Microsoft word - h1n1 information.rtf

Frequently asked questions about H1N1 and Influenza-Like Illness Novel H1N1 is a respiratory virus; it is "novel" because it is a new virus. There are many other types of influenza viruses. 2) What are the signs and symptoms of Influenza-Like Illness? Persons with Influenza-Like Illness (or "ILI") have Fever of 100°F or greater AND one or more of the following o Sore Throat o Runny and/or stuffy nose (Persons may also have body aches, headaches, chills, fatigue, and diarrhea) AND - the above is not secondary to another infection (e.g. strep throat, pneumonia, etc) Primarily person-to-person through respiratory droplets Hand-to-hand transmission. we touch our face (nose, mouth, eyes) frequently. anything on our hands (including viruses!) can then enter our bodies Persons are infectious one day before their symptoms start and up to 10 days after 4) How Can I Prevent the Spread of the Influenza Viruses (Including Novel H1N1? You can decrease the spread of the virus, and therefore your chances of contracting it, through "Scrupulous Standards of Hygiene!" Specific infection control measures include: 1. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze and before • Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective 2. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze • Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it • Cough into your elbow or sleeve if a tissue is not readily available 3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth • This is how germs are frequently spread; if you are going to touch your face, wash your 4. Stay home if you get an Influenza-Like Illness! • Until at least 24 hours after you are fever-free (<100°F) without the use of fever-reducing medications (e.g. Tylenol® or Motrin® or other such products) 5. Get the seasonal flu vaccination and the H1N1 vaccination when available • Vaccinations against influenza viruses are critical to help reduce your risk, as well as the risk of others, from contracting flu viruses Virginia Department of Health Flu Hotline - 877-ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343), Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Virginia Department of Health Website Posters & Other Materials http:/Ay /materials.htm Advice and talking points for discussing H1N1 with children ngtokids.htm With Children About Flu FINAL.pdf 1. Get a Kit For more information, visit: Family Care Plan - arrange with family, friends and neighbors who will care for children, elders and others who are ill and need assistance or supervision Discuss with your family, friends and neighbors the types of disasters and emergencies that are most likely to happen and what to do in each case Take a first aid, CPR or other class so that you can help yourself and others if needed Decide now where you and your family will meet in case you can't return home because of an Make a plan for the care of your pet(s) For more information, visit: It is critical to use accurate, local, up-to-date information to protect yourself and your loved ones. For information about emergencies such as hurricanes, floods and weather-related events, listen to the radio or television for information from officials. For information about influenza, check the Virginia Department of Health website at anytime or call 877-ASK-VDH3 (877-275-8343) For more information, visit: o 1 gallon per person/per day, for 3 to 5 days (1/2 for drinking, ½ for sanitation & cooking) o 3 to 5 day supply of food-requiring minimal o Sleeping bag (or 2 blankets) per person water, no refrigeration, preparation or cooking (canned foods, granola bars, trail mix, etc.) o Pet supplies (food, water, carriers, etc.) o Prescription & non-prescription medications o Comfort/care items unique t infant, elderly & o Cash(small bills) or traveler’s checks o Extra set of car keys in a waterproof container o Originals of important documents-in a safe place o Call letter & dial settings of your local Emergency Alert System taped on your radio & Wrenches, duct tape, a whistle & a utility knife o Feminine hygiene products & diapers **Keep first aid supplies in home & car


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Powstanie programu transplantacji serca w Poznaniu 1. Wprowadzenie W roku 2010 wykonano ³¹cznie w naszym kraju 79 przeszczepów serca. Obecnie na te-renie Polski dzia³a piêæ oœrodków transplantacyjnych: najstarszy, na po³udniu – oœro-dek w Zabrzu, drugi – w Krakowie, na pó³nocy – oœrodek gdañski, w centralnej Polsce– oœrodek warszawski, a na zachodzie – nowopowsta³y,

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