like asthma, bronchitis etc191 cases Skin problems like pigmentation, itching, scars, black patches, and eczema etc 171 cases Digestive system-155 cases Constipation-110 cases Arthritis and joint pains-91 cases Heart disease and B.P-74 cases Diabetes-56 cases Piles-27 cases Diseases pertaining to female reproductive system reported by women-21 cases Diseases like Polio, Cancer, Leprosy, polycystic kidney, neural fibroma, paralysis etc 72 Sample testimonies of different disease cured There are many testimonies of disease cured from different people, differing in age, sex and duration of disease. More examples are given in my book on “Oil Pulling and Healthy Habits”. Sample testimonies of chronic diseases cured are appended below for showing the curative effect of OP. Forty five year old Asthma and Allergy cured I am 56 years old. I have been suffering from allergy and asthma from the age of 11 years when I had my first menses. Whenever I had head bath after monthly periods I was suffering from asthma, cough and phlegm. It was very severe. This was lasting for about 3-4 days every month. In addition whenever I had head bath I used to suffer from the same type of allergy. I had tried all types of treatment for 45 years to get rid of this but without any success. I was spending my life with medicines but without cure. They had even diagnosed as a heart problem. I had lost hope of living. Life seamed a big burden and uncertain. At this stage, on 3rd March 94 I met you (T Koteswara rao) in a marriage and you came to me and explained to me about OP and encouraged me to practice it. 2 months after practicing my problems of health became a little more severe and I took them as healing reactions and consoled myself with the hope that I am going to be cured totally after the reactions. These reactions lasted for about 2 months. Now after 9 months of OP I have become wonderfully healthy. Asthma has gone, no pains in the joints or body, no spots or discoloration of the skin instead the skin has acquired a new shine, digestion has improved and I can eat anything without the fear of allergy. It is really enjoyable to eat things, which you like instead of fearing about allergy and asthma. My advice to all women is, do OP for all your problems you will remain healthy and your looks will improve. Ms.V.Lakshminarsamamba, Krishna Dt, A.P Allergy Asthma- Exhilarating Experience On the first day of OP Feb 25, 1995, I felt an exhilarating feeling of freshness in the mouth. Because of OP, addiction to cigar smoking cured on Mar 28, 1995. I was able to work with increased energy, concentration and less impatience. My nostrils were clear and clean. I had food allergic asthma from September 1975. By end of March '95, I gave up the use of inhalers for asthma. Numbness in hands and legs disappeared in April 1995. Discomfort in my feet and joints due to walking disappeared by April '95. The food tastes better and I feel more energetic. I am enjoying the freshness of mouth, good health and very sound sleep due to OP. Prof V.R.R.M. Babu, (57 years), Geology Dept, Andhra University, Waltair Allergic bronchitis with wheezing For the last three months, my wife and I are doing OP regularly. I suffer from severe running nose. Now after I started doing OP, the running nose has become very mild and it persists only for a day or so. I also used to get severe bouts of cough and with great difficulty manage to get the sputum out. Now the running nose does not follow by cough. My wife used to develop allergic bronchitis with wheezing due to dust or after severe cold and on long journeys. She tried OP for three months and did not develop wheezing or severe cough. Dr. P.V.R.D.N. Prasad Sarma, (practicing since 1955), Machilipatnam, AP Most importantly, I want to write about three cases of cancer. In two cases, biopsy report confirms “schirrus type of carcinoma of uterus”. In the third case, it is malignant growth of a tumor of a size bigger than tennis ball on the jawbone. This case is also of a woman on homeopathy medicines. Within two months of OP, in both cases of carcinoma of uterus bleeding reduced, general condition improved and they are confident that their disease will go. You know confidence/faith contributes to cure more than medicine. In the case of malignant tumor after a month of OP, pus came out of a hole in the tumor on the jawbone. The pus stopped after three weeks, the hole closed and the size of tumor came down to almost normal. In these cases, my medicines must have given temporary relief. I am hoping they will totally heal. In case of joint pains the improvement that would have resulted in eight months with my medicines, have come within two moths of OP. For allergy, asthma and tooth diseases, the results are wonderful. My medicines must have given only temporary relief. I am hoping OP will heal them totally. Dr.S.Chandramouli, Homeopath, Gollalamamidalam, E.G. Dt., A. P Constipation – Piles-“With OP Health Is Great Wealth” I have been practicing OP for the last one year with Til (gingelly -sesame) oil for fifteen to twenty minutes daily in the morning without fail. I am 82 years old. I have been suffering from constipation and piles for the last four decades. I consulted many doctors, used many medicines but with only temporary relief. Within two weeks of practicing OP, I started getting relief. There was no pain during motion. Inflammation and piles decreased. I started having free and clear evacuation. I am sleeping peacefully and happily at night. Indigestion, lack of appetite has gone. Decades old pain has gone just by doing OP with gingelly (sesame) oil. Our Ayurvedic treatment is a comprehensive solution for all diseases. It is good for all to practice. -“With OP Health Is Great Wealth”. Padma Bhusan Sri Kalogi Narayana Rao, People's Poet, Tirupathi, A.P My age is 41 years. I am a diabetic patient with no children. After doing OP for three months, I became pregnant. At the time of pregnancy, my blood sugar increased. I stopped OP for about a month thinking it was aggravating my problem. Having come to know that aggravation is a sign of cure, I started OP again. The sugar level came down and I continued OP throughout my pregnancy. After a caesarian operation, I gave birth to a baby. The doctors checked for sugar, both for the baby and me. We both were free from sugar. The wound healed well and stitches removed on the seventh day. Doctor was astonished at this. I found OP benefited me in the following ways: I weigh 90 Kgs. height 4’11” with weak twisted foot. By walking, the foot used to become septic and pus used to ooze. By OP and walking daily, I became strong and was able to walk up the steps without difficulty. OP reduced sugar gradually and diabetes cured. The skin became clear and shining and the spots on the body disappeared. The body became strong, teeth firm; gums healthy and the hair turned black and stopped becoming white or gray. Mrs AVL Umamaheswari, Commercial Tax Dept, Eluru, A.P. At the advanced age of 74, it is unjust to expect miraculous result from any kind of therapy. Yet I must say that what I have experienced through OP therapy is almost a miracle and quite unbelievable. Diabetes has been troubling me for the past 13 years. Now my blood sugar level is normal, though I do not take any medicine. I have discontinued all medication including vitamins, enzymes etc. (Swami Swarupanand Bharati, (K.R.K.Chetty,IPS,D.I.G.(Retd)), Hyderabad Retired Brigadier’s report on major problems of health-Heart:- I had a heart attack in Febraury 1987. Angiography revealed 2-vessel disease. RCA, CTX fully blocked, and LCA clear. For more than 11 years, has been on medicines. I had Parkinson’s disease for the last 5 years and been on medicines. I started regular OP on Feb 15, 1998 and completed 5 months. I do it only once everyday in the morning. The results are - Blood Pressure: There has been a distinct drop. Now it is generally 130/80. Breathlessness - Disappeared. This means increased exercise tolerance. Insomnia: Now I have sound sleep. No longer getting up several times for going to the toilet Snoring - Totally gone much to the satisfaction of other family members Phlegm - It used to be a major problem. Now totally cured Gums - Much healthier, red, and no longer bleeding Teeth - Cleaner and healthier Itching - Disappeared Blood clots near the ankles - 90-95% disappeared. Skin, which used to be black, has become whitish (due to better blood circulation) Blood vessels - Used to be bulging out prominently, especially on the back of the palms. Now the hands are smooth and arteries/veins have become soft. Temperament - Now much more tolerant with 90% improvement Involuntary tremors - The improvement is 40 % Reduced limbs functioning - Especially in the right arm and leg, there is significant improvement, manifested by improved handwriting to about 60-70% Swollen feet/ ankles - Swelling has reduced to the extent of 50-60% Eyesight - Been using reading glasses for the past 25 years and am pleasantly surprised to manage playing bridge for the first time without spectacles Vertigo - For the first time in my life, I had a few incidents. Investigation revealed very high blood sugar levels controlled by exercise and food control Memory - There is much improvement in memory General - Improved breathing, better blood circulation, better reflexes, better exercise tolerance, and cool temper and can easily walk with out fatigue Medicines - Tapered down in a systematic manner, sleeping pills no longer needed, and Parkinson’s medicines not required The digestion is perfect. Speed of writing, tying of turban and strength of right arm shows overall improvement. The shine and health of the skin is also improving. Brig (Retd) T.S.Chowdary, (63years), Janakpuri, New Delhi Retired Civil Surgeon’s Report- Left Ventricular failure I had recently suffered from Left Ventricular failure. After 15 days of starting OP, I could find the change in my condition as evidenced by the echocardiogram. I was suffering from Acid Peptic disease (duodenal ulcer) for the past 30 years, and OP has miraculously given relief and I have stopped using antacids. I had Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate since some years, and after OP nocturnal frequency of urine is much reduced. Some minor ailments like stomatitis (inflammation of the mucus membrane of the mouth), glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), itching of skin on chest and neck, discoloration of skin have also gone. After OP, I saw my palms appeared definitely bright and full-blooded. So I went to the laboratory and got my HB tested. I was surprised to see that my hemoglobin content of blood has risen from 11gms to 12.4gms within a period of 2 months. Dr. N.Ranga Rao, Dy. Civil Surgeon (Retd.), Peddapuram, A.P I have been suffering from bad smell in the mouth and pyorrhea for the last eight years. Mouth smell has not gone except visiting the dentist and getting things cleaned, and medication, Medication and dental cleaning was giving me only temporary relief. After five months of OP bad smell in the mouth has completely gone whereas, pyorrhea has decreased and I feel confident that I will be normal without this problem. OP has helped me to bring back my self-confidence in a helpless state. With your kindness I am breathing happily and feel that you have given me rebirth. G.B.Rao, Rajamundry, A.P I am one of the old patients suffering from mouth ulcer since last 12 to 15 years. After going through the article published in Kannada Prabha daily I started "OIL PULLING" twice in a day (morning & evening) from 27th of June 1995 along with medicine. During initial 2-3 months period I got only 25 % benefit. After that I got more benefit in 4-5 months period. After completing 6 months I got 100 % result and at the same time I slowly reduced my medicines. Now after completing of 7 months I have completely stopped the medicines and I have no complaints of mouth ulcer since last 2 to 3 months. So I am happy to say that I got 100 % relief/cure of my old sickness of mouth ulcer from "OIL PULLING". Salamander Shiny Parkal, Manipal In my 36th year in 1980, I had suddenly developed double vision and right eyelid closing. Diagnosed as myasthenia gravis, medicine (prostigmine) prescribed. During the year 1993, I started practicing OP. I used medicine for one month along with OP. Later I stopped medicines and continued OP. Myasthenia Gravis cured without medicines. When I stopped for one month, it came up again. Now I do OP only and do not use any medicines. T.Brahmaji Rao, Pedavadlapudu, Guntur Dt. A.P I had back pain for the past ten years and have been taking treatment for the same with several doctors and traction was also given for sufficiently long time without any improvement. I never used to go to bed without a medicine like Brufen, Voveran and others daily. After reading the essay by Sri Tummala Koteswara Rao on OP, I started practicing OP with sunflower refined oil and started finding improvement within fifteen days and I was much relieved of the pain within three months. Now it is six months since I have been doing it and 90% of the pain is relieved. Now along with the back pain, the pain in my neck and arm pits has also gone. I am not taking any medicine for the back pain. I do not dare to stop OP. After finding good results myself, I started giving lectures in Telugu on "Keep Fit with OP" in various local schools and associations and all of them are doing and most of them are very much benefited. Dr.V.Prabhakar(48years) MDS (Madras), Guntakal A.P Back pain and Arthritis I have been suffering from arthritis in the knees for the last 10 years and pain in the lower back for the last two decades. I have tried several allopathic medicines and got a temporary relief. I started doing OP from Nov 17 1995 and observed miraculous changes happening. Within 5 days, my arthritis in the knees and lower back pain completely cured. It is just unbelievable how arthritis of the knees cured, which the allopathic medicines could not do. Subedar Juvva Gandhi, Sub-area HQ, Karnataka, Bangalore. Though I was reading the reports of the efficacy of OP in curing certain diseases in “Andhra jyoti”, I did not begin until my brother, got relief from asthma and advised me to practice. I was not able to sleep under a fan or in the open as my nose used to block. Cold-water bath was another curse. After practicing OP, I am able to sleep right under the fan with full speed with no discomfort. The occasional asthmatic or esonophilia attacks vanished. The pain on the left knee and right ankle for three to four years are no longer there. A small eruption on my skull - five years old - vanished. - 20 years old piles - has miraculously vanished. Prof.T.Venugopal Rao, Principal, Vishaka Institute of Professional Studies, J.R. Nagar, Vishakapatnam, A.P I am 79 years and have retired as a teacher. I wanted to be healthy by doing OP and have been practicing once daily since November 95. I have eczema for the last 30 years on the left foot. It has been there inspite of various treatments. Similarly, on the right hand index finger eczema is there for the last 10 years. I have lower back pain for quite few years. It was called spondylitis. I have been OP for the last 1 year and 8 months. Lower back pain has completely gone and no pain. Eczema on the right index finger is also cured and skin is normal. The eczema on the left foot is becoming normal with a little itching sometimes. I am sure it will also go, but the cure is simply surprising, but I am confident that the remaining symptoms of eczema on the left foot will also be cured. C.V.Purnachandra Rao, Chennai, T.N I am an 86 year, aged retired public servant. I developed tooth ache. The toothache was really agonizing. I thought, I may try, being a skeptic, oil pulling before visiting the dentist. Hardly did I try it for a couple of days then the intensity of ache came down. In another two days the pain stopped totally. This pain was centered on an incisor the base of which was affected and tooth itself was shaking. Having got some relief I developed faith in its efficacy and continued the treatment for a fortnight. The affected tooth miraculously firmed up and now I am able to bite fruits and other not so hard items of food. This is a radical change.I feel thankful for this therapy. G.R.Bhagavannarayana,(Retd,Govt service), 86 years, Rajamundry,533 105 AP. Thank you for visiting: Please share this information and


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