Clinical trial: high-dose furosemide plus small-volume hypertonic saline solutions vs. repeated paracentesis as treatment of refractory ascites
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Clinical Trial: High-dose furosemide plus small-volumehypertonic saline solutions vs. repeated paracentesis astreatment of refractory ascitesG. LICATA*,1, A. TUTTOLOMONDO*,1, A. LICATA–, G. PARRINELLO*, D. DI RAIMONDO§,R. DI SCIACCA*, C. CAMMA`–, A. CRAXI`–, S. PATERNAà & A. PINTO§
e Cardio-Angiologia, DipartimentoBiomedico di Medicina Interna e
Specialistica, Di.Bi.M.I.S, University of
In patients with cirrhosis, ascites is defined as refractory when it cannot
be mobilized or recurs early in standard diuretic therapy.
ativa di Gastroenterologia, Diparti-mento Biomedico di Medicina Internae Specialistica, Di.Bi.M.I.S, University
To compare the safety and efficacy of intravenous high-dose furosemide
+ hypertonic saline solutions (HSS) with repeated paracentesis in
patients with cirrhosis and refractory ascites.
Interna e Specialistica, Di.Bi.M.I.S,University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy;§Unita` Operativa di Fisiopatogia
Eighty-four subjects (59 ⁄ 25 M ⁄ F) with cirrhosis, mostly of viral aetiol-
ogy, admitted for refractory ascites, were randomly assigned to receive
furosemide (250–1000 mg ⁄ bid i.v.) plus HSS (150 mL H
1.4–4.6% or 239–187 mEq ⁄ L) (60 patients, Group A) or to repeated
paracentesis and a standard diuretic schedule (24 patients, Group B).
Dr A. Tuttolomondo, Cattedra diMedicina Interna, Di.Bi.M.I.S., P.zza
(1605 Æ 131 mL vs. 532 Æ 124 mL than Group B patients; P < 0.001)and a greater loss of weight at discharge ()8.8 Æ 4.8 kg vs. )4.5 Æ
3.8 kg, P < 0.00). Control of ascites, pleural effusions and ⁄ or leg
oedema was deemed significantly better in Group A.
This randomized pilot study suggests that HHS plus high-dose furose-
mide is a safe and effective alternative to repeated paracentesis when
treating hospitalized patients with cirrhosis and refractory ascites.
Accepted 7 May 2009Epub Accepted Article 12 May 2009
Larger studies will be needed to evaluate long-term outcomes such asreadmission and mortality.
increase in intravascular volume,14 reduction in tissue
oedema (shifting of tissue water along the osmotic
According to the International Ascites Club,1 refrac-
gradient), increased renal blood flow and reduced
tory ascites is defined by the lack of response to high
sympathetic tone.15 All of these mechanisms are
doses of diuretics (spironolactone 400 mg ⁄ day and
potentially relevant to the treatment of refractory
furosemide 160 mg ⁄ day) or the development of
adverse effects (hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, hepatic
A few years ago, our group performed a randomized
encephalopathy or renal failure) that prohibit further
study16 to evaluate the effects of the combination of
use of diuretics. Few studies have compared paracente-
high-dose furosemide and small-volume HSS in the
sis and diuretics in the treatment of tense or refractory
treatment of refractory CHF. One hundred seven patients
ascites. Quintero et al.2 randomly assigned patients
with refractory CHF were randomized to receive an IV
with tense ascites to treatment with either paracentesis
infusion of furosemide (500–1000 mg) plus HSS
plus intravenous albumin infusion or diuretics, show-
(150 mL of 1.4–4.6% NACl) in 30 min twice a day or
ing similar outcomes. Salerno et al.3 confirmed
furosemide alone (500–1000 mg) twice a day over 6 to
that repeated paracentesis with human albumin
12 days, on a normosodic diet. A significant increase in
replacement was safe, effective and more rapid than
daily diuresis and natriuresis was observed in both
traditional diuretic therapy in treating tense ascites.
groups, but it was more significant in the group receiv-
Paracentesis poses, however, a number of issues in
ing HSS, in which the serum Na level also increased.
patient management and alternative treatments to
High-dose furosemide plus HSS was effective and well-
overcome the limitations of diuretic therapy and
tolerated, leading to improvement in the quality of life
repeated paracenteses are certainly needed.4, 5
measurements of CHF. It also reduced mortality after
Cirrhosis and congestive heart failure (CHF) are
discharge (survival 55% vs. 13% at 1 year).
major clinical disease states characterized by renal
On the basis of our former experience,16 we have
sodium and water retention with oedema formation. In
designed a study aiming to evaluate the safety and
these diseases, abnormalities of circulatory and volume
efficacy of intravenous high-dose furosemide plus HSS
homeostasis elicit neuro-hormonal responses influenc-
compared with repeated paracentesis and a standard
ing renal function and leading to retention of sodium
oral diuretic schedule, in patients with cirrhosis and
and water.6 Furthermore, prior observations in human
subjects and in experimental animals with eithercirrhosis7–10 or CHF indicate that an increase in effer-
ent renal sympathetic nerve activity (ERSNA), whichserved to antagonize the diuretic and natriuretic
All consecutive cirrhotic patients presenting between
effects of atrial natriuretic peptides, is present and
January 2002 and December 2007 with refractory
contributes to the renal sodium and water retention.
ascites unresponsive to ambulatory treatment at Paler-
The model of refractory congestive heart failure, on
mo’s University Hospital (Azienda Ospedaliera Policli-
the basis of these similarities and taking into account
nico ‘Paolo Giaccone’) who were admitted to two Units
other pathophysiological differences between these two
(Internal Medicine; Emergency Medicine) of the ‘Dipar-
syndromes, may be helpful when exploring possible
timento Biomedico di Medicina Interna e Specialistica’
innovative treatments for refractory ascites in cirrhosis.
of University of Palermo were offered enrolment in
When diuretic resistance occurs in CHF, proposed
the study protocol after a diagnosis of refractory
therapeutic options include higher doses of furosemide
ascites had been made and all potential contraindica-
or constant furosemide infusion.11 Several studies have
demonstrated the efficacy of hypertonic saline solution
Refractory ascites was defined according to the
(HSS) infusion when regional organ blood flow is
International Ascites Club criteria1 as either: (a) diure-
impaired.12 HSS was first applied in this way for the
tic-resistant refractory ascites: <1.5 kg ⁄ week weight
loss while being treated with furosemide (160 mg ⁄ day)
traumatic shock and this therapy promptly restored
and spironolactone (400 mg ⁄ day) or an equivalent
central hemodynamics and peripheral blood flow.12
dose of a loop-acting and distal-acting diuretic; or (b)
The suggested mechanisms were direct myocardial
diuretic-intractable refractory ascites: <1.5 kg ⁄ week
stimulation with high cardiac output maintenance,12, 13
weight loss as a result of the inability to use an
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effective dose of diuretic because of development of
day after admission until 3 days before discharge, with
diuretic-induced hyponatremia (sodium level <125
water restriction and a normal sodium diet.
mEq ⁄ L), hyperkalemia (potassium level >5.5 mEq ⁄ L),
(ii) Group B: repeated paracentesis (4 to 6 L daily)
renal failure (doubling of serum creatinine or values
from the first day after admission until 3 days before
>2.5 g ⁄ dL) or encephalopathy; (c) previous dietary
discharge with albumin reinfusion at a rate of 5 to
restriction of sodium between 50 and 66 mEq ⁄ day.
8 g ⁄ L of removed ascites. The last paracentesis (at
The ascites was considered symptomatic if it had
3 days from admission) was a total paracentesis
necessitated removal of at least 10 L of ascites in
(8.7 Æ 2.5 L) plus i.v. albumin infusion (8 g per litre
the 2 months preceding randomization for relief of
of ascitic fluid removed) following a method previ-
ously described.1 After last mobilization of ascites,
The study was approved by the institutional Ethics
patients were assigned to receive diuretic therapy with
Committee and written informed consent was obtained
oral furosemide (increasing doses up to a maximum of
160 mg ⁄ day) and oral spironolactone (400 mg ⁄ day)
Exclusionary criteria were: inability to obtain
was given. Water restriction and a normal sodium diet
were given throughout the in-hospital stay.
congestive heart failure (defined by clinical exam and
Dosing of furosemide in Group A patients was gov-
echocardiogram), acute renal failure, hepatocellular
erned by clinical parameters such as blood pressure
carcinoma [based on the Barcelona Clinic liver Cancer
and severity of ascites, while the concentration of
(BCLC) criteria],13 complete portal vein thrombosis,
hypertonic saline solution was calculated as a serum
active sepsis or other incurable cancers.
sodium value according to the following criteria:
Each patient was assessed daily from admission until
(i) For serum sodium £125 mEq ⁄ L hypertonic sal-
discharge with a complete objective examination,
ine solution at 4.6%. (787.2 mEq ⁄ L NaCl).
assessment of ascites grade [evaluated by International
(ii) For serum sodium between 126 and 135 mEq ⁄ L
Ascites Club criteria1 defining three grades: grade I
hypertonic saline solution at 3.5% (599 mEq ⁄ L NaCl).
ascites, fluid detected only by ultrasound; grade II,
(iii) For serum sodium ‡136 mEq ⁄ L hypertonic
moderate ascites with symmetrical distension of the
saline solution between 1.4% and 2.4% (239.6–
abdomen; grade III, large or tense ascites with marked
abdominal distension], assessment of Child-Pugh
Daily dosage of furosemide was reassessed according
score, measurement of blood pressure, heart rate,
to diuresis, blood pressure and potassium levels.
diuresis and body weight, clinical assessment of
(i) reduction in body weight (D body weight) at
Blood samples were obtained every 3 days to deter-
mine serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chlorine),
(ii) relief of overt ascites at discharge 3 days after
albumin, uric acid, urea, creatinine, prothrombin
the end of diuretic treatment period or after last para-
activity, activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrino-
centesis (ascites graded at admission and at discharge
gen, full blood counts, glucose and ammonia. Urine
according to International Ascites Club criteria);
samples were collected to determine sodium and
(iii) improvement in Child Pugh score at discharge;
potassium excretion at admission and at discharge. All
(iv) improvement in any co-existing fluid overload
patients underwent a chest X-ray at admission and at
(leg oedema; pleural effusion) at discharge; (pleural
discharge, a twelve derivation electrocardiogram at
effusion was evaluated clinically and by chest X-ray
admission, while an abdominal echo-tomography was
performed both at admission and at discharge to
In Group A, achievement of these endpoints at
3 days from discharge determined the end of intrave-
Patients were randomly assigned by the use of
nous therapy and switching to oral furosemide (range
sequentially numbered boxes (prepared before starting
200–500 mg ⁄ die) and spironolactone (400 mg ⁄ day),
while Group B continued therapy until discharge.
(i) Group A: treatment with intravenous infusion of
(i) new onset hepatic encephalopathy (HE);18
furosemide (doses 250–1000 mg ⁄ bid) plus small vol-
(ii) new onset spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
umes of HSS (150 mL 1.4–4.6% NaCl), from the first
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 30, 227–235ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
(iii) acute renal failure in patients without renal
In Group A, 42 patients (70%) had Hepatitis C (HCV)
impairment at admission, diagnosed by a serum creati-
cirrhosis; four patients (6.6%) had Hepatitis B virus
nine level increasing by more than 50% over the base-
(HBV) cirrhosis; two (3.3%) had combined HCV ⁄ HBV
cirrhosis; 11 (18.3%) had alcohol cirrhosis without
(iv) impairment of pre-existing renal failure in
viral infection and one patient had idiopathic cirrhosis.
patients with pre-existing renal impairment, diagnosed
In Group B, 14 patients (58.3%) had HCV cirrhosis;
by serum creatinine increasing by more than 50%
three patients (12.5%) had HBV cirrhosis; five (20.8%)
had combined HCV ⁄ HBV cirrhosis and two (8.3%) had
(v) incidence of hepatorenal syndrome (HRS);19
(vi) incidence of gastrointestinal (GI) bleedings. Gas-
In Group B, the mean number of paracentesis
trointestinal bleeding refers to any bleeding that starts
performed in the whole group was 2.7 Æ 0.95 (range
in the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. from the mouth to the
1–4), the mean volume of ascites removed was 4.4
(1) Upper GI bleeding: between the mouth and
At discharge, patients of Group A showed signifi-
outflow tract of the stomach; (2) Lower GI bleeding:
cantly higher diuresis and sodium plasma levels and
from the outflow tract of the stomach to the anus
significantly lower body weight and leg oedema and
pleural effusion prevalence and median Child Pughscore; the median change in Child-Pugh score at dis-charge was significantly higher in Group A compared
with Group B ()1.7 vs.)0.9; P < 0.05) (see Tables 2
Results are presented as means Æ s.d. Analyses of the
data were performed using the unpaired Student’s t
At discharge, 14 subjects (23.3%) in Group A had
test and the nonparametric test of Mann–Whitney.
ascites (detected clinically or by ultrasound) vs. 11
The chi-square test was used for comparing distribu-
tions and frequency of complications. All reported P
No other significant difference was observed in
values less than 0.05 were considered statistically
terms of other laboratory and clinical variables
between the two groups (ammonium, potassium
To calculate the number of patients to be enrolled,
plasma levels, new onset episodes of HE, incidence of
we defined as meaningful a significant difference in
detectable ascites frequency at discharge between the
pre-existing renal failure progression, hepatorenal
two groups, with a beta error of 20% and a power of
syndrome). There was no difference in hospital mortal-
0.80. To the estimated sample size of 80 patients (60
ity between the two groups (see Table 3).
in Group A and 20 in Group B), we added four more
In Group A, no significant difference was observed
patients to compensate for possible drop outs; the final
between patients with the two subtypes of refractory
sample, therefore, comprised 84 patients.
ascites, diuretic-resistant and diuretic-intractable asci-tes.
We recruited 108 subjects with refractory ascites (73with diuretic-resistant refractory ascites and 35 with
Our pilot study showed how treatment with high-dose
diuretic-intractable refractory ascites). Twenty subjects
furosemide plus small-volume of HSS is safe and more
were excluded on the basis of exclusion criteria and
effective compared with repeated paracentesis plus
four patients refused to participate in the study.
diuretic treatment in subjects with refractory ascites.
Eighty-four patients (59 men and 25 women) (58 with
At the time of discharge, patients in Group A dem-
diuretic-resistant refractory ascites and 26 with diure-
onstrated significantly greater diuresis, higher plasma
tic-intractable refractory ascites) agreed to participate
sodium levels, lower body weight, less leg oedema and
in the study and were randomized: 60 were assigned
smaller volume pleural effusion than Group B patients.
to Group A and 24 to Group B. The mean age was
This could be because of a more stable maintenance of
64 Æ 13.6 years in Group A and 64.8 Æ 8.06 years in
volume reduction with high-dose diuretic treatment
compared with repeated paracentesis.
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Diuretic-resistant refractory ascites, n (%)
Diuretic-intractable refractory ascites, n (%)
Oesophageal varices (F1 ⁄ F2 ⁄ F3); n (%)
Demographic and clinical data are expressed as number (percentage). Laboratoryvariables are expressed as mean Æ s.d. HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus;Pre-treatment drugs, drugs used immediately prior to hospitalization or studyenrolment.
Changes in body weight and urinary sodium deter-
treated with diuretics. More recently, Salerno et al.28
minations reflect response to treatment and represent
compared the effects of large-volume paracentesis and
a key outcome in patients with ascites. Our findings,
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) in
through the evaluation of body weight, provide a
cirrhotic patients with refractory ascites and showed
direct outcome evaluation about the higher efficacy of
that TIPS significantly improves ascites recurrence-free
high-dose furosemide + HSS treatment compared with
survival of cirrhotic patients with refractory ascites,
although the cumulative probability of developing the
Quintero et al.2 analysed 72 cirrhotics with tense
first episode of HE was similar between the groups.
ascites randomly assigned to treatment with either
However, there are some disadvantages in repeated
paracentesis plus intravenous albumin infusion or
paracentesis. Ascitic fluid opsonic activity and ascitic
diuretics and showed that paracentesis was not associ-
fluid C3 concentrations are important protective fac-
ated with significant changes in renal function. Gines
tors against spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Ljubicic
et al.26 showed how paracentesis was effective in elim-
et al.27 compared the effect of diuretic administration
inating the ascites and did not induce significant
alone vs. single large-volume therapeutic paracentesis
changes in renal and hepatic function, plasma volume,
followed by administration of diuretics on ascitic fluid
cardiac index, peripheral resistance and plasma renin
opsonic activity on ascites and serum immunoglobulin
activity (plasma norepinephrine, antidiuretic hormone
and complement concentrations in patients with alco-
concentration and urinary excretion of prostaglandin
holic cirrhosis and tense ascites. These authors showed
E2 and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1a). They also reported
that the ascitic fluid opsonic activity increased signifi-
a significantly higher incidence of HE, renal impair-
cantly in patients treated with diuretics alone, whereas
ment and electrolyte disturbances occurring in patients
in the group of patients treated with therapeutic
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 30, 227–235ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Table 2. Clinical and laboratory variables before (at admission) and after treatment with high-dose furosemide + HSS(Group A) or after seriated paracentesis (Group B)
Demographic and clinical data are expressed as number (percentage). Laboratory variables are expressed as mean Æ s.d. HE, hepatic encephalopathy; SBP, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; ascites grade was evaluated by Ascites InternationalClub criteria.5
paracentesis followed by diuretics, the ascites opsonic
suggesting possible use in refractory ascites. The
activity remained stable. In our patients, we observed
formation of ascites in cirrhosis is the final conse-
no case of SBP among those treated with high-dose
quence of a combination of abnormalities in the
furosemide + HSS and two cases of SBP among
splanchnic and systemic circulation as well as renal
patients who underwent repeated paracentesis.
function abnormalities that bring about the accumula-
Cirrhotic patients with ascites refractory to diuretics
tion of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (forward theory).
also have blunted response to marked elevation of
The pathophysiological basis of higher efficacy of
plasma atrial natriuretic factor levels alone or to mod-
treatment with furosemide + HSS could be because of
erate intravascular volume expansion by head-out
both volume expansion and improved reduction in
water immersion. Wong et al.29 reported that massive
sinusoidal portal pressure resulting in a fall in the
(as opposed to moderate) volume expansion or greatly
plasma renin activity and serum aldosterone levels, a
elevated levels of plasma atrial natriuretic factor
rise in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate
associated with moderate volume expansion can
associated with improved natriuresis. This effect occurs
improve blunted atrial natriuretic factor responsiveness
despite a possible exacerbation of the hyper-dynamic
in cirrhotic patients with refractory ascites. Thus,
circulation, with a further fall in systemic vascular
volume expansion could represent a way to improve
resistance and further increase in cardiac output. Nev-
natriuretic response in patients with refractory ascites.
ertheless, it is possible that in our patients treated with
A recent study by our group30 showed that in patients
furosemide + HSS, the HSS-related volume expansion
with refractory congestive heart failure, treatment with
served to compensate the ‘underfilling’ mechanisms
HSS plus i.v. high-dose furosemide was associated
that characterize ascitic cirrhosis. Small-volume HSS
with a significant reduction in BNP levels, thus
clearly induces an increase in the extracellular
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high-dose furosemide + HSS(Group A) or with seriate para-
Demographic and clinical data are expressed as number (percentage). Laboratoryvariables are expressed as mean Æ s.d. D weight: body weight difference (body weight at admission – body weight aftertreatment with high-dose furosemide + HSS or seriate paracentesis); D Child Pughscore: Child pugh score change (Child Pugh score at admission – Child Pugh score atdischarge). * Ascites grade was evaluated by Ascites International Club criteria.5HE, hepatic encephalopathy; SBP, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis; HRS, HepathorenalSyndrome; GI bleedings, Gastrointestinal bleedings; Ascites at discharge, grade ofascites evaluated 3 days after end of diuretic treatment period or last paracentesis.
circulating concentration of NaCl with consequent
in natriuresis.14, 15 Another mechanism involved in the
increment in the osmotic pressure and in the plasmatic
effectiveness of the HSS seems to be the restoration of
volume determining the fast redistribution of fluid in
normal production of renal E2 prostaglandin with
the vascular compartment with consequential increase
restoration of the normal medullar tonicity usually
in renal plasmatic flow.12, 14, 17 Such fast expansion of
altered by the chronic assumption of furosemide.31, 32
the extracellular volume is also the cause of the reduc-
Our findings emphasize the treatment with intravenous
tion in the peritubular oncotic pressure that in combi-
high-dose furosemide plus small volumes of HSS as
nation with the increment of the hydrostatic pressure
effective and safe in patients with refractory ascites.
reduces the proximal reabsorption of the Na.14, 15 HSS
An interesting finding is a slight, but not statistically
can determine an increase in the diuretic efficiency
significant, reduction in the creatinine levels (1.45 Æ
because HSS expands the arterial circulating volume
0.3 mg ⁄ dL vs. 1.7 Æ 0.5 mg ⁄ dL) in Group A patients,
and increases the distribution of the sodium after the
probably attributable to the benefits brought by this
proximal nephron until the thin portion of the ascend-
ing branch of the Henle loop, determining an increase
renal perfusion, but requiring ulterior evaluation in
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 30, 227–235ª 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
prospective long-term studies. Nevertheless, although
paracentesis to achieve relief of ascites in patients with
statistically insignificant, a potentially important find-
refractory ascites with a higher change of Child-Pugh
ing of our study is that high-dose furosemide diuresis
Score and no significant differences between the two
may not be as injurious to the kidney as high volume
paracentesis and this finding contrasts with what has
This is a pilot study conducted on consecutive
patients with refractory ascites. Further studies are
In contrast to previous studies,20, 21, 22, 23–26 we did
needed to confirm our findings and to evaluate hemo-
not observe a higher rate of hepatic encephalopathy
dynamic and neurohormonal changes after treatment
(HE) in the group treated with high-dose furosemide. A
with high-dose furosemide + small-volume HSS and
combined derangement of cellular osmolarity coupled
the possible relationship between these changes
with cerebral hyperaemia can explain the development
and therapeutic effectiveness of this type of treatment.
of brain oedema in HE.33 It is possible that HSS infusion
Further studies are needed to test the effectiveness of
may influence cellular osmolarity to avoid increased
this treatment protocol on a longer-term follow-up
incidence of HE in patients treated with high-dose furo-
semide, but future studies should evaluate this issue.
Our study showed that treatment with high-dose i.v
furosemide + small-volume of hypertonic salinesolutions is more effective compared with repeated
Declaration of personal and funding interests: None.
in comparison with a high dose of furose-
renal adaptation to dietary sodium restric-
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Revelation of the amino acid residues essential for ligand-binding selectivity of cytokinin receptors from arabidopsis and maize by computational approach. Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya 35, 127276 Moscow, Russia; Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1/3, 119991 Moscow, Russia; Cytokinin receptors diffe
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