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Prayer List 6/27/12 Deacons: Les Farmer, Randall Middleton, Bob Sullivan, Bill Felkner, Chris Perry, Jim Uzzel Mike Moore, Bobby Boyce, Catherine Boyce, Don Finn, Lisa Fowler, Chris Griffin, Bob Sullivan, Brenda Swanner, Tonya Tenberg, Brenda Wright, Brenda Perry PRAISES - THOSE THAT ARE ILL AND/OR IN THE HOSPITAL - PERSONAL & FAMILY CONCERNS ad Slagel ___
Internally ® A Publication of Atlanta South Gastroenterology, P.C. An ulcer isasore,orrawarea,intheliningofsome stools.Massivebleedingmaycauseshockandisamedical part of the intestinal tract. Peptic ulcers typicallyoccur in either the stomach or in the duodenum , Less commonly, an ulcer may erode completely throughwhich is the first several inches of the small intestin