Greg E. Sharon, M.D. Priya J. Bansal, M.D. DRUG ALLERGY
A drug allergy, or an allergic drug reaction, is an unexpected drug PENICILLIN:
reaction that results from a specific immune system response
Penicillin is the most prevalent allergy causing medication, with
to a medication. Past tolerance to a medication is no guarantee that
approximately 10% of patients reporting being penicillin-allergic.
treatment with that drug will not cause an allergic reaction next time.
However, when patients with a history of penicillin allergy are evaluated,
People who who have allergies have a higher risk of drug reactions.
time has lead to a cure. Many patients are candidates for Penicillin skin
Certain families may have a higher than normal risk of drug reactions.
testing because they have lost their allergy to Penicillin. This is because
80% of such individuals lose their sensitivity over a period of 10 years. In
some cases, patients or doctors are unwilling to trust a negative skin test
A thorough history is an essential component of the evaluation of
result. To alleviate everyone’s apprehension and prove the medication’s
patients with suspected drug allergies. The most important components
safety unequivocally, most experts recommend a negative skin test be
of a drug allergy history are as follows:
followed by an elective oral challenge to Penicillin. CEPHALOSPORIN:
These are cousins to penicillin and can cross-react in a penicillin
What is the name of the medication?
allergic person. This means if you’re allergic to penicillin and have never
Although it may be obvious that a drug allergy history starts with the
taken one of the cephalosporins before the body may have learned an
name of the implicated medication, frequently patients are unable to
allergy from the prior penicillin reaction. So now you can react to the
class of antibiotics called Cephalosporins. This cross-reaction cannot
be predicted by history alone. The rate of cross-reaction ranges from
How long ago did the reaction occur?
ten percent to fifteen percent. Cephalosporins share a common four-
The time elapsed since the reaction is important, because some allergies,
member beta-lactam ring with penicillin. Cephalosporins appear to be
such as penicillin allergy, are known to wane over time.
less allergenic than penicillins, particularly in causing IgE-mediated
reactions. The incidence of anaphylaxis as a reaction to cephalosporins
Which systems (eg, cutaneous, respiratory, gastrointestinal)
is also lower. Unlike penicillin, cephalosporin has no validated
were involved in the reaction, and what was the time course?
diagnostic skin test reagents available. Skin testing using non-irritating
concentrations of native cephalosporins is usually performed, but its
What illness was occurring when the medication prescribed?
predictive value is less well studied. Was the patient taking concurrent medications at the time of QUINOLONES: the reaction?
Cipro, Levaquin, and Avelox can cause a reaction with the first
dose you take in your life. They are a very strong and important class of
Had the patient taken the same or a cross-reacting medication
medication and should not be used for minor infections.
before the reaction?
These older medications can commonly cause a delayed, often
Have you taken a similar medication since the reaction and
very itchy reaction. They can also lead to a very severe reaction, and
tolerated it?
are sometimes fatal. Higher incidence is seen in AIDS patients and
leukemics. Once you react to a sulfa you may never take one again. Sulfa
Has the patient experienced symptoms similar to his or her
allergic patients are more likely then normal’s to react to Penicillin. reaction in the absence of drug treatment?
Erythromycin Biaxin, Zpak, and Ketek are usually well-tolerated
and are the drugs of choice for Penicillin allergic patients.
Immediate (within one hour of a dose) allergic reactions occur when
Tetracycline Minocin, and Doryx are not commonly used except
the body has developed a specific hypersensitivity (allergy) to a drug.
for acne patients They can lead to severe reactions and are mostly
The body will make a certain antibody called IgE. The IgE antibody
a problem when combined with sun’s UVB radiation.
only reacts with allergic cells. These allergic cells will release chemicals,
like histamine, responsible for causing stuffy nose, sneezing, itching,
Delayed Reactions: Reactions appearing after one hour are classified
as delayed, although most delayed reactions begin after six hours, and
typically not until days after treatment.
303 East Army Trail Rd, Ste 403, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 • (630) 894-7083 •
Greg E. Sharon, M.D. Priya J. Bansal, M.D. DRUG ALLERGY LOCAL ANESTHETICS:
These medications are used by the dentist or surgeon to freeze or
numb your teeth or skin. Reactions can either be allergic or a side effect
alone. We can perform a skin test to find safe alternate medications for
Aspirin and like medications are more likely to react if you have
asthma, recurrent sinusitis or nasal polyps. These drugs are in the group
of medications that are used for the treatment of minor pains. Aspirin
is the main problem, but other over the counter medications like Advil
or Aleve also cause trouble. A pain reliever that is often safe in Aspirin
allergic patients is Tylenol. Interestingly, if you react to aspirin, you
might react to a common food dye called Tartrazine or yellow dye #5.
Reactions to medications come in several forms, and not all are
allergic. Some examples of non-allergic reactions include these: Side effects of medications: Nausea and vomiting. Drug interactions:
Medications taken together can cause toxicity. Concurrent viral infections: Medications taken during viral infections can cause
reactions. Delayed destruction of drugs: A build up of medicines can
cause intolerance. Non-Drug induced symptoms: Patients who receive
local anesthetics to numb a tooth sometimes complain that the drugs
made them faint or feel ill when in fact the fear (pain) of the dental
surgery is causing the reaction. Psychological effects: Stress, pain, fear
are powerful enough to induce fainting, hives, nausea and vomiting.
303 East Army Trail Rd, Ste 403, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 • (630) 894-7083 •
ESPECIALIDADE Rimonabanto deve ser Saúde dos brasileiros prescrito com cautela Pesquisa encomendada pelo Ministério da Saúderevelou, em abril, que 43,4% dos brasileiros adultos es-tão com excesso de peso (IMC> 25) e que 28,2% são“antibarriga”, o medicamento rimonaban-sedentários. Apenas 17,7% da população atendem àsrecomendações da Organização Mundial de Saú
PROTOCOL DE DIAGNOSTIC I TRATAMENT PENTRU DERMATOFI II 1. Introducere 1.1. Defini ie Dermatofi iile sunt dermatomicoze produse de un grup de fungi parazi i, caracterizat prin Keratinofilie ce afecteaz omul i animalele care pot produce leziuni inflamatorii cu aspect clinic variat putând fi superficiale sau profunde cu posibil afectare 1.2. Importan a medico-social Epidermo