Microsoft word - etd management briefing final 161106.doc
Management Briefing No.1 UK cross-border transfer of electronic patient information
Overview of management briefings Key Messages
about information and IT-related matters
Each home
action points for follow up and pointers to
country has
contacts and further sources of countries. Each has its own
developed its own IM&T strategy, to Topic summary support differing
This paper describes in brief some of the
healthcare priorities
similarities and differences between the
going to enable cross-border transfer of
ment Topic explained p
Prior to 1997 and devolution, the NHS in
Home countries differ in technical
Secretaries of State. Electronic patient
Implications and issues and information systems
transfer of GP records, for example, was
standards. The reality was that while the
information and technical standards, the
and Develo g Out of hours and emergency care
technology prior to 1997 meant that there
are the primary drivers for the development of electronic summary records , Trainin
Within Northern Ireland IM&T is more streamlined as the technology is based on a single system supplier as is the relationship with social care.
1 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
2 Information Management & Technology
Meanwhile, Wales is developing its own The future Key Messages
1) Are there any policy drivers for data
The Scottish GP record transfer system is available in 80% of practices and is being migrated to new standards that will be compatible with the English GP to GP system Examples of good practice
most of, if not all, patients in England.
Related research and reading ment p
business north or south of the border? If
a patient requires care in another home
country the very least we can do is Contacts and Develo
Supplementing that, wouldn't it be useful
A home countries group g
to see the emergency care information if
Author’s Biography is working on a common technical hub to allow the transfer of patient information
record transfer system that is available
, Trainin Disclaimer – the content of this paper is the opinion of the author and does not represent policy or strategy of the NHS in general or NHS Connecting for Health in
Unfortunately this is not compatible with
Practice (GP2GP) record transfer system promised for England.
Education ment p and Develo g , Trainin Education
Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011 , 17, 1389-1395 1389 Psychopharmacological Treatment in Pathological Gambling: A Critical Review Division of Addictology Department of Mental Health and Psychiatry University Hospitals of Geneva Rue verte, 2, 1205 Geneva. Switzerland Abstract: Given the rates of pathological gambling and its impact on affected individuals and their re
CURRICULUM VITAE Peter G. Gulick, DO, FACOI, FACP, FIDSA (Office) Michigan State University, B318 West Fee Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 353-3211 (Clinic) Ingham County Health Department, 5303 S. Cedar Street, Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 887-4302 (Clinic) Breslin Cancer Center, Ingham Regional Medical Center, 401 W. Greenlawn, (Home) 1839 Pine Knoll Road, Okemos, MI 48864, (517) 349-4