Anchor of the Soul Mission Outreach
Health and Safety Suggestions
Always stay in groups. Never go off on your own.
Keep cameras with you or leave in approved areas.
Please remember, safety first, no matter what we are trying to accomplish.
NEVER accept a package from anyone that you are not 100% sure what is inside.
Feel free to express ANY concerns to your team leader.
Keep passport where you can retrieve it quickly.
Only exchange money with approved persons and then only at approved places and times.
Do not invite Honduran acquaintances or friends into your mission quarters.
Bring sunscreen for the fair complexion.
Mosquito and biting insects - carry an insect repellent. It helps reduce your exposure to mosquito bites thatmay carry West Nile virus or other diseases, and allows you to continue to work, and enjoy Honduras with alower risk of disease. Insect repellent DEET formulations as high as 50% are recommended for both adultsand children Lower concentrations are not as long lasting, offering short-term protection only andnecessitating more frequent reapplication. Repellent products that do not contain DEET are not likely to offerthe same degree of protection from mosquito bites as products containing DEET. It is your responsibility tobring your repellent.
Do not drink or brush teeth with water from any source other than bottled water.
Contaminated food and drink are common sources for the introduction of infection into the body. Consumptionof food and beverages obtained from street vendors has been associated with an increased risk of illness. Eatonly mission team provided food and drink only bottled water or name brand canned commercial sodas aftercleaning the spot for lips to touch. Use hand sanitizer, before touching your food, before and after using therestroom and frequently throughout the day. It will be your closest friend.
Make sure ALL medications are in proper containers. Drug laws are severe.
Regular prescription and over-the-counter medicines – make sure you have plenty to last until you get homein the original container with prescription on the label. Also, if you take Alieve or Advil for arthritis or otherconditions make sure you have plenty for easy access. This makes it less stressful for you and the nurses.
Bring allergy medicine; if you have allergies at home most likely you will have them in Honduras too.
See your doctor at least 4–6 weeks before your trip to allow time for shots to take effect. If it is less than 4weeks before you leave, you should still see your doctor. It might not be too late to get your shots ormedications as well as other information about how to protect yourself from illness.
Suggested medicines to obtain from your doctor - Lomotil for diarrhea, phenergan for nausea and vomiting,and antibiotics such as Cipro and Flagyl for stomach bacteria. Bring these with you to take. You can start onthese meds as soon as symptoms begin if you have them. Discuss this with your physician.
Discuss your travel plans and personal health with a health-care provider to determine which vaccines youwill need. Below is a list of suggestions: Hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG) - Transmission of hepatitis A virus can occur through directperson-to-person contact; through exposure to contaminated water, ice, or shellfish harvested incontaminated water; or from fruits, vegetables, or other foods that are eaten uncooked and that werecontaminated during harvesting or subsequent handling.
Hepatitis B - especially if you might be exposed to blood or body fluids (for example, health-careworkers), or be exposed through medical treatment. This is a 3-part vaccine and must be startedearly.
Tetanus Diphtheria - Check your immunization records because boosters are needed, if greater than5 years or you can’t remember when you had the last one then get one. Make sure you have had allyour childhood immunizations.
Malaria drugs - see the CDC website medications and prevention. Malaria is a risk in CentralAmerica. Chloroquine is the recommended drug for Honduras. It is recommended, but the decision isyours. Contact your health care provider for further questions or concerns.
Flu vaccine - prevention of flu, recommended for everyone; especially if you are 50 and older, if youwill be working directly with the medical team, if you have asthma or any lung disease.
Pneumonia vaccine - for adults 65 and older, they last 5-10 years.
Be responsible for your health and you will have a much more pleasant trip.



腎功能不全時應監測濃度,調整藥物劑量(但常被忽略)之藥物 項次 藥物 ClCr <15 ml/min--2 mg on dailysis day <3 mg/min: 100 mg at extended intervals <10 ml/min-- in fast acetylators Q8-16H ClCr 30-50: 0.25 mg QD or 0.5 mg QOD (treatment-naive) ClCr <10: 0.05 mg QD or 0.5 Q7D (treatment-naive) 10-50 ml/min Q6-12H; <10 ml/min Q12-18H Clcr<25

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Epidemiological Association International Journal of Epidemiology 2005; 34: 810–819 © The Author 2005; all rights reserved. Advance Access publication 25 April 2005 Neurological status of Australian veterans of the 1991 Gulf War and the effect of medical and chemical exposures Helen Kelsall,1* Richard Macdonell,2,3 Malcol

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