A Publication of the Population and Development Program at Hampshire College • No. 30 • Spring 2005 Reproductive Health and the FDA: Buffeted by Political Battles By Amy Allina Since its inception, the Food and Drug
interference between sexuality and fertility is
Administration (FDA), the U.S. government’s
detrimental to marriage4) and Susan Crockett (a
main watchdog agency over the pharmaceutical
board member of the American Association of Pro-
industry, has been subject to political pressures that
Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists) to the
undermine its mission to ensure drug safety and
protect consumer health. In the last several years,these pressures have intensified as the FDA is
Reproductive rights advocates and FDA watchers
buffeted by the Bush administration’s right-wing
saw these appointments as a sign of the Bush
agenda and an ever more powerful pharmaceutical
administration’s allegiance to the religious right and
industry. More often than not, women’s reproductive
pointed out that they set the stage for a fight over
health and safety are caught in the crossfire of these
the pending FDA decision on whether to make
emergency contraception (EC) available over-the-counter. Following that discouraging development,
The Religious Right and the Battle over
feminist activists and reproductive health advocates
Emergency Contraception
cheered the triumph of science a year later when thecommittee voted unanimously that emergencycontraception was safe for use in an over-the-
In 2002, the Bush administration set off a powerful
counter setting. In the face of overwhelming
reaction when it tried to install W. David Hager as
scientific evidence, even the three staunch opponents
chair of the reproductive health drugs advisory
of reproductive rights on the committee had to
committee responsible for advising the FDA on
acknowledge that this after-the-fact contraceptive
questions relating to contraception and abortion.
method could be used safely without a prescription
The outrage of women around the country —
requirement. Among the doctors, scientists and
expressed by more than 10,000 protest email
activists who had been working for years to expand
messages to the FDA — led to a close public
women’s access to EC, most had expected far worse
scrutiny of Hager’s record. Hager had been the lead
spokesperson for the Christian Medical Association’spetition for a ban on mifepristone,1 the drug
The victory was short-lived, however. Despite the
approved by the FDA for abortion. He had spoken
overwhelming recommendation from FDA’s science
publicly of his reluctance to prescribe contraception
advisors, opponents of contraception prevailed and
to patients who are not married.2 And as headlines
across the country proclaimed, he was co-author of
a book recommending prayer as treatment for PMS.3
Scientists and medical experts joined reproductive
In the face of this storm of public opposition, the
rights advocates in criticizing that decision, pointing
Bush administration backed off from the original
out that by bowing to anti-choice political pressure,
plan of putting Hager in charge of the committee,
the FDA has denied women access to a safe and
effective contraceptive and has undermined its own
provided him with like-minded colleagues,
credibility as a scientific agency around the world.
appointing Joseph Stanford (who has written that he
An editorial in the New England Journal of
is unwilling to prescribe contraception even to
Medicine lamented the loss of FDA’s “enviable
married patients because of his belief that any
international reputation” and pointed out that the
scope of FDA regulation. Sadly, many of the events
decision was “likely to mean that both physicians
that have persuaded Congress of the need for better
and patients will wonder whether future drug-
regulation of drugs and medical devices have
approval decisions are based on the evidence with
specifically involved damage to the life and health of
regard to efficacy and safety or, rather, on political
women. Only after thalidomide, given to pregnant
women to reduce morning sickness, was found tohave caused nerve damage in the women who took
Mission in Flux
it and sometimes fatal birth defects in their children,did Congress mandate that FDA must review
The EC controversy was not a typical, everyday
evidence of a drug’s safety and efficacy before a
occurrence at FDA. The FDA usually operates
company could begin to sell it. And pre-market
behind-the-scenes, unnoticed by most people — even
review of medical devices came even later. In the
those concerned about health. Yet, despite being out
United States alone, 17 women died and thousands
of the public eye, the FDA is still under constant
more had emergency hysterectomies to save their
pressure from political forces of a different kind
lives as a result of using the unsafe Dalkon Shield
than the very public battles that take place over
IUD before the FDA was given the authority to
reproductive rights. The standard battle at the
agency is between the interests of the companies thatmake the drugs and devices it regulates and
In the last decade, however, the trend has gone in
consumer advocates concerned about the safety of
the opposite direction. When conservative
lawmakers won control of Congress in 1994, theywent to work on a broad reform agenda that
Since the FDA was first created early in the
reflected the wish lists of industries from financial
twentieth century, there have been struggles between
businesses, determined to fight off government
Modernization Act of 1997 reshaped the agency in
interference, and consumers and their advocates,
response to the drug industry’s long-held desires.
working to establish a role for the federal
The new law speeded up drug approvals, scaling
government in protecting the public health.6 At its
back safety requirements, and even redefined the
start the FDA was made up of a handful of scientists
agency’s mission statement to commit it to working
in consultation with “manufacturers, importers,
Department of Agriculture; as the scope of drugs
packers, distributors, and retailers of regulated
and medical devices in the world has expanded, the
FDA has grown as well, now responsible forregulating over a trillion dollars worth of food,
Recent news about drug safety problems with widely
drugs and medical devices, more than a fifth of the
prescribed pain relievers, however, has led to a
growing public understanding that FDA’s ability toprotect the public has been eroded. Public outrage
This growth has taken place in spite of industry
has already translated into Congressional interest,
resistance. It has taken fierce fights between
and these developments may lead to drug safety
consumer advocates and industry, and all too often,
reform legislation to restore some of FDA’s capacity
national and international tragedies to expand the
The False Choice Between Speed and Safety
Over the years as these trends have evolved, drugcompanies have not always been alone in criticizing
FDA for its slow approval process. Patient activists
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have sometimes made common cause with industry,
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pushing for faster drug approvals even at theexpense of rigorous safety testing. Early AIDS
Opinions expressed in this publication are those of
activists, in particular, urged FDA to dispense with
the individual authors unless otherwise specified.
stringent safety requirements to give dying patientsaccess to new treatment drugs. Later, as more AIDS
drugs became available, many of these same activists
industry agenda that promotes fast approval without
responded to the changed circumstances and urged
adequate safeguards for women’s health.
the FDA to reprioritize the need for evidence oflong-term effectiveness and safety in its
These controversies (as well as the fact that the Baby
Boomers, who drive so many marketing choices inthe United States, need less and less contraception as
Women’s health advocates similarly urged faster
they age) have sometimes led major companies to
approval for the female condom and other barrier
shy away from contraceptive products, except in
methods of contraception that hold the potential to
cases where they expect very high levels of
protect women from HIV infection and other
profitability to counterbalance their concerns about
sexually transmitted diseases. The question of how
political controversy. Both mifepristone and EC fell
to balance safety concerns with the urgent need for a
into this category, failing to attract the interest of the
product will again be at center stage when FDA
big pharmaceutical companies and only advancing
eventually considers approval of microbicides now in
to FDA approval with the support of smaller
development — topically applied products that help
companies committed to providing women access to
prevent the transmission of HIV and other infections.
Drug companies and device manufacturers have
watched these developments carefully and learned
from them. Industry-funded patient groups now
often play a very public role in companies’ plans for
obtaining FDA approval; in some cases these patient
groups have been found to be wholly created by the
companies whose products they are demanding
access to. But activists who are accountable to real-
life patients suffering from illness are learning as
well. They have learned to reject the false choice
safety concerns were seriously addressed. This
between faster approval and safer products. The
cooperative approach headed off the potential for
demand for efficient consideration of urgently
internal controversy and created a united front of
needed products does not have to result in the
women’s advocates to face the anti-choice
elimination of safeguards for the public health.
opposition which was thus effectively marginalized. Addressing Safety Concerns and Lack of Credibility Undermines FDA’s Overcoming Division Ability to Protect Women’s Health
When it comes to contraception, the political battles
Last fall, a new development in the regulation of
sometimes converge, subjecting these critical
Depo Provera proved the truth of the New England
women’s health products to the complicated tensions
Journal of Medicine editorial warning that FDA’s
of the safety/access balance as well as the bruising
motivation for future decisions would be called into
assaults of the anti-choice, anti-family planning
right-wing. In the past, this convergence has createddivision within the reproductive health community,
Women’s health advocates have raised concerns
as was seen with Depo Provera, the contraceptive
about the safety of Depo Provera for decades. Over
injection, and Norplant, the contraceptive implant.
time, research has laid to rest some but not all of the
Women’s health advocates who asked the FDA not
questions about the effects of this drug. One
to approve a contraceptive because of safety
uncertainty that had remained was about Depo’s
concerns have been seen by family planning
effect on the strength of the bones of women using
advocates as unwitting accomplices to anti-choice
it; some preliminary research indicated that women
efforts to block access to products that improve
using Depo experienced a loss of bone.8 Health
women’s ability to control fertility. Family planning
advocates have continually called for better
information on this and other possible risks of long-
contraceptive products in spite of unanswered
term use of the method. The kind of cooperative
questions about safety have been seen by consumer
approach that created unity among women’s
health advocates as unwitting accomplices to an
advocates on EC and mifepristone has not yet
evolved with respect to Depo Provera. Meanwhile,
advocates have been pleased to see the FDA
the FDA — its credibility weakened by the Bush
requiring that the bone loss information be provided
administration’s appointment of unqualified
to women. 9 But at the same time, the agency’s
candidates like David Hager and by denying women
recent history of manipulating and suppressing
improved access to safe and effective EC —
scientific data for political ends and the Bush
announced labeling changes for Depo Provera that
administration’s track record of attacks on family
revealed the fault lines in the women’s community.
planning cannot help but raise questions about whatis really behind this label change. Is it a genuine
Based on new data, submitted by the company that
effort to protect women’s health by sharing new
makes Depo, the FDA has instructed the company
scientific evidence? Or is it a politically motivated
to add information to the drug label about bone loss
attack on contraception, using science as a
and to recommend that clinicians limit use of Depo
smokescreen for an anti-choice agenda? Just as the
to two consecutive years. This new information is
editorial warned, FDA’s distorted decision on EC has
being conveyed in the form of a black box warning
undermined the agency’s credibility and led even
on the label — FDA’s most severe label warning,
those who support its role as a protector of the
commonly although not exclusively, used for life-
public health to question the motivations behind
threatening conditions. Many women’s health
Amy Allina is Program Director of the National Women’s Health Network, a national organization thatis committed to ensuring that women have self-determination in all aspects of their reproductive andsexual health. Prior to joining the NWHN in 1999, she worked on women’s health policy issues at theconsulting firm of Bass and Howes and as the Political Organizer for the Maryland affiliate of NARAL. She serves on the board of directors of the Reproductive Health Technologies Project and the AlanGuttmacher Institute.References
* While this is being written, a revised application to make EC available over-the-counter is still pending and may eventuallybe approved, but it’s been seriously weakened by a plan to restrict over-the-counter access to women 16 and older, setting up atwo-tiered system of access based on age and denying improved access to younger women.
1. “Christian Medical Association Petitions FDA to Shelve RU-486,”
http://www.cmdahome.org/index.cgi?cat=100041&art=1893&BISKIT=246794947&CONTEXT=art, last visited October12, 2004.
2. “Roundtable on Abstinence,” http://www.family.org/physmag/issues/a0023927.cfm, last visited October 12, 2004.
3. Stress and the Woman’s Body, by David W. Hager and Linda Carruth. Revell, 1998.
4. “Sex, Naturally,” First Things: the Journal of Religion, Culture and Public Life, 97 (November 1999): 28-33.
http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9911/articles/stanford.html, last visited October 12, 2004.
5. “The FDA, Politics, and Plan B,” New England Journal of Medicine 350;15: 1561-1562.
6. Protecting America’s Health: The FDA, Business, and One Hundred Years of Regulation, by Philip J. Hilts. Alfred A.
7. Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997, Public Law 105-115, 105th Congress.
8. “Injectable hormone contraception and bone density: results from a prospective study,” Scholes D., LaCroix A.Z.,
Ichikawa L.E., et al. Epidemiology. 2002 Sep;13(5):581-7.
9. “Depo Provera and Bone Mineral Density,” http://www.nwhn.org/publications/fact_details.php?fid=21, last visited
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