
Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine vol. 1 Tel. +49 7626 9749 700Fax +49 7626 9749 709 Apis mellifica .109, 129, 183, 315 Aconitum napellus . 130, 149, 199, Arnica montana . 49, 50, 51, 124, Belladonna .37, 90, 117, 121, 129, Antibiotics..70, 110, 134, 135, 222 Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Bryonia albaGZ, 100, 104, 105, 137, Calcarea carbonica45, 49, 50, 122, Calcarea phosphorica 48, 163, 358 Calcarea sulphurica .49, 304, 358, Calendula officinalis. 124, 125, 133 Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Drosera rotundifolia. 90, 95, 353 Dyspnoea . See Respiration difficult Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Graphites 109, 153, 229, 277, 310, Hepar sulphuris calcareum48, 121, Kali carbonicumlSJ, 210, 270, 272, Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Lachesis muta. 142, 170, 195, 210, Laws of cure See Directions of cure Mercurius solubilis (i/;Viys)114, 150, Ledum palustre 109, 110, 133, 153 Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Natrium sulphuricum. 49, 50, 113, Nux vomicaQO, 171, 195, 264, 289, Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Pulsatilla pratensis 64, 71, 95, 129, Renal insufficiency .See Kidneys - Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Sanguinaria canadensis 94, 95, 96 Sprain of the ankle . See Ankles, Sepia offic/na//s166, 176, 189, 209, Shortness of breath See Respiration Silicea terra. 35, 51, 109, 166, 309, Similia Similibus Curentur. 97, 101 Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Sulphur32, 51, 100, 108, 113, 117, Thuja occidentalism, 51, 100, 175, Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Wounds.27, 60, 74, 84, 107, 247 -Non-healing -Lacerated 133 Zincum metallicum.…………….289 Narayana Verlag, 79400 Kandern, Tel.: 07626 974 970 0 Excerpts from Erik van Woensel, Classical Homeopathy Evidence Based Medicine Volume I Case studies - Long term treatment -Theory

Source: http://www.editora-narayana.com.br/homeopathy/pdf/Classical-Homeopathy-Evidence-Based-Medicine-vol-1-.11721_3Index.pdf


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