changes in flow and recharge rates are the
considerations with regard to demand side
from various Central and State Government
judicious utilization of the resources for
service organizations, academic institutions
physiographically complex areas including
ensuring their long-term sustainability.
suitable for the prevailing situations to
groundwater resources in the country.
in the XII plan involving the states and stake
Summary of the K.R. Karanth EndowmentLecture delivered on 27th December 2011Trees and Flowering Plants of Bangalore and their Role in Preserving the Ecosystem – Sadananda Hegde, Bangalore (Email: Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jack fruit),
landscape and enhancing the quality of life
Azadirecta indica ( Neem), Bombax cieba
abundant huge trees and shrubby thickets.
(Red silk cotton), Butea monosperma, Ficus
The district was once rich in native flora
bengalensis (Alada mara), F. religiosa
with about 980 species in 542 genera under
(Ashwatha), F. mysorensis, Gmelina
environment and an ecosystem of its own. arborea, Kigelia pinnata (Sausage tree),
Flora of Bangalore District, University of
Lagerstroemia speciosa (Pride of India),
rare in the wild due to cutting of wood for
Mangifera indica (Mango), Madhucalongifolia (Mehwa or Ippe), Melia
mental activities. Further, with the emphasis
composite (Malabar Neem), Michelia
increased population and traffic, the garden
(Kadamba), Pogamia pinnata (Honge),
Pterocarpus marsupium (Honne), Syzigium
to expansion of the city, widening of roads,
earlier rulers and the governments, has been
cumini (Jaamun), Saraca indica (Seeta
metro works, real estate business, etc. In that
Asok), Swetenia sp (Mahogani), Terminalia
large number of exotic trees and flowering
arjuna (Arjuna), T. bellerica (Tare),
woodlots and green spaces and water bodies
plants along the road side, and in Parks and
– lakes, ponds & puddles, streams and
rivers, were lost disturbing the environment
Delonix regia (Gulmor), Enterolobium
and ecosystem. Existing lakes have become
saman (Rain tree), Parkia biglandulosa
sewerage tanks and rivers highly polluted
(Badminton ball tree), Peltophorum
and these species have been naturalized over
pterocarpum (Coppar pod), Spathodea
a period of time giving an environment and
compannulata (African Tulip tree),
created a unique eco-system. Role of trees
medicinal plants are: Withania somnifera
in maintaining the eco-system and environ-
perennials, have also been introduced for
(Ashwagandha), Hibiscus sp (Dasavala),
ment will be discussed. Impact of develop-
gardening and floriculture. Thiruvady Vijay
Lawsonia inermis (Goranti), Aloe vera
ment on the trees and other flowering plants
(2012, Heritage Trees, Bangalore Environ-
(Lolesara), Andropogon citrate (Nimbe
Hullu), Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari),
to restore and rejuvenate the environment
Tinospora cordifolia (Amruta balli),
introduced over the last 150 years and have
Veteveria zizanoides (Lavancha), CyperusSummary of the lecture to be delivered atrotundus (Thunge hullu), etc. the monthly meeting of the Geological
Bangalore are: Alstonia scholaris,Society of India on 31 October 2012
Additional Information Juan Bustillo, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences Director, Schizophrenia Research Program Medical Director Spanish Speaking Clinic Attending Psychiatrist, Clozapine Clinic Research Mentor NIH, Scientific Review Group ITVA (Interventions Committee for Adult Disorders). Member: 6/2011 to 2/2014 Exemplary Psychiatrist Award, National Alliance on Mental Il
Research activity and consultancy work are significant aspects of postgraduate programmes within the Horticulture department, covering many aspects of crop production and fresh produce management. Recent activities have focused on breeding and improvement work with crops ranging from blackcurrants, carnations, hybrid brassicas and leafy African vegetables to rhubarb, evening primrose and E