
“Efficacy and safety of fixed dose combination of latanoprost 0.005% and timolol 0.5% ophthalmic solution (Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd) in patients with open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension: a randomized, open label, parallel group, active controlled study” (2011-2012).
“A multicenter, Open-label Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Twice-daily 0.01% Bimatoprost / 0.15%Brimonidine / 0.5%Timolol Ophthalmic Solution (Triple Combination) in Patients in India, who Have Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension With Elevated IOP, and are on Twice-daily 0.2%Brimonidine / lol Ophthalmic Solution(Dual Combination) Therapy” (2010-2012).
“Prospective Pharmacovigilance cohort study of Ocular Surface Disease (OSD) after use of topical betablockers and prostaglandins” (2011).
“Effect of newer NSAID (Nepafenac) on foveal thickness changes after phacotrabeculectomy” (2011).
“Foveal thickness changes after Phacotrabeculectomy” (2010-2011).
“A prospective, Multicentric, randomized controlled, study on long term outcomes of Phacoemulsification with Intra-ocular lens implantation in Pseudo exfoliation syndrome patients” “Assessing the Safety and Efficacy of Changing to Travacom (Travoprost/Timolol Fixed Combination), as replacement therapy in patients with uncontrolled intraocular pressure across India” (2010-2011).
“ A multicentre, Open label, Active control, Parallel group randomized study to demonstrate Non- inferiority of Brinzolamide 1% ophthalmic suspension compared with Dorzox (Dorzolamide) 2% ophthalmic solution in the treatment ot elevated IOP in patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma or “A phase 3 Prospective, Randomized, Double –Masked, 12week, Parallel group evaluating the efficacy and safety of LATANOPROST and TIMOLOL in pediatric subjects with Glaucoma” (2009).
“A multi-center, double-masked study ofthe safety and efficacy of Travoprost APS compared to TRAVATAN® in patients with open- angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension” (2009).
“A Twelve week, Multicentre, Double-masked, Parallel Group Primary Therapy Study of the Safety and Efficacy of BETOPTIC®S 0.25% Compared to Timolol Gel Forming Solution 0.25% and 0.5% in Pediatric Patients with Glaucoma or Ocular Hypertension” (2004-2005).
“A Twelve week, Multicentre, Double-masked, Parallel Group, Primary Therapy Study and Efficacy of BETAXONTM 0.5% compared to AZOPT® 1% in Pediatric Patients with Glaucoma or Ocular “A Multicentre, Open label, Non-comparative study of the Efficacy and Safety of 0.2% Brimonidine Tartarate, 0.5% Timolol Ophthalmic Combination Bid in patients with Elevated IOP on Monotherapy ” “A Twelve week open label, Multicenteric trial for the Safety and Efficacy of Alphagan in Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma Patients” (2002-2003).
“A Six weeks randomized control trial comparing Safety and Efficacy of Bimatoprost and Timolol separately and the combination of Bimatoprost and Timolol” (2002-2003).
International Publications:

Published in peer reviewed journals like Ophthalmology, JCRS, EYE, BJO, AJO, IJO, Acta ophthalmoligica Scandinavia, Archives, IJMM, TNOA, Journal of Genetics etc… Is a reviewer of many peer reviewed journals – Eye, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association, Acta ophthalmoligica Scandinavia, Indian Medical Biology etc… Editor for Video Journal of Glaucoma, Journal of current Glaucoma practice.
Presentation in International Conferences:
Guest Speaker in World Glaucoma Congress.
Presented many scientific papers in various International Ophthalmology meetings like American Cataract and Refractive Society, American Glaucoma Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Has presented & given guest lectures for more than hundred papers in National level at various parts Conducted various clinical trials as a principal investigator.
Active Eye Care Consultant for many eye hospitals for their consultancy and Capacity Building in
National level and International level.
Invited faculty for International Glaucoma Forum, AISA ARVO,South East Asia Glaucoma Interest Group (SEAGIG), International Congress on Glaucoma Surgery (ICGS), World Glaucoma Society.
Conducted various symposiums and instruction courses in National and International conferences.
Actively involved in public awareness and education of the community about Glaucoma & other eye diseases by conducting CME’s, Speeches, AIR talks and write ups in Print media for the past 12 years.
Produced a Documentary film on CREATING GLAUCOMA AWARENESS for the general public.
Drawn into Social activities in Pongalur Village along with father for the well being and improving the Developing a concept of a prototype model for SELF VISUAL ACUITY MONITOR for the public and Drug
delivery device for better compliance of the drug.
Conducting free eye camps for last 19 years in the native village.
Annual Meeting of the Glaucoma Society of India, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 2001.
Has set up a Effective and functional model for “REDUCTION OF WAITING TIME IN OUTPATIENT
CLINIC” in a crowded eye care system. Accepted and studied by University of Michigan , USA and well
received in the London Business School as a model.
Ophthalmology on 11th November 2006 in Las Vegas by American Glaucoma Society.
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Healthcare Excellence Awards 2010 for “EXCELLENCE IN PATIENT EXPERIENCE”.
“WAGH MEMORIAL AWARD” by Pune Ophthalmic Association for outstanding contribution to the field
of ophthalmology and community ophthalmology.

Source: http://www.danvanthiri.com/images/profile/dr.p.sathyan.pdf

Managing side effects of cancer treatment

• Pain is often measured by the numeric pain intensity scale – how bad is your pain on a scale of 1-10 with one being the least amount of pain – Nociceptive pain – pain that is caused by an injury to body tissues – aching, sharp, or throbbing– Neuropathic pain – pain that results from damage to peripheral or central nervous system – shooting – Acetaminophen – i.e. Tyleno

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