No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Janet's cv
Janet Mary Rennie MA, MD, FRCP, FRCPCH, DCH, FRCOG ad eundem. Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Neonatal Medicine, University College London Hospitals. Home Address:
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Obstetric Hospital, University College London Hospitals, Huntley Street, LONDON WC1 6DH
Mobile/pager 07787
Email: GMC No: European Specialist Register No: 2427988 MDU No: Janet Mary Rennie
Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Nationality: Civil Status:
Married to Ian Watts, MA M Phil . No children.
Neonatal Society Committee member 1992-93
Paediatric Research Society (until 1999)
British Association of Perinatal Medicine (exec committee 1991-01)
British Medical Association, Royal Society of Medicine
Expert Witness Institute; The Academy of Experts
Editorial Boards:
Board member 1991-93, Associate Editor 1993-99
Referee for:
Archives of Disease in Childhood, The Lancet, British Medical
Journal, Scope, Action Research, Journal of Physiology, MRC,
Early Human Development, British Journal of Obstetrics and
Medicine & Child Neurology, Acta Paediatrica, Pediatrics, Journal of Pediatrics, Sparks.
Advisory Boards:
Midwives Information Service (MIDIRS) 1989-1999
Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (FSID) 1992-1998
External reference group on NIC, National Framework for Children 99-00
National Patient Safety Agency’s External Reference Group for Children 2004-5
NHS Redress scheme reporting to the Chief Medical Officer 2006
Academic Board, RCPCH 98-01 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health CSAC 1998-05 (CSAC Chairman from September 2001 - 2005) RCPCH Specialty Board 1999-2005
British Association of Perinatal Medicine Executive Committee 91-01
BAPM Clinical Trials Group 1998-2001 PHLS Group B Streptococcus Advisory Group 1996-2003 Chairman, Data Monitoring Committee, CANDA Trial 1999 CNST Maternity Standards Steering Group 2001-3 RCOG working party on “Safer Childbirth” 2006-7 RCOG working party on “Standards for maternity care” 2007-8 Chair NICE guideline development group, neonatal jandice, 2008-
Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 2 18 June 2008EDUCATION
Belvedere Cup for Service to the School,
Stephenson Prizes for Chemistry, Physics and Biology.
University: Degree of MB ChB with Honours, 1978
(6 honours degrees awarded to a class of 120).
Distinctions in Paediatrics, Psychiatry, Medicine.
Sigmund Shultz Prize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Editor, assistant Editor of Northwing Magazine 1975-77.
Vice President of the Medical Society 1977-78.
Postgraduate Qualifications: 1981
Membership of the Royal College of Physicians
Elected to the Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians
Doctor of Medicine, University of Sheffield
"The stable metabolite of prostacyclin in LBWI"
Accreditation in Perinatal Paediatrics, JCHMT
Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
ad eundem of the Royal College of Obstetricians and
Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 3 18 June 2008Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Neonatal Medicine, University College London Hospitals I have very wide clinical experience, with over 20 years in full time neonatal practice and a knowledge base supplemented by editing and writing textbooks of neonatology. My advice is often sought by other consultants, many of whom were former trainees of mine. I enjoy conducting teaching ward rounds, and motivating a team, which I try to do with a sense of humour and proportion. I have retained my enthusiasm for neonatology which is a challenging but enjoyable area of clinical medicine. Together with Dr Lyn Chitty I counsel parents whose fetus is thought to have a brain abnormality, and we are making increasing use of antenatal MRI. Research My research interests have always been firmly based in neonatal neurology, and over the years I have always aimed to design research projects to give answers to clinically important questions. Recently I have used EEG video telemetry in conjunction with Doppler ultrasound measurement of cerebral blood flow velocity. This combination has proved to be a useful non-invasive method with which to study dynamic changes in the cerebral circulation. I was responsible for a clinical trial comparing the responses to anticonvulsant treatments in the newborn, and a randomised study of second line anticonvulsant treatment. We have worked on comparisons between full EEG and the widely used cerebral function monitor (CFM), in order to provide guidance to those without access to expert EEG reporting. Our early results also suggest that continuous EEG monitoring in cases of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy could help in timing brain injury at term. Geraldine Boylan, my former research fellow, was awarded her PhD without any corrections being required and she is now leading her own research programme in Ireland; her success gives me great pleasure. We continue to collaborate and our group has recently been awarded a technology transfer grant from the Wellcome in order to evaluate an automated seizure detection system. Teaching I have continued regular undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. I have examined several MD theses, and have examined and taught on MSc courses. In 1999 I started a teaching course for neonatal cranial ultrasound which proved very successful and which is to be revived at UCLH. In the past I helped drive the BAPM initiative towards developing an internet teaching course for specialist neonatal trainees, and I have organised national teaching days for trainees. Both at the Archives of Disease in Childhood, via the College CSAC committee and BAPM, and through my books and lectures I have always been very committed to planning teaching materials aimed at delivering key neonatal developments to the general paediatrician aswell as the specialist. I work hard at devising and planning interesting lectures, and I am a popular lecturer whom audiences usually evaluate well. Previous posts July 1995-May 2004 Consultant and Senior Lecturer in Neonatal Medicine, King’s College Healthcare NHS Trust. King’s College Hospital neonatal unit is a busy level IIIS Unit which serves a large local population, and also carries out neonatal surgery. During my time at King’s I continued to use my ultrasound skills, performing and teaching cranial imaging. My management commitments included the risk management committee for investigation of untoward clinical incidents. I took responsibility for the ward protocol book. I carried out weekly baby follow up clinics and provided a counselling service to the Harris Birthright unit. We held a weekly review meeting in MRI. 1988-1995: Consultant in Neonatal Medicine, Cambridge University Teaching Hospitals Trust. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 4 18 June 2008 Clinical and managerial responsibility. As Director of Neonatal Services I was responsible for running the Cambridge Neonatal Unit, which is a tertiary centre serving both the inborn population of 4,500 deliveries and a large geographical area around Cambridge. We admitted 450 cases each year, including surgical cases. There were 18 cots, and in the 8 designated for intensive care over 2,500 days were occupied each year. For example, 153 babies received 1114 days of artificial ventilation in 1993, of which half were accounted for by babies <28 weeks. I carried the managerial responsibility, managed the budget and decided on clinical protocols for this highly regarded neonatal Unit for seven years, whilst continuing to carry out clinical research. Research. Whilst at Cambridge I continued an active research programme with a particular interest in cerebral blood flow velocity in relation to neonatal brain injury. I trained many visitors and research fellows in the use of ultrasound both for imaging and Doppler, and several published work as a result. I held grants totalling over £250,000 during these 7 years. These were awarded in open competition from the East Anglia Regional Area Health Authority, Children Nationwide, Action Research, and the Trustees of Addenbrooke's Hospitals. I supervised four full time research fellows and several short-stay research staff during the time I spent in Cambridge. As Director of Medical Studies, Girton College, Cambridge, I supervised the University career of medical students. I interviewed for admission to the College (Medical Science Tripos). I taught and set examination questions in Physiology for the Medical and Natural Science Tripos. I was elected a Fellow of Girton College. I resigned this position on moving to London because I felt that I would not have the time to do the post justice. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 5 18 June 2008
August 1987-December 1988 Locum Consultant Paediatrician vice Dr NRC Roberton. Consultant in Neonatal and General Paediatrics. October 1985-July 1987 Clinical Lecturer, University of Cambridge (Professor J A Davis). General Paediatrics, neonatology, teaching and research. Neurology and Child Development. Honorary Senior Registrar, East Anglia Regional Area Health Authority. October 1983-September 1985 Senior Research Assistant to Professor RWI Cooke, University of Liverpool. Research into prostaglandins in the newborn, with reference to IVH. Laboratory experience of radioimmunoassay and HPL chromatography. Respiratory function testing. Collaboration in clinical trials. On call 1:4 as an honorary Senior Registrar. March 1983-September 1983 Registrar to Professor RWI Cooke. Liverpool Maternity Hospital, Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. September 1982-February 1983 Registrar to Drs Arnold, Wilkinson and Jones. Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital. Supraregional Paediatric Cardiology, Paediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. February 1982-July 1982 Senior House Officer to Dr RG Pearse. Jessop Hospital for Women, Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Sheffield. August 1981-January 1982 Senior House Officer to Professor J Lorber, Professor RDG Milner. Academic Division of Paediatrics, Sheffield Children's Hospital. February 1981-July 1981 Registrar to Drs Bradshaw, Gumpert and Davies-Jones. Regional Neuromedical Unit, Neurosurgical ITU, Sheffield. August 1980-January 1981 Registrar to Professor JD Ward. General Medicine with Endocrinology and Diabetes, Royal Hallamshire, Sheffield. February 1980-July 1980 Senior House Officer to Dr JS Fleming. Coronary Care Unit, Cardiology, Cardiac Catheterisation, Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield. August 1979-January 1980 Senior House Officer to Professor HF Woods. Academic Division of Therapeutics, Sheffield Royal Infirmary. February 1979-July 1979 House Surgeon to Professor L Spitz, Mr WJW Sharrard. Sheffield Children's Hospital. Paediatric General Surgery, ENT and Orthopaedics. August 1978-January 1979 House Physician to Professor J Richmond, Sheffield Royal Hospital. Academic Division of Medicine, The Royal Hospital, Sheffield. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 6 18 June 2008PUBLICATIONS : arranged by year of publication.
1983 Rennie JM Do fused eyelids indicate inevitable neonatal death? Lancet (letter) 1983;i;1157. 1984
Rennie JM Arnold R Asystole in the Prolonged QT Syndrome. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1984;59:571-573. Cooke RWI Rennie JM Pancuronium and pneumothorax. Lancet (letter) 1984;i;286. 1985
Rennie JM Gibson T Cooke RWI Micromethod for bleeding time in the newborn. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1985;60:51-53. 1986
Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Reduction of immunoreactive prostacyclin metabolite after paralysis in ventilated preterm babies. Early Human Development 1986;13:75-80. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Early administration of indomethacin to preterm infants. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1986;61:233-238. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Low levels of 6 keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha in neonatal cerebrospinal fluid. Early Human Development 1986;13:295-297. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Ethamsylate reduces immunoreactive prostacyclin metabolite in low birthweight infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Early Human Development 1986;14:239-244. Benson JWT Drayton MR Hayward C Murphy JF Osborne JP Rennie JM Shulte J Spiedel B Cooke RWI Multicentre trial of ethamsylate for the prevention of intraventricular haemorrhage in very low birthweight infants. Lancet 1986;ii:1297-1300. Rennie JM Aspirin and pre-eclampsia. Lancet (letter) 1986;i;328. 1987
Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Elevated levels of immunoreactive prostacyclin metabolite in babies who develop IVH. Acta Paed Scandinavica 1987;76:19-23. Rennie JM Cooke RWI Morley CJ Failure of observation and impedance respirography to detect active expiration in preterm infants. Early Human Development 1987;15:197-201. Rennie JM South M Morley CJ Cerebral blood flow velocity variability in babies receiving artificial ventilation Archives of Disease in Childhood 1987;62:1247-1251. 1988
Rennie JM Can we prevent brain haemorrhage in preterm babies? Crit Care Med 1988;4:12-16. Lucas A Rennie JM Baker B Morley R Low plasma T3 concentration and outcome in preterm infants. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1988;63: 1201-1206. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 7 18 June 2008 1989
Rennie JM Baker B Lucas A Does dexamethasone supress the ACTH response in preterm infants? Archives of Disease in Childhood 1989;64:612-613. Rennie JM Lam P Effects of ethamsylate on cerebral blood flow in premature babies. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1989;64:46-48. Rennie JM Cerebral blood flow velocity variability following cardiovascular support in premature babies. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1989;64:897-901. Murphy NM Rennie JM Cooke RWI Cranial ultrasound assessment of gestational age in VLBW infants Archives of Disease in Childhood 1989;64:569-572. Wreghitt TG Rennie JM Gandy G Conservative management of enterovirus infections in neonatal intensive care units. Lancet (letter) 1989;i;1088. Morris PJ Rennie JM Evans DH Levene MI Regional cerebral blood flow and Doppler flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery of the cat. British Journal of Anaesthesia 1989;63:233p-234p 1990
Rennie JM Transcutaneous CO2 monitoring. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1990;65:345-346. Gandy G Rennie JM Antibiotic treatment of suspected neonatal meningitis. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1990;65:1-2. Bishop N Ward P Rennie JM Dixon A Paradoxical bone mineralisation in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1990;65:705-706. Thornton AJ Morley CJ Cole TJ Green SJ Walker KA Rennie JM Field trials of the baby check score card in hospital. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1990;66:115-120. Rennie JM Morris PJ Evans DH Levene MI Thoresen M Blood pressure exerts more influence on cerebral blood flow velocity than arterial carbon dioxide in piglets less than 24 hours old. Early Human Development 1990;21:125. Rennie JM Barnes RB Estimation of cardiac output with thermodilution and Doppler ultrasound. J Pediatr 1990;117:165-166. 1991 Rennie JM Cooke RWI Prolonged low dose indomethacin for patent ductus arteriosus. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1991;66:55-58. Wilson G Hughes G Rennie JM Morley CJ Evaluation of two endotracheal suction regimes in babies ventilated for respiratory distress syndrome. Early Human Development 1991;25:87-90. Coughtrey H Rennie JM Evans DH Patterns of response in cerebral blood flow velocity In: Fetal and Neonatal Physiological Measurements ed Lafeber HW pub Elsevier 1991 No 967 in International Congress series Pg 87-91. Coughtrey H Rennie JM Evans DH Factors influencing the transmission of respiration-induced variation in the cerebral circulation. Journal of Fetal-Maternal investigation 1991;1:10. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 8 18 June 20081992
Coughtrey H Rennie JM Evans D H Postnatal evolution of slow variations in cerebral blood flow velocity Archives of Disease in Childhood 1992; 67: 412-415. Rennie JM Broadhurst E Hazard from the exposed terminals of a battery driven transport incubator. Arch Dis Chi (letter) 1992;67:151. 1993
Coughtrey H Rennie JM Evans D H Cole TJ Factors associated with respiration induced variability in cerebral blood flow velocity. Archives of Disease in Childhood 1993: 68: 312-316. Panerai RB, Coughtrey H Rennie JM Evans D H A model of the instantaneous pressure-velocity relationship of the neonatal cerebral circulation. Physiol Meas, 1993;14:411-418. Panerai RB, Kelsall AWR, Rennie JM, Evans DH Model selection for Pressure-Flow velocity relationships of cerebral arteries. Proc 1993 Computers in Cardiology 1993; IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA pp 779-782. Panerai RB, Coughtrey H, Rennie JM, Evans DH 1993 Is critical closing pressure a determinant of neonatal cerebral blood flow? Early Human Development 33:223-232. 1994
Rennie JM, Kelsall AWR Vitamin K in the newborn. Arch Dis Chi 1994;70: 248-251. Ferrari F, Kelsall AWR, Rennie JM, Evans DH The relationship between cerebral blood flow velocity and sleep state in normal newborns. Pediatric Research, 1994;35:50-54. Kelsall AWR, Rennie JM Periventricular haemorrhage and periventricular leucomalacia. Current Paediatrics 1994 4: Ahluwalia J, Kelsall AWR, Diederich S, Rennie JM Successful treatment of late aortic thrombosis after umbilical catheterisation with tissue plasminogen activator. Acta Paed Scand 1994;83:1215-1217. Wheater M, Rennie JM. Poor prognosis after prolonged ventilation for bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Arch Dis Child 1994;71:F210-F211. Ahluwalia JS, Raine J, Rennie JM, Mahmood N, Oduro A, Latimer R, Pickett J, Higenbottam TW Safety of inhaled nitric oxide in premature neonates. Acta Paed Scand 1994;83:347-348. 1995
Rennie JM, Coughtrey H, Morley R, Evans DH Comparison of cerebral blood flow velocity with cranial ultrasound imaging for early prediction of outcome in preterm infants. J Clin Ultrasound 1995: 23:27-31. Panerai RB, Kelsall AWR, Rennie JM, Evans DH. Cerebral autoregulation dynamics in premature newborns. Stroke 1995;26:74-80 Morrison J, Rennie JM, Milton PJ Neonatal respiratory morbididy and mode of delivery at term: influence of timing of elective caesarian section. Br J Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1995;102:101-106 Panerai RB, Coughtrey H, Rennie JM, Evans DH Estimation of critical closing pressure of the cerebral circulation of the newborn. Neuropaediatrics, 1995;26:168-173 Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 9 18 June 2008
Morrison J, Rennie JM Perinatal mortality statistics Lancet (letter) 1995 346:1038 1996
Rennie JM Perinatal management at the lower margin of viability. Arch Dis Child 1996;74:F214- F218 Rennie JM, Wheater M, Cole TJ 1996 Antenatal steroid administration is associated with an improved chance of intact survival in preterm infants. Eur J Pediatr 155:576-579 Ahluwalia JS, Rennie JM, Wells F Successful outcome of severe unilateral pulmonary emphysema after bi-lobectomy in a very low birthweight infant. J Roy Soc Med 1996;89:167P-168P Panerai RB, Kelsall AWR, Rennie JM, Evans DH 1996 Analysis of cerebral blood flow autoregulation in neonates. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,43:779-788. Rennie JM Prediction of outcome of extremely premature babies. Lancet (letter) 1996;348:1515-1516 1997 Rennie JM Neonatal seizures 1997 Eur J Pediatr 156:83-87 Coughtrey H, Rennie JM, Evans DH 1997 Variability in cerebral blood flow velocity: observations over one minute. Early Human Development 47:63-70 Reynolds KJ, Panerai RB, Kelsall AWR , Rennie JM, Evans DH 1997 Spectral pattern of neonatal cerebral blood flow velocity: comparison with spectra from blood pressure and heart rate. Pediatric Research, 41:276-284 Morrison J Rennie JM. 1997 Clinical, scientific and ethical aspects of fetal and neonatal care at extremely preterm periods of gestation. British Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 104:1341-1350 Sebire NJ, D’Ercole CD, Hughes K, Rennie J, Nicolaides KH 1997 Dichorionic twins discordant for intrauterine growth retardation. Archives of Disease in Childhood 77:F235-F236 1998
Panerai RB, Rennie JM, Kelsall AWR, Evans DH 1998 Frequency-domain analysis of cerebral autoregulation from spontaneous fluctuations in arterial blood pressure. Medical & Biological Engineering and Computing. 36: 315-322 Williams LM, Hackett G, Rennie JM et al 1998 The natural history of feto-maternal alloimmunisation to the platelet specific antigen HPA-1a (PLA1, Zwa) as determined by antenatal screening. Blood 92:2280-2287 Rennie JM Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow. Lancet (letter) 1998;352:2023 Which vitamin K preparation for the newborn? 1998 Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 36:17-19 1999
Boylan GB, Panerai RB, Rennie JM, Evans DH, Rabe-Hesketh S, Binnie CB 1999 Cerebral blood flow velocity during neonatal seizures. Archives of Disease in Childhood 80:F105-F110 Rennie JM, Bokhari AS 1999 Recent advances in Neonatology. Archives of Disease in Childhood 81:F1- F4 Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 10 18 June 2008 Dimitriou G, Greenough A, Kavvadia V, Devane SP, Rennie JM 1999 Outcome predictors in nitric oxide treated preterm infants. European Journal of Pediatrics 158:589-591 Boylan GB, Pressler RM, Rennie JM, Morton M, Leow PL, Hughes R, Binnie CB 1999 Outcome of electroclinical, electrographic and clinical seizures in the newborn infant. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology 41:819-825 2000
Boylan GB Young K Panerai RB Rennie JM Evans DH Dynamic cerebral autoregulation in sick newborn infants Pediatric Research, 2000;48:12-17 Wheater M, Rennie JM 2000 Perinatal infection is an important risk factor for cerebral palsy in very low birthweight infants. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology 42:364-367 Hannam, S., McDonnell, M., Rennie, J.M. 2000 Investigation of prolonged neonatal jaundice. Acta Paediatrica, 89:694-697 Dimitriou G, Greenough A, Rafferty G, Rennie JM, Karani J 2000 Respiratory distress in a neonate with an enlarged thymus. European Journal of Pediatrics 159:237-238 Parnamum J, Field D, Rennie J, Steer P 2000 National census of availability of neonatal intensive care BMJ 321:727-729 Verma PK, Panerai RB, Rennie JM, Evans DH 2000 Grading of cerebral autoregulation in preterm and term neonates Pediatric Neurology 23:246-242 Rosenbloom L Rennie JM Establishing probable cause in cerebral palsy: There are problems with the consensus statement BMJ (correspondence) 2000;320:1076 Dear P, Rennie J, Newell S, Rosenbloom L 2000 Response to the proposal of a template for defining a causal relation between acute intrapartum events and cerebral palsy. Clinical Risk 6:143-144 Wilkinson A, Rennie J 2000 Investigating allegations of research misconduct. BMJ 321:1346 2001
Pressler RM, Boylan GB, Morton M, Binnie CD, Rennie JM 2001 Early serial EEG in hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Clinical Neurophysiology 112:31-37 Kavvadia V, Greenough A, Boylan GB, Dimitriou G, Laubscher B, Panerai R, Rennie JM 2001 Effect of a high volume strategy high frequency oscillation on cerebral haemodynamics European Journal of Pediatrics 160:140-141 2002
Atkinson J, Anker S, Rae S, Weeks F, Braddick O, Rennie J 2002 Cortical visual evoked potentials in very low birthweight premature infants. Archives of Diease in Childhood 86:F28-F31 Rennie JM A review of the risk of being born too soon. 2002 Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review 13:3 157-168 Guerra M, Rennie JM, Wilson G, Boylan G, Pressler RM. 2002 An unusual presentation of 5th day fits in the newborn. Pediatric Neurology; 26:398-401 Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 11 18 June 2008
Boylan GB, Rennie JM, Pressler RM, Wilson G, Morton M, Binnie CD 2002 Phenobarbitone, neonatal seizures and video-EEG. Archives of Disease in Childhood 86:F165-F170 2003 Farrer K, Rennie JM 2003 Neonatal murmurs – are senior house officers good enough? Archives of Disease in Childhood, 88:F147-F151 Rennie JM Boylan G 2003 Neonatal seizures and their treatment. Current Opinion in Neurology 16(2) 177-181 2004 Boylan GB, Rennie J, Chorley G, Pressler R, Fox GF, Farrer K, Morton M, Binnie C. 2004 Second line anticonvulsant treatment of neonatal seizures: A video-EEG monitoring study. Neurology 62:486- 488 Rennie JM Chorley G Boylan G Pressler R Nguyen Y Hooper R 2004 Non-expert use of the cerebral function monitor for neonatal seizure detection. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 89 F37-F40 Lee S, Pollina E, Rennie JM, Hannam S 2004 Placental tissue: An unusual cause of tracheal obstruction. Journal of Pediatrics 145:277 Rennie JM 2004 Examining the normal neonate Current Opinion in Pediatrics vol 14/4 pp 361-365 Heath PT, Balfour G, Tighe H, Weisner A, Efstratiou A, Kaye P, Rennie J, Nicoll, A & McCartney C on behalf of the PHLS GBS Working Group. 2004 Group B streptococcal disease (GBS) in UK and Irish infants younger than 90 days. Lancet 363: 292-3 2005 Schulte J, Osborne J, Benson JWT, Cooke RWI, Drayton M, Murphy J, Rennie JM Speidel BD 2005 Developmental outcome following etamsylate for prevention of periventricular haemorrhage in a randomised controlled trial Archives of Diease in Childhood 90:31-35 Filan P, Boylan GB, Chorley G, Davies A, Fox GF, Pressler R, Rennie JM 2005 The relationship between the onset of electrographic seizure activity after birth and the time of cerebral injury in utero, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 112:504-507. Filan P, Salek-Haddadi Y, Nolan I, Sharma B, Rennie JM 2005 An under-recognised malposition of neonatal long lines. European Journal of Paediatrics 164: 469-471 Tebruegge MO, Rennie JM, Haugen SE 2005 Congenital absence of the pericardium associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia and hepatic hemangioendothelioma: case report and review of the literature. Pediatr Surg International 21;557-559. Lobos H Rennie JM Lees C 2005 The natural history of fetal growth restriction in women with abnormal uterine artery Doppler. Prenat Diagn 25:331-2. 2006 Rennie JM Peebles D 2006 Pestivirus as a cause of white matter damage – down but not out. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology 48:243 Boylan GB Rennie JM 2006 Automated neonatal seizure detection Clinical Neurophysiology 117(7) 1412-3 Cheong JL, Hagmann C, Rennie JM, Robertson NJ, De Vita E, Chong KW, Scott R, Roth S 2006 Fatal newborn head enlargement: high resolution magnetic resonance imaging at 4.7 T Archives of Disease in Childhood 91: F202-F203 Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 12 18 June 2008 2007 Rennie JM, Boylan G Treatment of neonatal seizures. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2007;92:F148-150 Rennie JM Hagmann CF Robertson NJ Outcome after intrapartum hypoxic ischaemia at term Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 1007; 12: 398-407 Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound.Rennie JM 1997 Cambridge University Press. This book sold well worldwide. I am writing a revision, to be entitled “Neonatal Cerebral Investigation”. The revision will include MR imaging. This book is in revision as: Neonatal Cerebral Investigation. Rennie JM Robertson NJ (Editors)
Textbook of Neonatology, 3rd Edition. Rennie & Roberton 1999 Churchill Livingstone. This is a widely respected comprehensive multi-author textbook which is translated into several languages. Formerly edited by NRC Roberton, and then jointly, it is now under my sole editorship. I have written several chapters in the current edition. The 4th edition of this book is now published as: Roberton’s Textbook of Neonatology, 4th Edition. Edited by Rennie JM 2005 Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 4th Edition, Rennie & Roberton 2002 Edward Arnold. This is amongst the most popular of the “pocketbooks” used by neonatal residents. The text has been translated into several languages including Japanese. I am co-author with my friend, co-editor and former colleague Dr Cliff Roberton. The 4th edition has sold out and is currently being reprinted. This book is in revision as: Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care 5th Edition, Rennie JM Hodder Arnold In preparation, due for completion 2007 Clinical Protocols in Labour Marsh MS, Rennie JM, Groves P 2002 Parthenon Publishing, UK. Chapters in Books (more than 20) This list omits chapters contributed to the books I have edited
Neonatal Neurology and Follow Up of the Low Birthweight infant in Forfar and Arneil's Textbook of Paediatrics 4th Edition ed McIntosh & Campbell pub Churchill Livingstone 1992. Neonatal Neurology and Follow Up of the Low Birthweight infant in Forfar and Arneil's Textbook of Paediatrics 5th Edition ed McIntosh & Campbell, pub Churchill Livingstone 1998 Neonatal Neurology and Follow Up of the Low Birthweight infant in Forfar and Arneil's Textbook of Paediatrics 6th Edition ed McIntosh & Smythe , pub Churchill Livingstone 2003 Neonatal Neurology and Follow Up of the Low Birthweight infant in Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 13 18 June 2008
Forfar and Arneil's Textbook of Paediatrics 7th Edition Ed McIntosh, Smythe pub Elsevier in press Fluids and Electrolytes and Care of the Well and Convalescent Preterm Baby in Textbook of Neonatology 2nd Edition ed NRC Roberton pub Churchill Livingstone. Infectious disease of the Central Nervous System in Fetal and Neonatal Neurology 2nd edition, ed Levene MI pub Churchill Livingstone; 1995 The social and emotional needs of the parents and baby. (with Dr Martin Richards) In Practical Perinatal Care Ed Levitt, Cooke, Harvey pub Butterworth Heinemann 2000 Neonatal Intensive care in Pediatric Surgery and Urology: long term outcomes Edited Stringer, Oldham, Mouriquand, Howard, Pub WB Saunders 1998 Neonatal Intensive care in: Pediatric Surgery and Urology: long term outcomes Second Edition. Edited Stringer, Oldham, Mouriquand, Howard, Pub WB Saunders 2006 Neonatal Cerebral Doppler velocimetry in Textbook of Perinatal Medicine ed Kurjak pub Parthenon Press 1998 Neonatology. In: Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Ten Teachers 17th edition, edited Campbell and Lees pub Edward Arnold Neonatology. In Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Ten Teachers, edited by Professor P Baker 18th Edition, Edward Arnold. Resuscitation. Chapter 14 in Manual of neonatal respiratory care Eds Sinha and Donn. Futura, New York pp 101 – 105 Resuscitation. Chapter 12 in Manual of neonatal respiratory care, 2nd Ed Eds Donn and Sinha Elsevier, pp 98-103 Neonatal Seizures. 2000 (with Geraldine Boylan) In: Recent Advances in Paediatrics volume 19 edited by Tim David published Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh pp 19-32 Resuscitation (48.3) and Neonatal treatments (48.4). In: Evidence based Obstetrics, 2003 Eds James DK Mahomed K Stone P van Wijngaarden W Hill LM pub Saunders (Elsevier Science) pp 387-392 Respiratory problems of Infants with Neurological Disease. In: Neonatal Respiratory Disorders, 2nd Edition. Eds Greenough, A & Milner A D published Arnold , UK Neonatology Module III (Neurology, haematology and metabolism and sepsis) Chapter 48 In: MRCPCH Mastercourse Ed Levene MI. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2007 pp364-380 Neonatal Care in Midwifery by Ten Teachers edited by Debbie Holmes and Philip Baker 2006 Hodder Arnold, London Working Parties. Screening for retinopathy of prematurity. Joint report of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and British Association of Perinatal Paediatricians, 1989 Development of Audit measures and guidelines for the good practice in the management of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome. BAPM & the Research Unit of the Royal College of Physicians November 1990: published in Arch Dis Child 1992. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 14 18 June 2008 Rational Use of High technology in Neonatology. Amsterdam Holland 1992. Minimum dataset for identification of disability and associated conditions at 2 years. National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit. 1993-94 (chaired by Neil Marlow). Development of Audit measures and guidelines for the good practice in the management of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome. BAPM 1998: draft of guidelines produced by myself acting as Chair, 1999. Guidelines commended by the RCPCH Guideline Group. Group B streptococcus in the newborn. Public Health Laboratory Service working party, 1999-2003 Working party on paediatric transfusion RCPCH 1999 Wellcome Trust: Factors that lead to advances in Neonatal Intensive Care, 1999-2000 CESDI Breech Focus Group, January 2000 , CESDI hospital deaths in infancy 2000 Safe Maternity Care (RCPCH representative) RCOG 2006 Standards in Maternity Care (RCPCH representative) RCOG 2007 NICE guideline development group on neonatal jaundice (Chair) 2008 Invited Lectures: International meetings. State of Neonatal Intensive Care in the United Kingdom Ancona Italy 1990. Cerebral Blood flow Velocity Variability Italian Neonatal Society 1990 Neonatal Brain Injury and Cranial Ultrasound scanning Turkish Medical Society, Istanbul Turkey 1991 Post asphyxial encephalopathy Istanbul Turkey May 1992 Neonatal Cranial Doppler studies. Eurodop, Oxford September 1994 Neonatal brain injury seminars, British Council sponsored trip, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 1995 Outcome of prematurity. Board certification course in Fetal medicine, London September 1999 Outcome of antenatally diagnosed central nervous system malformations, and for growth restricted preterm infants, Cyprus Society of Perinatal Medicine February 2000 Cerebral blood flow velocity changes during neonatal seizures, Florence October 2000 Neonatal Seizures. International league against Epilepsy Liverpool April 2001 Neonatal Seizures, Modena Italy 2002 The use of the EEG in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, Sunderland June 2002 Neonatal Seizures, Course for Senior Paediatricians, Hammersmith Hospital, London November 2003 Treatment of Neonatal Seizures, International Epilepsy Congress, Helsinki July 2006 Some Invited lectures: National (chronological order). Prostaglandins in the Newborn: Cambridge, Leicester, Liverpool, UCL 1986-7. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 15 18 June 2008
Prophylaxis of Intraventricular haemorrhage Oxford 1986, Cambridge 1987. Advances in Neonatal Intensive Care Whipps Cross MRCOG Course 1987-1992. History of Neonatal Intensive Care Anglo-French Medical Society Cambridge 1988 Birth Asphyxia RCOG Seminar 1988 Recent advances in Surfactant therapy St George's Hospital London 1988 Assessment of the Systemic and Cerebral circulation of the Newborn Leeds & Guy's Hospital 1989. Outcome of Very Low Birthweight Infants Cambridge Summer Meeting 1990 Does Cerebral blood flow velocity variability matter to the newborn? Cambridge, Cardiff, Bristol, Sheffield Non-invasive Diagnosis in the Neonatal Brain, Neurosurgical Course, Cambridge 91,92 Brain Injury in the preterm baby British Council Course for Neonatal Intensive Care, Cambridge 1992. Supportive care of babies on ventilators. Royal Society of Medicine 1992. Is Critical Closing Pressure a determinant of neonatal cerebral blood flow? St Mary’s Hospital, 1993 When is the right time to perform caesarean section at term? Queen Charlotte’s hospital, October 1994 Pediatric Neurology course: Neonatal seizures. Great Ormond Street Hospital, London March 1996 Management of the infant of marginal viability. Irish Perinatal Society, Belfast March 22nd 1996 Nitric oxide therapy in the newborn, London June 1996 Perinatal management at the margin of viability, Brighton, October 1996: London 1997: Cambridge 1997: Basildon 1997: Sidcup 1997; many other centres 1999-2000: EEG studies of neonatal seizures, London 1997 Doppler studies in the newborn infant. St George’s, London May 1997 Ethical problems at the margins of life. Sunderland, June 1997 Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound: uses and limitations: Hammersmith Hospital MRI course, July 1997 Video Telemetry studies of seizures, Manchester November 1997 Elective caesarean section at term London November 1997 Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy: King’s London January 1998; St George’s London June 1998 24-26 weeks gestation; is the cost justified? Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, December 1997 and December 1998-05-13 Should we treat all neonatal seizures? Sunderland May 1998 The value of the EEG in monitoring hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Croydon May 98; Great Ormond Street hospital London, June 1998 The ethics of resuscitation. Liverpool October 1998
Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 16 18 June 2008 The outcome of prematurity: London October, November, December 1998 (S Thames study group, RCOG); several times in 1999 and 2000. Outcome of prematurity; Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society, York April 1999 The value of ultrasound in the diagnosis of HIE. Kent, 1999; Liverpool, October 1999; London 2000 Caesarean Section and the Baby. RCM/RCOG meeting, London, November 1999 Outcome at the margin of viability. Obstetrics & Gynaecology, frontiers for the future. Royal College of Physicians, London March 2000 Cerebral palsy and intrapartum events, Sunderland June 2000 Group B Streptococcus, RCOG, London June 2001 Medical Negligence Litigation in Clinical Neonatal Practice, Hathersage, October 2003, 2004, 2005,2006, 2007 Rennie JM Neonatal seizures: diagnosis and management. Inserm meeting, Innsbruck 2005 Commended for the best speaker prize Rennie JM Sprigg A Neonatal cerebral ultrasound, the views of a clinician and a radiologist. RCPCH 2005 What an obstetrician needs to know about neonatology RCOG Autumn 2006 Legal aspects of care withdrawal Reason meeting June 2006 Treatment of neonatal seizures, Helsinki June 2006 Pathophysiology of neonatal hypoxic ischaemia RCOG September 2006 Brain monitoring in intensive Care Wakefield November 2006 Pathogenesis of perinatal asphyxia, RCOG Labour Ward Management course, Autumn 2007 Study day on EEG and cerebral function monitoring, Cork, Autumn 2007 Neonatal Jaundice, Institute of Child Health May 2007, St Mary’s Hospital & Whittington Hospitals London Nov 07 Neonatal cerebral ultrasound 4th European course on paediatric neuroradiology London April 2008 Some Presentations at Meetings (National and International, chronological). Rennie JM Gibson T Cooke RWI Micromethod for bleeding time in the newborn. Paediatric Research Society, Liverpool 1984. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Timing of response of 6 keto-prostaglandin F 1 alpha to indomethacin therapy in the LBWI. Int conf NIC, Care Rotterdam 1984. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Elevated levels of immunoreactive prostacyclin metabolite in babies who develop IVH. British Paediatric Association, York 1985. Commended for the Michael Blacow Memorial Prize. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Ethamsylate reduces immunoreactive prostacyclin metabolite in babies with respiratory distress syndrome. BPA York 1985. Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 17 18 June 2008
Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Timing of inhibition of 6 keto prostaglandin F 1 alpha synthesis in the newborn with indomethacin. Neonatal Society Dundee 1985. Rennie JM Doyle J Cooke RWI Reduction of prostacyclin metabolite after paralysis in ventilated babies. Neonatal Society London 1986. Rennie JM Cooke RWI Morley CJ Failure of observation and impedance respirography to detect active expiration in ventilated preterm babies. Neonatal Society Gothenberg 1986 Rennie JM South M Morley CJ Reduction of cerebral blood flow velocity after synchronous ventilation. Neonatal Doppler Society Leicester 1987. Rennie JM Cooke RWI Is there a better way in which to use indomethacin to treat patent ductus arteriosus? Neonatal Society Manchester 1987. Rennie JM Lam P Effects of ethamsylate on cerebral blood flow velocity and cardiac output in premature babies. BPA York 1988. Rennie JM Harari M Reduction in cerebral blood flow velocity after plasma infusion. International congress of fetal and neonatal physiological measurements Sweden 1988. Rennie JM Morris PJ Evans DH Levene MI Thoresen M Blood pressure exerts more influence on cerebral blood flow velocity than carbon dioxide tension in piglets less than 24 hours old. Liverpool 1989. Rennie JM Coughtrey H Van Veelsen C Bas J Ethamsylate and alveolar permeability in RDS. London 1989. Rennie JM Coughtrey H Evans DH Factors associated with respiration-induced variability in cerebral blood flow velocity BPA Warwick April 1992. Rennie JM Coughtrey H Morley R Evans DH Neurodevelopmental outcome at 18 months related to CBFV in early life. Int Symp on Fetal and Neonatal Neurology: Tours, France Oct 1992. Rennie JM, Coughtrey H, Morley R, Evans DH 1993 Comparison of cerebral blood flow velocity with cranial ultrasound imaging for early prediction of outcome in pretern infants. British Paediatric Association,Warwick April 1993. Rennie JM Boylan GB Binnie C Panerai R Evans DH Cerebral blood flow velocity during neonatal seizures. Neonatal Society London November 1998 Rennie JM Boylan GB Binnie C Panerai R Evans DH Dynamic cerebral autoregulation in the sick newborn. Neonatal Society Liverpool June 1999 Rennie JM Wilson G Boylan GB Pressler R Hooper R How accurate is the cerebral function monitor for neonatal seizure detection? RCPCH Spring 2002 Rennie JM Boylan GB Chorley C et al Second line anticonvulsant treatment of neonatal seizures: an open comparative study using video-EEG monitoring. Neonatal Society November 2002
Janet M Rennie, curriculum vitae. Page 18 18 June 2008
Javelin Pharmaceuticals Signs Commercial Supply Agreement with Precision Pharma Services New York-Based Contract Manufacturer to Supply Dyloject(TM) for Launch in Europe CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb 26, 2007 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Javelin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (AMEX: JAV), a leading developer of novel products for pain control, today announced it has signed a Commercial Supply Agreement with Precis
Department of Human Services Interim Guidance for Laboratory Testing, Infection Control, and Use of Antiviral Medication for Treating H1N1 Swine Influenza Laboratory Testing: Given that Oregon has now confirmed numerous cases of H1N1 Swine Influenza from across the state, intensive case finding is no longer warranted, and our recommendations for testing have been modified accordingl