No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Quality of life after laparoscopic bilateraladrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease
Mary T. Hawn, MD, David Cook, MD, Clifford Deveney, MD, and Brett C. Sheppard, MD, Portland, Ore Background. Bilateral adrenalectomy to control symptoms of Cushing’s disease after failed trans- sphenoidal operation is effective. We examined surgical outcomes and quality of life after laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy for the treatment of Cushing’s disease. Methods. Eighteen patients underwent laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy from November 1994 through December 2000. Patient data were obtained from chart reviews. Patients completed a follow-up survey including the SF-36 health survey (QualityMetric Inc, Lincoln, Neb). Results. Laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy was accomplished in all 18 patients. There was 1 intraop- erative complication of a colotomy, and 2 postoperative complications including 1 pancreatic pseudocyst and 1 hemorrhage. Three patients died at 12, 19, and 50 months after operation. At a median follow- up of 29 months, patients reported improvement in all Cushing’s-related symptoms. Nine of 11 patients who responded to the survey stated their heath was improved after adrenalectomy. Results of the SF-36 health survey showed significantly lower scores in all 8 measured parameters when compared with the general population. Conclusions: Results of laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy show this procedure is comparable with open adrenalectomy in controlling symptoms of Cushing’s disease. Despite patient reported improvement in health after adrenalectomy, this patient population continues to experience poor health as measured by the SF-36 when compared with the general population. (Surgery 2002;132:1064-9.) From the Departments of Surgery and Internal Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Ore
CUSHING’S DISEASE IS both a physically and emo-
the open procedure.1 The objective of this study was
tionally disabling disease. The sequelae of unop-
to examine the effectiveness of laparoscopic bilater-
posed hypercortisolism include obesity, diabetes,
al adrenalectomy on reversing the sequelae of hyper-
hypertension, proximal muscle weakness, emo-
cortisolism with an emphasis on patients’ quality of
tional lability, and hypogonadism. The mainstay of
life after adrenalectomy for Cushing’s disease.
treatment for Cushing’s disease is transsphenoidalmicro-operation of the pituitary adenoma.
A significant subset of patients fails transsphe-
A retrospective review of consecutive patients
noidal operation secondary to a pituitary macroade-
who underwent laparoscopic bilateral adrenalecto-
noma or hyperplasia. For these patients, treatment
my for Cushing’s syndrome between November
options consist of repeated transsphenoidal opera-
1994 and December 2000 at Oregon Health and
tion, medical therapy with adrenolytic agents, radia-
Science University was performed. The medical
tion therapy to the pituitary gland, or bilateral
records were reviewed to assess patient demograph-
ics, operative parameters, and postoperative events.
Adrenalectomy has been proven effective in
Follow-up consisted of a questionnaire regarding
reversing the effects of hypercortisolism in patients
the resolution of their sequelae from Cushing’s syn-
with persistent Cushing’s disease after transphe-
drome, number and frequency of addisonian
noidal micro-operation. Laparoscopic adrenalecto-
episodes, current corticosteroid replacement, and
my can be safely performed with less morbidity than
the development of Nelson’s syndrome. Patientswere asked to rate the success of their operation inimproving their health status. The SF-36 health sur-
Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American
vey (QualityMetric Inc, Lincoln, Neb) was also
Association of Endocrine Surgeons, Banff, Alberta, Canada,April 7-9, 2002.
administered with the follow-up questionnaire toevaluate objectively their overall health status.
Reprint requests: Mary T. Hawn, MD, University of Alabama atBirmingham, KB 417, 1530 3rd Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35294-
Results from the SF-36 health survey were com-
pared with published normative values for the US
2002, Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. 11/56/128482 Surgical technique. The procedure was per-
formed with the patient in the lateral decubitus
Table I. Patient demographics and disease charac- Table II. Response of Cushing’s disease sequelae
*Three patients were either postmenopausal or male.
position. Three to 4 trocars were used for the leftside and 4 to 5 for the right side. Patients wererepositioned between sides. Dissection was per-
patient between sides, which added approximately
formed primarily with the harmonic scalpel with
35 minutes on the basis of data available. The mean
the exception of clips being placed on the right
estimated blood loss for bilateral adrenalectomies
adrenal vein. Glands were removed in an endo-
was 218 mL (10-500 mL). There was 1 intraopera-
scopically placed bag and the retroperitoneal beds
tive complication of a colotomy secondary to adhe-
were examined for completeness of gland removal.
sions from a previous appendectomy that was
Hydrocortisone replacement was started intraop-
repaired through a limited open incision after
eratively at the completion of the adrenalectomy.
completion of the adrenalectomy. There were 2
Patients were converted to oral hydrocortisone ther-
postoperative complications, 1 postoperative hem-
apy once they were tolerating a clear liquid diet,
orrhage that was managed laparoscopically and
and discharged when tolerating a regular diet and
resulted in a 1-U transfusion. The second compli-
cation of postoperative pancreatitis resulted in
Six patients underwent confirmation of complete-
pseudocyst formation that has been managed con-
ness of adrenalectomy. Postoperatively they were
servatively. The median duration of stay was 3 days
placed on dexamethasone replacement therapy and
(range, 1-18 days). The patient who had the 18-day
a serum cortisol level was measured the next morn-
hospital stay was severely debilitated and had sig-
ing. Undetectable serum cortisol levels confirmed
nificant mental status changes secondary to her
absence of adrenal tissue. They were subsequently
Cushing’s disease. She ultimately was discharged to
converted to standard hydrocortisone therapy before
a nursing home. Otherwise, all patients were dis-
The mean combined adrenal weight was 30 g
and ranged from 11 to 62 g with normal combined
Eighteen patients underwent laparoscopic bilat-
weight being 4 to 12 g. Documentation of com-
eral adrenalectomy for Cushing’s syndrome during
pleteness of adrenalectomy after the laparoscopic
the study period. Demographic variables, duration
procedure was done in the initial 6 patients of this
of disease, and number of previous interventions are
series. Dexamethasone was given for postoperative
outlined in Table I. All patients had documented
steroid replacement and serum cortisol was mea-
Cushing’s syndrome and increased 24-hour urinary
sured on postoperative day 1. All 6 patients had
free cortisol levels, mean 152 µg/dL (range, 47-
undetectable serum levels of cortisol confirming
366). Sixteen patients underwent transsphenoidal
complete removal of both adrenal glands.
micro-operation at a median of 6.5 months (1-240
The median follow-up was 29 months. Three
months) before adrenalectomy. One of the patients
patients died at 12, 19, and 50 months after adrena-
who underwent transsphenoidal operation was later
lectomy from a cardiac event, stroke, and pneumo-
diagnosed with bilateral adrenal dependent disease.
nia, respectively. The age of these patients at death
Five patients underwent a second transsphenoidal
was 69, 73, and 74 years. Of the 15 patients available
micro-operation at a median of 18 months (3-29
for follow-up, 14 were contacted by telephone to
months) before adrenalectomy. One patient who
confirm their address and 11 returned the survey,
failed 2 transsphenoidal procedures also received γ-
for a 73% response rate. The effectiveness of adrena-
knife treatment 27 months before adrenalectomy.
lectomy in reversing the sequelae of Cushing’s dis-
ease is shown in Table II. Hypertension, diabetes,
accomplished in all patients with a mean operative
and depression were defined by the requirement of
time of 296 minutes (160-420 minutes). The oper-
medication for treatment of the disorder. The
ative time includes repositioning and prepping the
patients had a mean weight loss of 8 kg (3-19kg).
Table III. Results of SF-36 survey in patients after adrenalectomy compared with the general population
*Norms from the general US population published in SF-36 health survey manual.2
All patients were discharged on hydrocortisone
mas and falls to 65% for macroadenomas and 38%
15 mg twice a day and fludrocortisone acetate 0.1
to 43% for recurrent or persistent disease.3-6 The
mg/day. Between 6 and 18 months after operation,
treatment of patients who fail transsphenoidal
there was a decrease in the steroid replacement
micro-operation for the treatment of Cushing’s dis-
therapy to approximately 15 to 20 mg per day in
ease is a challenging clinical problem. Options
divided doses. Seven of the 11 patients (64%)
include medical adrenalytic therapy, repeated
report seeking emergency care for steroid replace-
transsphenoidal operation, γ-knife irradiation, and
ment at least once. Most of these events occurred
during the first year after adrenalectomy and were
Medical therapy is often poorly tolerated as a
related to vomiting and inability to take steroid
result of the side effects of chronic therapy. γ-Knife
irradiation to the pituitary gland for the treatment
Ten of the 11 patients who responded to the
of Cushing’s disease is effective in 63% to 83% of
questionnaire had pituitary dependent Cushing’s
patients depending on the duration of follow-up.7-9
disease. One patient had Nelson’s syndrome devel-
However, most patients don’t achieve normal corti-
op 36 months after adrenalectomy and was treated
sol levels until 6 to 18 months after treatment.
with γ-knife irradiation. Six patients (60%) had dis-
Furthermore, the incidence of pituitary deficiencies
turbance in at least 1 other pituitary axis requiring
in other axes after γ-knife therapy ranges from 17%
treatment. Five had growth hormone deficiency, 2
had gonadal insufficiency, and 1 had permanent
Bilateral adrenalectomy is effective in reversing
the signs and symptoms of Cushing’s disease.10-12
Four of the 11 patients are currently employed
The introduction of the laparoscopic approach to
and returned to work between 1 and 5 months
adrenalectomy has decreased the operative morbid-
after adrenalectomy. Of the 7 who are not working,
ity of this procedure and several reports have con-
3 stated that their current health status was pre-
firmed that it is a feasible approach for patients with
venting them from doing so. Nine patients (82%)
Cushing’s disease.13-16 Adrenalectomy renders
state that their health is improved after adrenalec-
patients dependent on steroid replacement therapy
tomy; 1, unchanged; and 1, worse. Results of the
for the remainder of their lives. Previous reports
SF-36 health survey are displayed in Table III.
have found that 9% to 20% of patients needed
Scores are transformed to a 0 to 100 scale with 100
treatment for Addisonian episodes after adrenalec-
representing the best perceived health. The 8
tomy.10,17 We found that 63% of our patients sought
health concepts cover physical and emotional
emergency care for steroid deficiency. These are
health, vitality, and perceived pain. Scores on all 8
self-reported episodes and were not confirmed by
parameters of the health survey are significantly
obtaining medical records. Most patients stated that
lower than published normative scores for the gen-
they sought care secondary to vomiting and inabili-
ty to take their steroid replacement orally.
Bilateral adrenalectomy for pituitary dependent
Cushing’s disease places the patient at risk for devel-
Transsphenoidal micro-operation is the treat-
oping Nelson’s syndrome. The incidence of
ment of choice for patients with Cushing’s disease.
Nelson’s syndrome after adrenalectomy ranges
The success rate is 90% for pituitary microadeno-
from 15% to 30% depending on the duration of fol-
low-up.10,11,17,18 Prior pituitary irradiation is protec-
15 patients were less than age 65 years (18-63). Of
tive against the development of Nelson’s syndrome,
interest is that all 3 patients who died had poorly
factors that are associated with the development of
controlled hypertension before definitive treat-
the syndrome are subnormal or noncontinuous
ment of their Cushing’s disease, despite being on 2
steroid replacement, female gender, pretreatment
to 4 medications, whereas only 4 of the remaining
urinary cortisol level, and presence of a pituitary
15 patients were on 2 or more medications.
adenoma.10,18 One patient in our series had
This report confirms that laparoscopic bilateral
Nelson’s syndrome develop 35 months after adrena-
adrenalectomy is effective in controlling the compli-
lectomy; however, our follow-up is relatively short.
cations of Cushing’s disease. Patients enjoy improve-
Although 81% of our patients who responded to
ment in their health status after definitive treatment
this survey stated that their health was improved
of their disease; however, most continue to have
after adrenalectomy, they scored substantially lower
poorer health than the general population. The sus-
on the SF-36 health survey when compared with
tained effects of Cushing’s disease appear to be
the general population. The SF-36 is a generic
more related to the disease process rather than the
health status survey that is not age-, disease-, or
treatment imposed. We recommend laparoscopic
treatment-specific. It has been well-validated in
bilateral adrenalectomy as the preferred treatment
measuring health status in multiple chronic dis-
in patients who fail transsphenoidal pituitary opera-
eases and the general population.2 The low scores
tion. Adrenalectomy predictably and immediately
in our patient population did not correlate with
reverses the hypercortisolic state in Cushing’s dis-
duration of follow-up, duration of disease before
ease. Because of the frequent disturbances in other
adrenalectomy, or preoperative urinary cortisol lev-
pituitary axes, we reserve γ-knife radiation for those
els. We did not collect preoperative SF-36 data on
who have signs of developing Nelson’s syndrome.
our patients, and so we cannot measure specificchanges in their health after adrenalectomy. We
are now in the process of administering the survey
1. Hazzan D, Shiloni E, Golijanin D, Jurim O, Gross D,
before operation so that we can more effectively
Reissman P. Laparoscopic vs open adrenalectomy for
benign adrenal neoplasm. Surg Endosc 2001;15:1356-8.
2. Ware JE Jr, Snow KK, Kosinski M. SF-36 health survey: man-
Other investigators have also found that patients
ual and interpretation guide. Lincoln (RI): Qualitymetric
with cured Cushing’s disease demonstrate marked
impairment in both physical and mental health
3. Swearingen B, Biller BM, Barker FG, Katznelson L,
scores as measured by the SF-36.10,19 Persistent
Grinspoon S, Klibanski A, et al. Long-term mortality after
poor health after definitive treatment of Cushing’s
transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing disease. Ann InternMed 1999;130:821-4.
disease is not limited to those patients who have
4. Mampalam TJ, Tyrrell JB, Wilson CB. Transsphenoidal
undergone adrenalectomy.19 In a population-based
microsurgery for Cushing disease: a report of 216 cases.
study in Denmark, patients who were cured with
initial pituitary operation still exhibited significantly
5. Invitti C, Giraldi FP, de Martin M, Cavagnini F. Diagnosis
poorer perceived health on several parameters of
and management of Cushing’s syndrome: results of anItalian multicentre study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999;
the SF-36 survey after more than 5 years of follow-
up.19 The scores on the SF-36 were substantially
6. Chee GH, Mathias DB, James RA, Kendall-Taylor P.
worse when patients failed initial pituitary opera-
Transsphenoidal pituitary surgery in Cushing’s disease: can
tion. The explanation for these findings seem to be
we predict outcome? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2001;54:
more related to the long-standing sequelae of
7. Estrada J, Boronat M, Mielgo M, Magallon R, Millan I, Diez
hypercortisolism rather than the treatment
S, et al. The long-term outcome of pituitary irradiation after
imposed. Our study does not define the reason for
unsuccessful transsphenoidal surgery in Cushing’s disease.
continued perception of poor health.
The natural history of untreated Cushing’s dis-
8. Sheehan JM, Vance ML, Sheehan JP, Ellegala DB, Laws ER.
ease is poorly documented, but 1 study from 1952
Radiosurgery for Cushing’s disease after failed transsphe-noidal surgery. J Neurosurg 2000;93:738-42.
reported a 5-year mortality rate that was greater
9. Clarke SD, Woo SY, Butler EB, Dennis WS, Lu H, Carpenter
than 50%.20 Consistent with this, survival in
LS, et al. Treatment of secretory pituitary adenoma with
patients with Cushing’s disease is much poorer for
radiation therapy. Radiology 1993;188:759-63.
those patients who fail initial treatment with trans-
10. Nagesser SK, vanSeters AP, Kievit J, Hermans J, Krans HM,
sphenoidal operation.19 During our follow-up peri-
van de Velde CJ. Long-term results of total adrenalectomyfor Cushing’s disease. World J Surg 2000;24:108-13.
od, 3 of the 18 patients died from causes unrelated
11. Chapuis Y, Pitre J, Conti F, Abboud B, Pras-Jude N, Luton
to operation. All 3 patients were more than age 65
JP. Role and operative risk of bilateral adrenalectomy in
years at the time of adrenalectomy, the remaining
hypercortisolism. World J Surg 1996;20:775-9.
12. Zeiger MA, Fraker DL, Pass HI, Nieman LK, Cutler GB,
Dr Hawn. Approximately 8 of these patients contin-
Chrousos GP, et al. Effective reversibility of the signs and
ued to be followed-up at Oregon Health and Sciences
symptoms of hypercortisolism by bilateral adrenalectomy.
University, by our study endocrinologist. To my knowl-
edge, none of them have had long-term biochemical fol-
13. Vella A, Thompson GB, Grant CS, vanHeerden JA, Farley
low-up. But I agree that would be a nice addition to this
DR, Young WF Jr. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for adreno-
study to confirm completeness of the adrenalectomy.
corticotropin-dependent Cushing’s syndrome. J Clin
Dr Laurant Brunaud (San Francisco, California). My
14. Lanzi R, Montorsi F, Losa M, Centemero A, Manzoni MF,
question is more related to the methodology you used.
Rigatti P, et al. Laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy for
In your opinion, is an SF-36 questionnaire adequate or
persistent Cushing’s disease after transsphenoidal surgery.
very accurate regarding the patient after laparoscopic
adrenalectomy, especially when you have symptoms? Do
15. Acosta E, Pantoja JP, Famino R, Rull JA, Herrera MF.
you think that more specific tools than the ones you use
Laparoscopic versus open adrenalectomy in Cushing’s syn-
are mandatory and better? And does this specific ques-
drome and disease. Surgery 1999;126:1111-6.
16. Bax TW, Marcus DR, Galloway GO, Swanstrom LL,
Dr Hawn. The specific questionnaire that I used with
Sheppard BC. Laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy follow-
regards to Cushing’s syndrome is not validated and was
ing failed hypophysectomy. Surg Endosc 1996;10:1150-3.
really trying to get at the resolution of the sequelae of
17. O’Riordain DS, Farley DR, Young WF Jr, Grant CS, van
Heerden JA. Long-term outcome of bilateral adrenalecto-
Cushing’s disease. I think the 2 questionnaires are com-
my in patients with Cushing’s syndrome. Surgery 1994;
plementary. The SF-36 is well-validated in multiple
chronic disease processes. Because this patient popula-
18. Sonino N, Zielezny M, Fava GA, Fallo F, Boscaro M. Risk fac-
tion is small, I think it will be challenging to get a well-
tors and long-term outcome in pituitary-dependent
validated, specific questionnaire for them.
Cushing’s disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996;81:2647-52.
The thing that I think is useful about the SF-36 is it
19. Lindholm J, Juul S, Jorgensen JOL, Astrup J, Bjerre P, Feldt-
addresses both physical and mental health, which are
Rasmussen U, et al. Incidence and late prognosis of
Cushing’s syndrome: a population-based study. J Clin
But I think a complementary disease-specific ques-
tionnaire is helpful to show that we do improve the symp-
20. Plotz CM, Knowlton AI, Ragan C. The natural history of
Cushing’s syndrome. Am J Med 1952;13:597-614.
toms related to Cushing’s despite the prolonged effectthe disease has on patient health. Dr William B. Inabnet, III (New York, New York). I DISCUSSION
agree 100% with your conclusions. When patients have
Dr Quan-Yang Duh (San Francisco, California). I want
failed pituitary-directed treatment for Cushing’s disease,
to say that I completely agree with you in terms of the
they are given medical therapy and experience severe
recommendation that this is a treatment of choice for a
progression disease. When these patients are ultimately
patient who has a failed operation. You did state in your
referred for adrenalectomy as a result of failure of
final conclusion that this may be a primary treatment for
medical therapy, they have multiple comorbidities from
pituitary-dependent, adrenocorticotropic hormone-
cortisol excess, which increases the perioperative com-
dependent Cushing’s syndrome. Did I catch that cor-
In the 4 patients who had complications in your
Dr Hawn. If I said that, then I misspoke.
series, what was the interval from the failed pituitary
Adrenalectomy should be primary treatment for patients
treatment to adrenalectomy and did those patients
who have failed transphenoidal pituitary operation. And
undergo medical therapy? Was there a higher complica-
often the patients who have failed are patients with a very
tion rate in patients who received medical therapy?
aggressive pituitary tumor, such as a macroadenoma. We
Dr Hawn. I don’t believe that any of the patients in
recommend that they go on to adrenalectomy rather
our study underwent a prolonged attempt at medical
than a repeated transphenoidal procedure, and we rec-
therapy. The endocrinologist who we work with confirms
ommend reserving the γ-knife for patients in whom signs
the diagnosis quickly and refers them for operation. The
or symptoms of Nelson’s syndrome develop.
median time between transphenoidal operation and
Dr L. Michael Brunt (St. Louis Missouri). My ques-
adrenalectomy was 6 months in our study population.
tion relates to the biochemic follow-up. There have
And to my knowledge (and I would have to look at the
been some casess reported which, with biochemical
data more carefully) the duration of the disease did not
testing and adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation,
there is evidence of some residual cortical function
Dr Inabnet. I think your conclusion of early surgical
after bilateral adrenalectomy for patients who have
intervention is warranted and well-supported by your
been treated laparoscopically. I was just wondering if
you have any long-term biochemic follow-up on these
Dr Janice L. Pasieka (Calgary, Alberta, Canada). Were
patients and if you carried out adrenocorticotropic hor-
all of your patients on the same dose of prednisone and
mone stimulation testing in any of these patients or
have you done 24-hour urine cortisols during long-term
Dr Hawn. Yes, all patients were discharged on 30 mg
of hydrocortisone in divided doses and 0.1 mg of
Florinef. Most patients were then weaned to some-
actually continue to improve these patients’ lives after
where between 15 to 20 mg of hydrocortisone in divid-
ed doses within about 5 months after adrenalectomy. Dr Hawn. One of the things that we have found is Dr Thomas J. Fahey, III (New York, New York). Your
because patients have had multiple previous transphe-
data is excellent, and I think it confirms what many of
noidal procedures, they often had disturbances in other
us have seen in patients who have had bilateral adrena-
pituitary axises. And I think aggressive diagnosis and
lectomy. I am wondering if you or your endocrinolo-
management of those axises has helped in improving
gist have made any proposals or adjustments in how to
2013 CSHA Parade Calendar Cloverdale Citrus Fair Parade Joanie Sclani - Equestrian Div. 707-894-7373 Ripon Almond Blossom Festival (50th) Mrs. Pat Van Dorst / Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 327, Ripon 95366 209-599-7519 or 209-599-9525 Winters Youth Days Parade Mr. Michael Sebastian, PO Box 423, Winters 95694, Mike 530-795-2091 Los Banos Spring Fair Parade Fair Office, Ms Heidi Jones, PO Box
• Part 209 of P.A. 368 of 1978, as amended is the statute that supports Michigan’s Emergency Medical Services, Medical Control Authorities, life support agencies and personnel. Medical Control Authority • A Medical Control Authority is an organization designated by the department for the purpose of supervising and coordinating an emergency medical services system, as prescribed, ado