October platform news final (read-only)

Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform UN Security Council Resolution 1325—10 Years On This year marks the 10th anniversary of a Observers have also recognised something of tivists; and the final day of events on 29 landmark piece of international law codifying a rift between what has emerged as two dis- October, when the Security Council wil take the link between women, peace and security tinct thematic areas under the 1325 umbrel a - up the issue and present an outcome docu- known as U.N. Security Council Resolution protection and peace. No one disputes the ment outlining concrete steps the UN wil 1325 (2000). As a Security Council Resolu- impact of sexual violence. Protection efforts tion, it is by definition binding on member are necessary and, to date, insufficient. But this time our commitment wil extend beyond states, and in theory at least obligates them protection also appears that States a far more the day and into the coming years-years that wil ing to dedicate policy and resources to can and should be, in the words of peace combat sexual violence than they are to pro- activist Mary Robinson co-chair of the UN mote women's substantive participation in Peace and Security, "a decade of action and promote their increased participation in Lyric Thompson a Senior Policy Analyst at Women for Women International (WfWI), ar- In a time when women in Northern Ireland gues “protection is politically an easier lift than promoting women's participation in substan- sembly. the lack of commitment to gender tive, decision-making roles in peace negotia- balance in the RPA transition committees, tions and emerging governments and econo- the reduction of public appointments which mies. The statistics paint a clear picture on this: ten years after the penning of 1325, there has stil never been a lead female mediator in (CSI) consultation document has no refer- participation as representatives in those talks vided stability throughout a 40 year conflict, “The international community can point to has only been roughly 8%. Warring parties no actions indentified for women in North- have explained this small sum by citing fears ern Ireland in both the National Action Plans occasion. Our achievements over the past that women wil either be so firm as to hold sex on 1325 by the UK and Ireland—considering decade have not met our own expectations. crimes to account, or wil be too weak and CEDAW observations in 2008 cal ed for ful implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Northern esses. The security sector in most countries Ireland - these are indicators that UN Secu- is stil dominated by men. When conflicts As we head into the remaining month ahead of rity Council Resolution 1325 for women in end, and international aid begins to come in, the 10th anniversary, it is with dual and con- Northern Ireland is stil an aspiration instead it is stil not geared to the needs of girls and flicting senses of deep frustration with the past women. And -- most tragical y and strikingly and tentative optimism for the future. Ours is -- women and girls stil suffer gender-based an opportune moment for real progress ahead, The 10th Anniversary of 1325 October violence, including systematic sexual at- yet it is preceded by a decade of real failure. 2010 should mark the start of a reinvigo- tacks, in and around armed conflict. The Future reports from me over the next six international community is stil failing to pro- weeks wil record developments from the Sec- retary General's reports; open debates by member states; reflections of civil society ac- equal pay; equality in senior positions; strategy aims in particular to make better use of women’s potential, thereby contribut- ing to the EU’s overal economic and social It translates the principles set out in the European Commission’s Women’s Charter into specific measures, ranging from getting • Putting forward targeted initiatives to tion to tackle domestic violence. One out of four knows someone who has been a victim • Instituting an annual European Equal The gender equality strategy spel s out a series of actions based around five priori- The UPR is a State-driven process, under the auspices of the Human the EU’s much anticipated new five year their countries and to fulfil their human eral of the EWL; ‘what is less clear at Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform Strategic Plan Northern Ireland Women’s European Plat- men: in safety and physical integrity, par- ticipation in public life, access to ser- NIWEP regrets the recent government decision to stand down the Women’s National Commission (WNC). It is with regret in light of their recent work in raising awareness of the difference in policies, legis-lation and issues across the devolved nations . WNC had begun to engage and network closely with its members in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England, and this could be clearly seen at the Beijing +10 event at the UN when it provided a platform to reflect on the different inequalities New legislation such as the Equality and Human Rights laws for England and Wales does not extend to NI therefore it is vital that the partnership the UK Joint Committee of Women (UKJCW) be rec- ognised as the forum to continue to share and Many thanks to the staff at WNC for their dedication and work and in particular making women from NI feel they could contribute ful y at the UK meetings at the United Nations and a final thanks to those from NI who have acted as Commissioners over the years including those women from the Women’s Forum NI, Women for Peace, and Ann Hope and Bronagh Hinds. UNiTE Trust Fund General’s campaign UNiTE to Child Education Foundation wil model a highly innovative pro- Michelle Bachelet—First Press Conference

Source: http://blog.niwep.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/October2010newsletter.pdf


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