Itf crd register april 07 (web copy - post itf).xls
02/12/97 Delete part & whole of group
OSIS on-line user will have the ability to allow
either the whole or part of the group to be
selected for deletion, and ceased by a single transaction.
02/12/97 National DQ group
insert/update/cease a listing once, which will
subsequently be ‘copied’ across to all DQ groups It is believed that this can also be tied into CRD297/97
02/05/00 System Admin Organisational Profile
To allow the system administrator profile to
amend the organisational hierarchy such as
amends profiles, search for user ID by name and
the ability to change to a new user manager.
21/05/00 Line Type & Line Use Changes on OSIS
Need to implement change to reflect Industry
application and all downstream feeds. Line Type
field to hold details of Network Designation. (e.g.
Mobile, PSTN, etc).
05/10/00 OSIS On-line Comments Field Expansion
Comments field to be expanded from 250 to 500
characters to expand the history on notes.
07/08/01 Remove Vets for Mobile / FAX
To remove the risk of amending an entry to
include incorrect details and ensuring correct
is awaiting Number Portability & Technology Neutrality decision.
16/11/01 OSIS – Mobile Capability
To improve OSIS capability and efficiency to cope Carpenter
with the increase in mobile traffic.
16/01/02 LORS2 – Mobile Capability
To improve LORS2 capability and efficiency to
cope with the increase in mobile traffic.
21/10/03 Amend the Billing process.
Single and multi line group update identification
for the new pricing process. Amend the Billing process to enable the Billing volumes to be split into more granularity.
16/06/05 Online Reject Handling
To allow Suppliers the option to use online
access to correct, and resubmit, batch update records that have failed vetting.
16/06/05 Partial Postcodes
Following detailed study of complaints received
following the implementation of PAF enhancement on BT’s VADB database, a customer requirement has come to light for “Partial Postcodes”. For example a customer may wish to have the Out-code, NW3 but not the Inward code displayed
16/06/05 Changes To Porting Process
Changes to be made to LORS2 and/or OSIS as
required in order to enable BTC Suppliers to lodge out of order adopt requests (i.e. request adoption of listing(s) that have not yet been Exported by the losing franchise), either online or via batch updates.
16/06/05 New Porting Queues
To allow Suppliers online access to work queues,
in order to further streamline the Porting process.
16/06/05 Std Extract For Single LOPID
To allow the creation of Standard Extract files that
contain data that is LOPID specific i.e. all data within such a file refers to listings ‘owned’ by a single LOPID.
16/06/05 Viewable Transaction History
Creation of Listing History, providing details of
every change made to an individual listing.
16/06/05 Access To Lors2/Osis Via Web Front End
To provide Suppliers with 24/7 access to online
listing maintenance via web-based ‘front end’.
Independent release envisaged 15/09/06 - Review meeting held 07/09. Agreed to place on hold, awaiting OFCOM details.
21/10/05 Semi-Automated Grouping
Creation of OSIS functionality to allow semi-
21/10/05 Auto LoNi on Group Inserts
Creation of OSIS functionality to auto generate
LO NI references for new listings inserted into groups.
20/04/06 Software to update OSIS Help
Identify software that can be used to update OSIS
help without the need to purchase Doc-to-Help
28/06/06 Changes to client for processing of manual and LORS rejects
To develop LORS, so that there is the ability to select more than one reject type for one order, via a pick list from a drop down menu box. Also, the ability is needed to stream the output from the manual rejects to email or print for each Supplier.
13/07/06 Matching Cease / Activation records in SFF
Matching Cease and Activate records for the
same telephone number sent in SFF files to be processed on OSIS but not sent down stream.
07/08/06 Retention of LONI ref on OSIS ceased listings Mandy table Hinchliffe
The OSIS ceased listings table to be update and
retain the LONI ref of the ceased listing.
09/10/06 Reduce OSIS Excessive CPU Usage
Amend the OSIS SICM/DAM routines to improve
efficiency and reduce the current CPU usage
12/10/06 Ex-Directory Call Completion
To offer a new directory option of Ex-Directory with Call Completion enabling a Voice DQ licensee to search for a listing, connect a call, but not disclose the number to the calling party.
25/10/06 Allow use of “@” symbol in Business names Kam Aujla on OSIS and LORS.
Relax all vets on use of the “@” symbol so records containing the character can pass through LORS and OSIS without rejection.
12/01/07 Extract transfer to CD Burner change
Change to file transfer process to use Web-Ferit
for Extracts that require copying to CD-Rom.
through the ASG, rather than development. 01/03/07 - Proposed for Dev cycle 3, Q1.
13/02/07 Change to order of OSIS Group validations
Validation on OSIS group listings to be completed Hinchliffe
when insert/update listing is selected rather than
to establish the priority in the workstack. Removed from scope of dev cycle 3.
02/03/07 Changes to Data Integrity Reports
Expansion of OSIS reports used by BTWDS (as
briefed at the IOF) to enable CPs to see OSIS entries with ‘suspect data’.
28/03/07 OSIS National DQ Coverage Option to
allow creation of all national DQs from single
main entry without need to manually input each.
Antiinflammatory actions of cat's claw: the role of NF-kB M. SANDOVAL-CHACON, J. H. THOMPSON, X.-J. ZHANG, X. LIU, E. E. MANNICK, H. SADOWSKA-KROWICKA, R. M. CHARBONNET, D. A. CLARK & M. J. S. MILLER LSU Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics and Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA Accepted for publication 22 July 1998 Background: Uncaria tome