Microsoft word - posterpresentations20100928.doc

Poster Presentations (as of September 27)
Presenting authors are requested to stay at their posters during the following hours.
odd numbers : October 12(Tue), 17:30-18:30; October 13(Wed), 18:30-19:30 even numbers : October 12(Tue), 18:30-19:30; October 13(Wed), 17:30-18:30 P1 Text Mining
Apply of Textmining Method to Study the Roles in Improving the Health by Lactoferrin, a Multi-Functional Milk Protein Combining Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with Textpresso Category Searches for Improved Data Type Curation Efficiency at WormBase An Open Resource for Collecting and Distributing Textual Evidences for Protein Annotation ODIN: An Advanced Interface for the Curation of Biomedical Literature P2 Literature Curation
Annotating Whole-genome Sequencing in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer Linking Phenotype Data to the Genome: RGD a Unique Resource for Rat Strains and QTLs Logical Operation Based Literature Association with Genes and its application, PosMed Epigenetics Knowledgebase-Role of Epigenetic alterations in Cancer Clipro-A Comprehensive Knowledgebase of Clinically Significant Proteins in Biofluids Challenges to Extract Kinetic Data from Literature Manual Curation of Vertebrate Proteins in UniProtKB Manual Biocuration, A UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Perspective Gene Ontology Annotation of Hearing P2-10 caNanoLab - A Tool To Benefit Biomedical Nanomaterials Research Michal P2-11 ACBD: Database for Ascidian Chemical Genomics Yuichiro P2-12 Towards Automated Annotation of Ortholog Clusters Using Natural Language Processing P2-13 Information on Transcriptional Regulation and Signal Transduction of Escherichia coli K-12 Integrated in the Database RegulonDB P2-14 The BioGRID Interaction Database P3 Ontologies
eagle-i: An Ontology-Driven Framework for Biomedical Resource Curation and Discovery Using Multiple Ontologies to Curate Phenotype Data Disease Ontology: Logical Definitions and Relations P4 Genome Sequence Annotation
Microbial Genome Annotation at NITE and Annotator-Oriented Development of Annotation Workbench Gene Trek in Prokaryote Space (GTPS) Reduces GIGO in the Annotation of Microbial Genome Automatic Protein Clustering as a Basis of Automatic Annotation The Challenge of Eukaryote Genome Annotation at Genoscope Annotation Strategies for High-Coverage, Low-Coverage and Next-Generation Sequencing Assemblies in Ensembl Extension of Database of Transcription Start Sites (DBTSS) with a Large Number of Sequences and Analysis of Bi-directional Promoters A Trial for Genome Re-annotation Using the Literature and Annotation Reference Information P5 Comparative Genomics
Analyzing Inverse Symmetry with Original and Terminal Sites of Prokaryotic Genomes An Italian SOLanaceae Integrated Platform (ISOL@): the Kick Start to Exploit Solanaceae Comparative Genomics in Solanaceae H-DBAS: Human-transcriptome DataBase for Alternative Splicing, Version 5.0 Evolutionary Analysis of Nucleotide Sequences Using G-compass, a Web-based Comparative Genome Browser between Human and Vertebrates Evola: A Database of Orthologous Genes and Gene Families between Human and Other Vertebrates Detected by Whole Transcriptome Analyses P6 Functional Genomics
Development of 12 Genic SSR Markers for a Biofuel Grass, Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae) Profile on Human Druggable Space Revealed by Integrated Analyses of Bioinformatic and P7 Crop/Plant Genome Curation
Arabidopsis thaliana: Further Exploiting This Plant Reference Genome MAIZEGDB.ORG, the Maize Genetics Cooperation and the 2500 MB B73 Genome-Generated Tsunami P8 Community Curation
ChEBI, an Open-access Chemistry Resource for the Life Sciences: Facilities for On-line Knowledge Discovery and Database Construction for Genes Contributing to "Sustainable World" and "Human Health" & tRNADB-CE under Collaboration with Undergraduate Students and Incorporating Community Annotation Interfaces into the CIPRO2.5 Database with Comprehensible Sketches to Support Quick Annotations of Proteome Data CIPRO 2.5: Ciona intestinalis Protein Database, a Graphically Integrated Proteome Database P9 Data Standardization and Integration
H-InvDB: A Comprehensive Annotation Resource for Human Transcriptome Data Integration Model and GUIs Used in Human Genome Network Platform POPcorn: A PrOject Portal for corn Towards Developing Common Standards for Genome Sequence and Annotation Literature Curation of Protein Interactions: Measuring Agreement across Major Public Databases Neuroscience Resources and the Neuroscience Information Framework Data Standardization for Glyco-informatics SciNeS Search: Inference Search over an Integrated Life-sciences Database Based on the Semantic Web Metabolic Pathway Integration of Vibrio vulnificus CMCP6 P9-10 Challenges and Solutions to Rice Biological Data Curation at IRRI Richard P9-11 Integral Presentation of Experimental Results and Bioinformatic Analyses on Ciona intestinalis P9-12 The Neuroscience Information Framework: A Unified Semantic Framework for Discovery and Integration of Biomedical Data and Resources on the Web P10 Curation Tools/Workflows
P10-1 WormBase Curation Interfaces and Tools
P10-2 RDF Curator: A Novel Workflow that Generates Semantic Graph from Literature for Curation P10-3 InterPro Curation: Integrating Predictive Protein Signatures into Biological Hierarchies Sarah P10-4 Development of Cooperative Work Tools and Workflow for Multimodal Genome Annotation Shinobu P10-5 Ontology-based Tools to Enhance the Curation Workflow P10-6 The Annotation of Olfactory Receptor Gene Family in H-InvDB Akiko P10-7 DICHOT - An Automatic Annotation System for Folding and Unfolding Regions of Proteins Satoshi P11 Data Visualization
P11-1 EMAGE: A Database of Spatially Integrated Gene Expression Data
P12 Journal/Database Interactions and Collaborations
P12-1 Allergens in ChEBI - Collaboration with the IEDB
P12-2 The International Molecular Exchange Consortium Sandra P12-3 MEDALS: METI Database Portal for Life Science and Renewal-Checker to Keep up to Date P12-4 Mapping Bio-databases and Software by Text-mining Kentarou P12-5 NamesforLife Semantic Resolution Services for the Life Sciences: Moving Towards an Extensible and Interoperable System for Naming P13 Next Generation Sequence Annotation
P13-1 454 RNA-Seq Data Analysis: What is New and What is Unchanged?
P13-2 Analysis of Oryza nivara Genome via Illumina Sequence Platform Cheng-Chieh P13-3 Towards the Draft Genome Sequences of Wild Rice Species: the Landmarks for Future Oryza P14 Next Generation Curation
P14-1 RefEx: Reference Expression Dataset for Functional Curation of Transcriptomes
P14-2 Semantic Encoding of Complex Information P15 Others
P15-1 DDBJ Read Archive / DDBJ Omics Archive
P15-2 PubMedScan: A Keyword-free Recommender of PubMed Articles P15-3 UniRule - Automatic Annotation in UniProtKB P15-4 Rebuilding the Card Catalog - Resolving the Problem of Orphan Enzyme Activities P15-5 An Automatic Method for Large-scale Functional Annotations Based on a Tree Alignment P15-6 HEAT: A New Tool for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Using Comprehensive Annotation of P15-7 Human Transcript Database Search Showed Existence of Extremely Short Introns P15-8 The Latest Information and Perspective of Human Gene and Protein Database (HGPD) as P15-9 The Bioinformatics Links Directory: A Community Curated Collection of Bioinformatics Links,



Section 9–2 The Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport (pages 226–232) Key Concepts • How are high-energy electrons used by the electron transport chain? Introduction (page 226) 1. At the end of glycolysis, how much of the chemical energy in glucose is still unused? 2. Because the final stages of cellular respiration require oxygen, they are said to be The Krebs Cycle (pages 22

Microsoft word - persbericht_18okt05_embargo.doc

PERSBERICHT ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM ( Vraagtekens bij toestemmingsvereiste geneesmiddelen Zorgverzekeraars mogen voor bepaalde geneesmiddelen zelf bepalen of hun verzekerden vooraf toestemming moeten vragen. Met zo’n machtigingsprocedure verwachten zorgverzekeraars voor zichzelf een besparing te realiseren. Daar staat tegenover dat artse

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