No está claro cuán grande es el papel de los antibióticos en las relaciones competitivas entre los microorganismos en condiciones naturales. Zelman Waxman creía que este papel era mínimo, los antibióticos no se forman sino en culturas limpias en entornos ricos. Posteriormente, sin embargo, se descubrió que en muchos productos, la actividad de síntesis de antibióticos aumenta en presencia de otros tipos o productos específicos de su metabolismo.
Prim Care Resp J 2009;18(3):148-158 doi:10.4104/pcrj.2009.00035
The ADMIT series – Issues in Inhalation Therapy. 3) Mild persistent asthma: the case for inhaledcorticosteroid therapy
Chris J Corrigan, Mark L Levy, PN Richard Dekhuijzen, Graham K Crompton, on behalf of the ADMIT Working Group
ISSN 1471-4418 • Volume 18 • Issue 3 • September 2009 REPRINT
Primary Care Respiratory Journal (2009); 18(3): 148-158
The ADMIT series – Issues in Inhalation Therapy. 3) Mild persistent asthma: the case for inhaledcorticosteroid therapy
*Chris J Corrigana, Mark L Levyb, PN Richard Dekhuijzenc, Graham K Cromptond, on behalf of the ADMIT Working Groupe
a Department of Asthma, Allergy & Respiratory Science, King’s College London School of Medicine, London, UKb Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Allergy & Respiratory Research Group, Division of Community Health Sciences:GP Section, University of
c Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, The Netherlandsd Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UKe Members of the Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team (ADMIT): Peter J Barnes, London, UK; Mariëlle Broeders, Nijmegen, The
Netherlands; Chris Corrigan, London, UK; Graham K Crompton, Edinburgh, UK; Lorenzo Corbetta, Firenze, Italy; Richard Dekhuijzen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Jean Christophe Dubus, Marseille, France; Thomas Hausen, Essen, Germany; Meinhard Kneussl, Vienna, Austria;Federico Lavorini, Firenze, Italy; Mark L Levy, Edinburgh, UK; Soren Pedersen, Kolding, Denmark; Antonio Ramalho de Almeida, Porto, Portugal; Joaquin Sanchis, Barcelona, Spain; Jose L. Viejo, Hospital General Yagüe de Burgos, Spain; Walter Vincken, Brussels, Belgium;Thomas Voshaar, Moers, Germany
Received 28th August 2008; revised version received 6th February 2009; accepted 6th February 2009; online 10th June 2009
Mild persistent asthma should be treated with continuous inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), which reduces exacerbations of disease, controlssymptoms and reduces bronchial mucosal inflammation. Most patients can be controlled with low dosage ICS (≤ 500 mcg/daybeclometasone or equivalent) and there is limited benefit from further escalating dosages. There is some evidence of additional benefitof early treatment in terms of better longer term control of symptoms, but not alteration of the natural history of the disease. Withdrawalof ICS therapy results in rapid relapse of symptoms. Although some studies have suggested that intermittent therapy with ICS is notdetrimental to asthma control, in the absence of any studies investigating the long term clinical, functional and pathophysiologicaldifferences between regular and intermittent therapy, the former continues to be recommended in guidelines. In patients well controlledon low/moderate dosages of ICS there is little benefit of adding any other medication and no rationale for commencing combinationtherapy routinely as first line controller therapy. There is no evidence that ICS or any other medication prevents the occurrence of asthma,and scanty evidence that the decline in lung function associated with asthma is arrested to any significant degree by ICS therapy. ICS hasvariable effects on features of airways remodelling but the long term physiological consequences of these effects, if any, are as yetunknown.
2009 General Practice Airways Group. All rights reserved. C Corrigan et al. Prim Care Resp J 2009; 18(3): 148-158. doi:10.4104/pcrj.2009.00035 Keywords asthma, management, primary care, inhaled corticosteroids, mild persistent asthma Contents Abstract . 148 Introduction . 149 ICS for asthma therapy: effects on lung function, symptoms and mortality . 149 Early intervention with ICS to prevent progression of asthma . 149 Withdrawal of ICS in stable mild/moderate persistent asthma . 150 Daily versus intermittent ICS therapy . 151
* Corresponding author: Professor Chris Corrigan, Department of Asthma, Allergy & Respiratory Science, King’s College London School of Medicine,
5th Floor, Tower Wing, Guy’s Hospital, London SE1 9RT, UK. Tel: +44 (0)207 188 0599 Fax: +44 (0)207 403 8640
ICS versus cysteinyl leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) monotherapy for mild persistent asthma . 151ICS versus theophylline monotherapy for mild persistent asthma . 152Corticosteroid resistance . 152Beyond ICS alone: other therapeutic options . 152
(1) Addition of long-acting β2-agonist (LABA) . 152(2) Addition of leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA) . 153
Management of mild intermittent asthma . 153Does ICS therapy prevent asthma? . 154Does ICS therapy prevent lung function decline in asthma? . 154ICS and airway remodelling . 155References . 156
the frequency and severity of exacerbations.10,13
Asthma is a clinical syndrome characterised by airway
The use of ICS on a regular basis also leads to reduced
inflammation, variable airway obstruction and airway
mortality from asthma. Suissa and colleagues14 used
hyperresponsiveness.1 Asthma severity is usually classified
Canadian health data to review a population-based cohort of
according to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
over 30,000 patients receiving anti-asthma drugs between
classification system1 or the American National Institutes of
1975 and 1991. Subjects who had died from asthma and for
Health asthma education and prevention programme EPR3
whom records were complete (n=68) were matched with
guideline.2 The British guideline, published by the British
2,681 control subjects within the cohort. Rate ratios for
Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
death from asthma were calculated after adjustment for a
(BTS/SIGN)3 does not formally define asthma severity. There
number of variables. The authors calculated that the death
are four categories based on clinical and functional features –
rate from asthma decreased by 21% with each additional
mild intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent and
canister of ICS used by the patients in the preceding year.
These data and a very large body of additional comparative
The standard of care for patients with mild intermittent
evidence quoted in all of the above guidelines1-3 have resulted
and mild persistent asthma in the past was intermittent or
in concordant agreement that ICS is the most effective current
controller therapy for asthma in adults and children of all ages.
respectively. Whilst this is still true for mild intermittent
The EPR3 guidelines2 further conclude that “studies
asthmatics, current guidelines1-3 no longer recommend this
demonstrate that ICS improves asthma control more effectively
for the mild persistent group because of reports of increased
in both children and adults than leukotriene receptor
risk of death and deterioration of asthma control.4,5 Regular
antagonists or any other single long-term control medication”.
controller therapy in the form of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) isnow recommended for this group of patients.
Early intervention with ICS to prevent
This paper – the third in a series of reviews on various
progression of asthma
inhalation therapy topics being published in this journal by
In the START study, investigators looked into whether early
the ADMIT working group (see the first review paper5a for
intervention with ICS prevented progression of asthma in adults
individual affiliations and conflict of interest declarations) –
and children aged 5-11 years with newly diagnosed mild
will examine aspects of the appropriateness and efficacy of
persistent asthma.15 A total of 7,241 patients were treated with
ICS therapy in the management of mild persistent asthma.
low-dose budesonide (400 mcg/day for adults or 200 mcg/dayfor children younger than 11) or placebo for three years. During
ICS for asthma therapy: effects on lung
the first year, almost 34% of individuals in the placebo arm
function, symptoms and mortality
needed rescue treatment with ICS and 4% had had at least one
ICS monotherapy achieves successful control of
severe asthma exacerbation. By comparison, in the budesonide
mild/moderate persistent asthma in a significant proportion
treated group, only 20% needed additional ICS and 2%
of patients. Generally, the dose-response curve of ICS is
experienced severe exacerbations. Compared with placebo,
relatively flat for a number of outcome measures6 and for
budesonide therapy increased lung function over the course of
many patients the therapeutic benefits of high-dosage versus
one year of therapy and further after three years. This study
low-dosage ICS may be marginal.6-9 Nevertheless, in the
suggests that early treatment with low-dose ICS decreases the
majority of patients, even at low dosages, ICS rapidly
risk of severe exacerbations, and improves asthma control and
improves clinical symptoms and measures of lung function.10
lung function in patients with mild persistent asthma of recent
The anti-inflammatory action of ICS markedly decreases
onset. A cost-effectiveness analysis based on these data also
airways hyperresponsiveness11,12 and in the long term reduces
favoured early use of ICS.16 A second report on the START study17
presented results of 5-year follow-up of the patients. After the
greater improvement in all lung function measures in the
initial 3-year treatment period with placebo or ICS therapy, all
patients who received early budesonide treatment. In a similar
patients then went on to receive ICS treatment for two more
study,21 a mixture of patients with asthma and chronic
years in an open label fashion. Over the entire 5-year study
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were treated with ICS and
period, patients taking ICS in the double-blind phase had a
short-acting bronchodilator or short-acting bronchodilator alone
significantly lower risk (odds ratio 61%) of a severe, asthma-
for 2.5 years, and then ICS therapy was started in the patients
related event compared with those taking placebo. Furthermore,
not having previously received it. After a further six months of
these patients overall used less additional medication. The
follow-up, the improvement in FEV1 was not significantly
authors concluded that early intervention with ICS in mild,
different in the asthmatics having received ICS for 2.5 years as
persistent asthma improves asthma control and is associated
compared to those having received it for six months after a 2.5
with reduced usage of additional medications.
year delay; bronchial hyperresponsiveness did, however, improve
In the CAMP study,11 in which treatment with ICS, inhaled
significantly more in the former group (histamine PC20 1.7 as
nedocromil and placebo was compared in 1,041 children aged
compared with 0.79 doubling concentrations, albeit following a
5-12 years with mild intermittent asthma over a 4-6 year period,
treatment period which was 5 times longer).
ICS therapy was superior to placebo in terms of reducing disease
These studies clearly show that ICS therapy, compared with
exacerbations, systemic corticosteroid and rescue medication
placebo, reduces symptoms and exacerbations in mild
usage, and improving symptom scores. In a smaller study18 in
intermittent asthma. They also provide some evidence to support
which 44 adults with mild persistent asthma were randomised to
the contention that delay in commencing regular ICS therapy
receive inhaled fluticasone 500 mcg/day or placebo for 11
when this is indicated because of symptoms may result in a
months, fluticasone therapy improved spirometry, airways
slower and less extensive subsequent response to therapy, so
hyperresponsiveness and reduced exhaled nitric oxide
that ICS therapy should be commenced as soon as justified by
significantly more than placebo. Although there were no
such symptoms. This is certainly the line taken by major asthma
significant differences in the usage of rescue medication (which
guidelines and advocated by most physicians in the UK.
was in any case <2 times/week at the commencement of the
However, other physicians22 have pointed out that, in the follow-
study), symptoms or quality of life, fewer patients suffered mild
up to the START study,17 although patients with mild intermittent
exacerbations taking fluticasone compared to placebo (22% vs
asthma taking placebo instead of ICS for three years showed
62%) over the duration of the study.
some evidence of delay in “catching up” after two further years
Examination of bronchial biopsies of asthmatics indicates
of ICS therapy compared with those taking ICS for the full five
that significant inflammation is present early in the course of
years, the differences were not all that great – at the end of two
asthma, even in those patients having had a short duration of
years their impairment, symptomatology and risk of
symptoms.10 Early use of ICS suppresses airway inflammation,
exacerbation were no different to those who had received ICS
improves symptom control and restores pulmonary function.10,13
for five years. According to this view, delay in commencing ICS
A prospective controlled study19 followed pulmonary function in
in patients with symptoms that merit them is, while not
216 children during long term treatment with ICS and compared
necessarily desirable, also not necessarily disadvantageous in the
the findings of those with 62 children not so treated. Children
who started ICS therapy more than five years following adiagnosis of asthma had significantly lower FEV1 measurements
Withdrawal of ICS in stable
than those starting it within two years of the onset of asthma. mild/moderate persistent asthma
Additionally, children treated with ICS had significantly fewer
In a small study,23 19 patients with stable mild/moderate asthma
hospital admissions because of exacerbations and a lower
were randomised into two groups. In the first group ICS was
cumulative exposure to corticosteroids in the long term. The
withdrawn and in the other group ICS was continued. 90% of
effect of early as opposed to delayed ICS therapy has also been
patients in whom ICS was withdrawn relapsed in a mean of 1.55
studied in patients with asthma symptoms for less than a year
months compared with 25% in the group in which ICS was
with no previous exposure to anti-inflammatory therapy.20 Over
continued. Asthma symptom scores and lung function during
a 2-year period, 50 patients received budesonide at 1200
follow-up over a year were found to be lower in the group
mcg/day while 50 received terbutaline 500 mcg/dose taken as
where ICS was withdrawn. In a second study,24 28 children
required. After this period the 37 patients remaining in the
treated for one year with budesonide (200 mcg three times daily)
terbutaline group were switched to budesonide and results
were randomised to continue treatment or to receive a lower
compared again after a further year of therapy. Patients who
dose of budesonide for two months followed by placebo for
switched to budesonide did improve but to a lesser degree than
four months. In the withdrawal group there were eight
those receiving early budesonide therapy. There was a trend for
exacerbations of asthma compared with none in the group that
continued therapy; in addition, lung function deteriorated and
function even though neither the IMPACT nor the START studies
bronchial hyperreactivity increased. Similar findings were
suggested this). However, it is possible that at least some patients
with mild persistent asthma may not be disadvantaged by
These studies all confirm that withdrawal of ICS therapy in
intermittent ICS therapy, which in any case it has been argued
stable asthmatics previously deemed to require it for disease
better resembles the “real life” situation in which very few
control increases the risk of relapse in the fairly short term. Thus,
patients in practice take controller therapy absolutely regularly at
asthma guidelines1-3 agree in stressing the point that, while ICS
therapy is currently the most effective therapy known forasthma, it is not curative – and if withdrawn when needed,
ICS versus cysteinyl leukotriene receptor
deterioration of clinical control follows typically within weeks to
antagonist (LTRA) monotherapy for mild
months. On the other hand, these studies do not obviate the
persistent asthma
obligation of the physician to minimise the dosage of ICS needed
Cysteinyl leukotrienes, produced by a variety of inflammatory
to control symptoms in each individual patient: this might
cells implicated in asthma, are powerful bronchoconstrictors and
include a trial of complete withdrawal of ICS therapy in those
also increase mucus secretion and oedema in the bronchial
whose symptoms become intermittent or disappear.
mucosa. They amplify inflammation through their chemo-attractive effects on inflammatory cells such as eosinophils. Daily versus intermittent ICS therapy
Consequently, in addition to causing bronchodilatation,
In the IMPACT study,26 a total of 225 adults with long-standing
leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) have also been shown
mild persistent asthma underwent a 10-14 day period of
to have anti-inflammatory properties in asthma.29,30 Four studies
“intense combined therapy” with oral prednisolone, inhaled
involving both adults and children with mild persistent asthma
budesonide and oral zafirlukast, and were then randomised to
compared therapy with LTRA and low-dosage ICS.31-34 Both drugs
receive inhaled budesonide, oral zafirlukast or daily placebo for
improved most asthma outcomes, but ICS was significantly
one year. In addition to this regular therapy, all patients were
superior in terms of most outcomes (asthma control, lung
instructed to take intermittent, short-course corticosteroid
function and inflammatory biomarkers).
guided by a standard, symptom based action plan. At the end of
Despite these studies, LTRAs are widely used outside the UK
one year, the ICS-treated patients showed greater improvements
as monotherapy for mild, persistent asthma, especially in
in lung function, bronchial hyperreactivity and symptom-free
children. Furthermore, guidelines are curiously ambivalent about
days. There were no differences between the groups in terms of
the use of LTRA as monotherapy instead of ICS in mild persistent
changes in quality of life, numbers of asthma exacerbations or
asthma. The GINA guideline1 states that LTRAs “may be used as
post-bronchodilator FEV1. In a second study,27 patients with mild
an alternative treatment for adults with mild persistent asthma”
persistent asthma were treated with continuous ICS (budesonide
but also that “when used alone as a controller the effects of
400 mcg/day), continuous zafirlukast (40 mg/day), or
LTRA are less than those of ICS and, in patients already on ICS,
intermittent courses of ICS (budesonide 1600 mcg/day) for 10
LTRA cannot substitute for this treatment without risking the loss
days or systemic corticosteroid (prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day) for
of asthma control”.35,36 For children, no specific comment is made
five days, again according to a symptom-based action plan.
about their use as monotherapy, although it is stated that “LTRA
Improvements in morning peak expiratory flow (PEF) and disease
provide clinical benefit in children at all levels of severity but less
exacerbation rates were similar in all three groups, despite the
than that of low dose ICS”.31,37 The EPR3 guidelines,2 based on
fact that that the patients randomised to intermittent ICS
evidence from five placebo-controlled trials,31,32,37-39 state that
therapy took this for a mean of no more than 0.5 weeks/year.
“patients who have mild or moderate persistent asthma and are
Furthermore, improvements in other outcome measures (pre-
treated with ICS, compared to other single long term control
bronchodilator FEV1, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, symptom
medications, demonstrate greater improvements in pre-
scores and number of symptom-free days) were better in this
bronchodilator FEV1, reduced airway hyperresponsiveness,
group. These studies, along with the question regarding the
symptom scores, exacerbation rates and symptom frequency, as
possible disadvantages of delaying regular ICS therapy in mild
well as less use of supplemental SABA [short-acting β2-agonist],
persistent asthma (see above) have generated calls22,28 for
fewer courses of oral systemic corticosteroids, and less use of
guidelines to consider the feasibility and cost effectiveness of
hospitalisation” but nevertheless conclude that, in both adults
intermittent ICS treatment as a possible management option in
and children, LTRA monotherapy is an “alternative, not
this group of patients (especially in poor or underdeveloped
preferred” treatment. The BTS/SIGN guideline3 states that LTRA
countries). They have not yet been incorporated into treatment
therapy is “less effective” than ICS as monotherapy and suggests
guidelines because of reservations about the longer term effects
that LTRA might be used in children <5 years old in whom ICS
of intermittent therapy (particularly accelerated decline in lung
“cannot be used”. Notwithstanding this, most clinicians would
have to conclude from all of these studies that LTRA should be
in any major guidelines, and cannot be generally
used as monotherapy for mild persistent asthma only as a last
recommended until further long-term studies are available.
resort when ICS cannot, for whatever reason, be used. Thereasons for the continuing popularity of LTRAs as monotherapy
Corticosteroid resistance
in practice in some countries are not clearly defined but may
Despite the generally favourable response of mild, persistent
relate to perceived problems with giving ICS to children or using
asthmatics to ICS therapy, as with all drugs there is a spectrum
of response and there will be some patients who require morethan an “acceptable” dose of ICS (beclometasone or
ICS versus theophylline monotherapy for equivalent ≤800 mcg/day in adults, ≤400 mcg/day in children) mild persistent asthma
to achieve symptom control. Before coming to this conclusion
Theophylline is a rather weak, non-specific inhibitor of
the physician should review, and eliminate where possible,
phosphodiesterase which elevates cyclic AMP concentrations
external factors which may be upsetting asthma control in
in airway smooth muscle and immune cells, resulting in
individual patients (allergens, including food allergens in
modest bronchodilatation and inhibition of inflammatory
children and occupational allergens, concomitant untreated
cells. Theophylline has limited effectiveness when given as
rhinosinusitis, drugs such as β-blockers and non-steroidal anti-
monotherapy in adult asthmatics40 but is more effective than
inflammatory drugs such as aspirin). By far the commonest
placebo at relieving symptoms in children.41 Several studies
causes of “non-responsiveness” to therapy are, however,
have shown that ICS is more effective than theophylline for
poor inhaler technique and poor compliance.
monotherapy of mild, persistent asthma. For example, in a
Relative resistance to ICS therapy may also be a
randomised parallel group study of 74 patients with mild
consequence of particularly severe or unusual types of airways
persistent asthma, patients were treated with inhaled
inflammation in asthma44 or, at least in theory, structural
budesonide 400 mcg/day, oral montelukast 10 mg/day or
changes refractory to reversal by corticosteroids. A number of
sustained-release theophylline 400 mg/day for three months.
environmental factors may affect the responsiveness of T cells
The patients treated with ICS showed significantly greater
and other inflammatory cells in asthma to corticosteroid
improvement in lung function as compared with those treated
inhibition;45 an important one is cigarette smoking, which
with both alternative medications, although the changes in
reduces clinical responsiveness to ICS in mild asthma46 and
FEV1 and PEF did not exceed the baseline variability. Asthma
symptoms and the use of rescue medication were similar in all
Ultimately all patients are likely to show at least some
three groups.42 Cochrane meta-analysis to determine the
response to ICS therapy although in a minority the dosages
efficacy of xanthines such as theophylline in the maintenance
required may be relatively high. With such patients, physicians
treatment of children with asthma43 demonstrated that they
should weigh the problems of unwanted effects of the drugs
are less effective in preventing exacerbations as compared
against optimisation of quality of life, whilst minimising co-
with ICS but as effective as monotherapy with regular inhaled
morbidity that may compromise asthma control and encouraging
short-acting β2-agonist and cromoglicate for treating mild,
good inhaler technique and compliance with dosing regimens.
intermittent disease. Consequently all major guidelines, whileacknowledging the activity of theophylline, agree that it is less
Beyond ICS alone: other therapeutic
effective than ICS monotherapy for mild, intermittent asthma.
In addition the EPR3 guideline2 states that theophylline is “not
(1) Addition of long-acting β2-agonist (LABA)
recommended” in children 0-4 years of age owing to its
In adults with mild persistent asthma insufficiently controlled with
“erratic metabolism during viral infections and febrile illness”
moderate dosages of ICS, all guidelines agree that adding in a
and is “less desirable” in 5-11 year olds because of its “safety
LABA, rather than further increases in ICS dosage, is the preferred
profile” although it may be contemplated when “cost and
initial course of action. Addition of a LABA to a daily regimen of
adherence to inhaled medications are concerns”.
ICS reduces day and night symptoms, improves lung function,
In summary, these data show that early intervention with
reduces rescue medication usage, reduces exacerbations, and
ICS decreases the risk of severe exacerbations and improves
achieves clinical control of asthma in more patients, more rapidly
asthma control in mild persistent asthma of recent onset. ICS
and at a lower final dosage of inhaled ICS than increased dosages
therapy is superior to LTRA and xanthine therapy, at least
of ICS given alone.47-53 There is a paucity of studies on the effects
within the relatively short term scope of clinical trials, for
of LABA in children, particularly under the age of 5 years: while
control of asthma and improvement of lung function. While
the BTS/SIGN guideline3 still recommends LABA as the first line
intermittent, symptom-led therapy may be suitable for some
add-on therapy to ICS in children over the age of 5 years, the
patients with mild persistent asthma, this is not yet advocated
GINA guideline1 suggests LTRA as an alternative, while the EPR3
guideline2 concludes that there is insufficient evidence at present
10 mg/day was shown to improve symptoms, reduce the use
to know whether adding in a LABA or increasing ICS dosage is
of rescue medication and improve lung function as compared
best. All guidelines agree that LABA should never be given
with placebo.57 In a second double-blind, randomised study
without ICS. This follows a study54 showing a small but significant
on similar patients inadequately controlled on budesonide
excess of deaths in asthmatics receiving daily treatment with
800 mcg/day, addition of montelukast 10 mg/day was shown
salmeterol compared with placebo added to their usual asthma
to produce outcomes (improvement in symptoms, quality of
therapy (13/13,176 patients taking salmeterol compared with
life and lung function) equivalent to doubling the dosage of
3/13,179 patients taking placebo). The MHRA and the BTS,
following a long review of the evidence, concluded that LABA
A Cochrane meta-analysis comparing the addition of LABA
can still be used provided they are given with ICS (the implication
to LTRA in asthmatics inadequately controlled on moderate to
being that masking of symptoms with LABA while avoiding ICS is
high dosages of ICS suggested that LABA was superior to LTRA
potentially dangerous). For this reason, combination inhalers
in preventing exacerbations requiring systemic steroid therapy,
containing ICS and LABA, although no more or less effective than
improving lung function and reducing symptoms and the use
taking the two drugs in separate inhalers, are preferable when
of rescue medication.59 Thus the major guidelines recommend
prescribing a LABA because they ensure that LABAs can never be
LABA as a first-line add-on therapy before LTRA in adults and
older children, although in infants, in whom there is a paucity
Notwithstanding this evidence, it is important to note that
of evidence of the effectiveness of LABA, LTRA would seem a
many patients with mild, persistent asthma are adequately
controlled on ICS alone. In these patients, adding in a LABA is of
In conclusion, while the benefits of adding in LABA (and to
no additional benefit. The BTS/SIGN guideline3 states that “in
a lesser extent LTRA) in patients with asthma with good
patients on ICS whose asthma is stable, no intervention has been
compliance and perfect inhaler technique whose disease is not
consistently shown to decrease ICS requirement in a clinically
controlled with low/moderate dosages of ICS are manifest, it is
significant manner compared to placebo”. As an illustration of
unnecessary and wasteful to use these drugs in patients whose
this, the OPTIMA trial55 sought to establish whether adding a
control is adequate on acceptable dosages of ICS alone.
LABA (formoterol) to ICS (budesonide) in mild and moderatepersistent asthmatics would reduce exacerbations. Both children
Management of mild intermittent asthma
(older than 12 years) and adults were included as long as post
There are many fewer data addressing the optimal treatment for
bronchodilator FEV1 was >80% of the predicated value. The
patients with mild intermittent asthma since they remain
prevalence of severe asthma exacerbations was reduced and
relatively well and have very infrequent symptoms. Current
symptom scores improved in the mild persistent asthmatics
guidelines recommend intermittent short-acting bronchodilator
treated with budesonide as compared with a placebo-treated
for this group of patients. The SOMA study60 compared as-
group over a year of therapy. The combination of budesonide
needed use of LABA with as-needed use of LABA/ICS
and formoterol did not provide any additional benefit in this
combination therapy as the only medication in a group of
group. In contrast, in the group with moderate persistent
patients with mild intermittent asthma. The frequency of
asthma using ICS at the beginning of the study, a significant
asthma-free days was similar in the two groups; however,
reduction in asthma exacerbations was seen when formoterol
compared with the LABA-only group, significantly fewer patients
was added to budesonide. These findings emphasise the fact
in the ICS/LABA-treated group needed more than four puffs of
that patients with mild, persistent asthma well controlled on ICS
“as required” short-acting reliever on any day. The results of this
alone do not need anything else. Similarly, in a Cochrane meta-
study cannot be extrapolated to all patients with mild
analysis,56 the effects of initiating therapy with ICS alone as
intermittent asthma, since the patients were selected on the
compared with ICS and LABA were compared in steroid-naïve
basis of having high exhaled nitric oxide (thought to be a
adults and children with mild persistent asthma. The addition of
biomarker of active airways inflammation). Furthermore, the
LABA to ICS did not significantly reduce the rate of
situation has been coloured by anxiety about prescribing LABA
exacerbations or use of rescue medications as compared with
in the absence of ICS (see above). The long-term implications of
patients treated with ICS alone. Consequently, physicians should
this particular treatment strategy in terms of benefit/risk are
not be tempted to use combination therapy too hastily.
therefore unknown. Similarly, there is a paucity of evidence
(2) Addition of leukotriene receptor antagonist (LTRA)
examining the benefit/risk implications of long-term ICS therapy
Several studies have suggested that LTRA are sparing of ICS.
in patients with mild intermittent asthma. Current evidence-
For example, in a double blind controlled study of asthmatics
based guidelines suggest the use of intermittent short-acting
still symptomatic despite taking moderate to high dosages of
bronchodilators for this patient group, and at present there is
budesonide (400-1600 mcg/day), the addition of montelukast
insufficient evidence to overturn this conclusion. Does ICS therapy prevent asthma?
Most children with wheeze presenting before the age of 2
Studies of whether ICS therapy prevents asthma, at least in
years become asymptomatic by mid-childhood and do not need
children, are potentially confounded by the fact that at least half
treatment. Symptoms present from birth, severe upper
of pre-school wheezing children will stop wheezing by the time
respiratory tract disease, persistent moist cough, excessive
they start school.61 Indeed, there is some debate as to whether
vomiting, dysphagia, stridor, abnormal voice or cry, focal signs in
any pre-school wheezy children should ever be treated with ICS.62
the chest, finger clubbing and failure to thrive all lower the
In the PAC study,63 infants (aged 1 month to 3 years) of
probability of asthma and suggest an alternative diagnosis. Lung
mothers with asthma were treated with ICS (budesonide 400
function testing adds little information in children under the age
mcg/day) or placebo using a metered-dose inhaler and spacer
of 5 years. For children in whom the probability of asthma is
device starting on day 3 of any wheezy episode and continued
considered high, a trial of ICS therapy for 2-3 months followed
for two weeks. Children discontinued the trial if they developed
by reassessment is indicated. A good symptomatic response
persistent wheezing (more than five episodes lasting three days
strongly supports the diagnosis, whereas a poor response is very
within a 6-month period, or daily symptoms for more than four
much against it. For children in whom the probability of asthma
weeks). Two hundred and ninety-four children, mean age 10.7
is considered to be lower, a period of watchful waiting is
months, were randomised. Intermittent ICS therapy had no
reasonable along with possible further investigation for unusual
effect on the progression from intermittent to persistent wheeze,
symptoms or signs. Physicians should be mindful of the
which was observed in 24% of the ICS treated group and 21%
importance of not missing, but nevertheless firmly making, a
diagnosis of asthma before committing a child to long term
In the IFWIN study,64 206 older children aged 6 months to 5
therapy, and can be reassured that in this situation delay in
years with at least one atopic parent were given ICS (fluticasone
commencing ICS therapy does not appear to alter the risk of the
100 mcg twice daily) or placebo after one prolonged (>1 month)
episode of wheezing or two physician-confirmed wheezyepisodes. The dosage was adjusted every three months to the
Does ICS therapy prevent lung function
minimum required to control symptoms. At the age of 5 years
decline in asthma?
there was no difference between the groups in the proportion of
The natural history of lung function is that it increases during
children with current wheeze, physician-diagnosed asthma or
childhood, reaches a peak during early adulthood (25-35 years)
and then slowly declines with age. The evidence is that children
In the PEAK study,65 285 2-4 year olds considered at risk of
who wheeze persistently at the age of 6 (many of whom will go
asthma were randomly assigned to receive ICS (fluticasone
on to develop chronic asthma) have impaired lung function
propionate 88 mcg twice daily) or placebo using a metered dose
which was nevertheless normal at birth.66 In contrast, children
inhaler and spacer for two years. They were then followed for a
under 2 years of age who wheeze with colds (most of whom do
further observational year. During this year there were no
not go on to develop asthma) have diminished lung function in
significant differences between the groups in terms of symptom-
infancy which tends to improve (though not always completely)
free days or exacerbations of wheeze.
by the age of 6 years.66 There are few studies which have
All of these studies, although directed at slightly different
followed lung function in asthmatics over protracted periods of
patient populations (all of them children) and with slightly
time, but one such study suggested that middle aged asthmatics
different criteria for “risk of asthma”, seem to lead to the same
with significant airways obstruction already had reduced lung
conclusion, namely that ICS therapy does not prevent asthma.
function at the age of 10 years.67 Taken together, these studies
They also underline the difficulty with diagnosing asthma and
could be interpreted as showing that children who are going to
distinguishing it from virus-induced wheezing in this age group.
develop chronic asthma start off in life with normal lung function
The BTS/SIGN guideline3 states that suggestive symptoms
which deteriorates during childhood and never recovers. Several
(wheeze, cough, difficulty breathing, chest tightness), particularly
studies68,69 have shown that lung function in adult asthmatics
if frequent and recurrent, worse at night and early in the
(and most particularly the degree of reversibility of airways
morning, triggered by stimuli such as exercise, emotion and
obstruction as measured by post-bronchodilator FEV1) declines
allergen exposure, and occurring apart from colds, increase the
substantially faster compared with non-asthmatics.
probability of a diagnosis of asthma in children, as does audible
Consequently there is interest in blocking this early decline in
wheeze on chest auscultation and a personal or family history of
lung function in asthmatics, in the hope that it will bring long-
atopic disease (eczema, allergic rhinitis, food allergy, asthma). On
lived symptomatic benefit with less treatment.
the other hand symptoms only with colds, isolated cough and
The first study to suggest that ICS may inhibit lung function
normal chest examination and spirometry during symptoms
decline in asthma was directed primarily towards effects of ICS on
child growth.19 It was noticed that the annual increase in
pulmonary function in a group of child asthmatics was
structural changes seen in the airways of asthmatics which
significantly accelerated after commencing budesonide as
comprises epithelial damage, deposition of structural proteins
compared with the run-in period, and also as compared with a
below the reticular basement membrane (subepithelial fibrosis),
group of untreated controls. The extent of the improvement with
bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia,
budesonide was noted to depend on how long the budesonide
hyperplasia of mucous glands, and increased mucosal vascularity.
treatment was started after the onset of asthma symptoms.
The reason for the interest in these features is that they have
In the CAMP study,11 children aged 5-12 years with
been postulated to contribute to the accelerated decline in lung
mild/moderate asthma were treated from 4-6 years with
function and irreversibility of airways obstruction associated with
budesonide 200 mcg twice daily and compared with a group
asthma. At present there are problems with this interpretational
treated with placebo and taking reliever medication and
scenario. Although intuitively these changes might be surmised
prednisolone only when needed. There was no significant
to contribute to irreversible changes in airway function, there is
difference in the change in lung function (post-bronchodilator
as yet little or no direct evidence that they actually do so. They are
FEV1) in each group. As compared with the children assigned to
widely assumed to be brought about by mediators released by
placebo, however, those treated with budesonide showed a
inflammatory cells. Whilst it is true that certain cytokines, such as
significantly smaller decline in pre-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC ratio
transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) and interleukins such as
and improved airways hyperresponsiveness, suggesting that their
IL-11 and IL-17 can cause bronchial mucosal fibroblasts to secrete
asthma was better controlled but their overall lung function no
fibrotic proteins such as collagen, while others such as IL-13 can
promote mucous gland hypertrophy in cultured bronchial
In addition, the three studies in pre-school wheezy children
epithelial cells, there are still many doubts about the cause and
described above63-65 all examined changes in lung function as
effect relationship between inflammation and remodelling, not
additional outcome measures. None of these studies
least because it is so difficult to characterise the natural histories
demonstrated any significant difference in changes in lung
of the two phenomena. Of the few studies in children, some
function in children treated with ICS as compared with placebo
have reported that severe asthma is associated with airways
therapy using various techniques of measurement.
remodelling70,71 whereas others72 suggest that remodelling
In the START trial,15 which involved over 7,000 patients with
changes predispose to, but pre-date, clinical asthma. Such studies
mild intermittent asthma not previously treated with regular
cast doubt upon the tenet that remodelling is caused by
inhaled ICS who were randomised to receive ICS therapy or
inflammation and in turn contributes to asthma symptoms and
placebo for three years, post-bronchodilator FEV1 had declined
physiology. In both children and adults, remodelling changes
significantly less in the patients treated with ICS as compared with
have been linked to asthma severity but not always
those treated with placebo, although the difference was extremely
longevity,70,71,73 suggesting that they are not necessarily
small. In the follow-up phase of this study,17 when all patients
cumulative, and possibly reversible with time.
were treated with ICS for a further two years, post-bronchodilator
Boulet and colleagues74 examined bronchial biopsies in 32
FEV1 had declined by a small (mean 2.22%) but equivalent degree
adult asthmatics, 16 of whom had been recently diagnosed with
in all patients, irrespective of whether or not they had received ICS
asthma and 16 of whom had long-standing asthma, both before
in the randomised, double-blind phase. In the IMPACT study,26 in
and after eight weeks of therapy with inhaled fluticasone
which 225 adults with mild persistent asthma were randomised to
propionate 1000 mcg daily. Baseline sub-epithelial collagen
receive twice daily budesonide (200 mcg), zafirlukast (20 mg) or
deposition was similar in both groups and this did not alter
placebo, there were no significant differences in post-
significantly following the high dose ICS therapy. However, a
bronchodilator FEV1 after a year of therapy between the groups.
second study75 did show significant reduction in the thickness of
Consequently it must be concluded that, whilst ICS therapy
the sub-epithelial reticular layer in a group of asthmatics whose
is very effective in mild persistent asthma for controlling
ICS dosages were increased according to their degree of
symptoms and improving lung function, there is no clear
bronchial hyperresponsiveness as compared to a comparison
evidence that it prevents the early lung function decline which is
group where dosages were adjusted to standard asthma
surmised to herald further deterioration later in life. It is perhaps
worth noting that these studies - at the population level, and in
With regard to mediators of remodelling, one study76 showed
relatively small numbers of patients - are unlikely to unearth a
no effect of systemic corticosteroid therapy on the expression of
possible subgroup of asthmatics whose lung function
TGF-β, considered a key remodelling cytokine, in airway biopsies
deterioration is slowed by ICS therapy.
of moderate to severe asthmatics. It was noted, however, thatexpression of IL-11 and IL-17 was markedly reduced. In vitro, IL-
ICS and airway remodelling
17 stimulates fibroblasts to produce IL-6 and IL-11, both of which
Airway remodelling is the collective term used to describe
are pro-fibrotic.77 These effects are therefore variable and it is not
possible to form an overall impression from these studies of the
College London School of Medicine, London, UK
net effects of ICS therapy on airways remodelling.
Graham K Crompton. Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland, UKLorenzo Corbetta. Università degli Studi di Firenze, Unità Funzionale di Medicina
Orsida and colleagues78 demonstrated significantly increased
vascularity of the lamina propria in steroid-naïve asthmatics
Richard Dekhuijzen. Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands,
compared with normal controls and asthmatics taking ICS.
Jean Christophe Dubus. Unité de Medicine Infantile, Marseille, FranceThomas Hausen. General Practice, Grafenstrasse 62, Essen, Germany
Similarly, Feltis and colleagues79 showed that treatment of
Meinhard Kneußl. Wilhelminenspital, Vienna, Austria
asthmatics with ICS for three months significantly reduced the
Federico Lavorini. Università degli Studi di Firenze Unità Funzionale di Medicina
cross-sectional area of vessels in bronchial biopsy specimens as
Respiratoria, ItalyMark L Levy. University of Edinburgh, Division of Community Health Sciences: GP
compared with a placebo-treated group. The expression of
vascular endothelial growth factor was also reduced in the
Søren Pedersen. Paediatric Research Unit, Kolding Hospital, University of Southern
biopsies but not within the lumen of the airways.
In summary, it would appear that there is a degree of
Antonio Ramalho de Almeida. Pr. General Humberto Delgado 267, Porto, PortugalJoaquin Sanchis. Departament de Pneumologia, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant
reversibility in at least some of the processes involved in airways
Pau, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
remodelling with ICS, although the effects are complex and
Jose L. Viejo. Hospital General Yagüe de Burgos, Spain
interpretation is confounded by lack of knowledge of the natural
Walter Vincken. Academisch Ziekenhuis VUB, Dienst Pneumologie, Brussels, BelgiumThomas Voshaar. Krankenhaus Bethanien, Moers, Germany
history of these processes and understanding of theircontribution to symptoms and airways physiology in chronic
asthma. At present this has generated disparate views as to the
1. Bateman ED, Hurd SS, Barnes PJ et al. Global strategy for asthma management
importance of commencing ICS therapy as early as possible in
and prevention: GINA executive summary. Eur Respir J 2008;31:143-78.
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2. National Heart, Blood and Lung Institute. National Institutes of Health. NIH 08-
as soon as possible after asthma is diagnosed to prevent (at least
4051. Expert Panel Report 3, 2007. Guidelines for the diagnosis and
some) remodelling changes,72 whereas others hold that the case
management of asthma.
for early inhibition of remodelling is unproven and does not of
itself justify early commencement of ICS therapy.80 The most
3. British Thoracic Society/Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. British
recent evidence,81,82 albeit from relatively small numbers of
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5a. Dekhuijzen PN, Magnan A, Kneussl M on behalf of the ADMIT Working Group.
“early intervention with an ICS…alters the underlying severity or
The ADMIT series - issues in inhalation therapy. 1) The goals of asthma
progression of the disease” so that “ICS should be used to
treatment: can they be achieved? Prim Care Resp J 2007;16(6):341-8.
control asthma symptoms and to improve the child’s quality of
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The ADMIT Working Group
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initial starting dose for asthma in adults and children (review).
supported by an unrestricted educational grant from MEDA AB. Members of ADMIT
receive a small honorarium from MEDA AB for attending meetings, and travel
expenses are reimbursed. See the first ADMIT paper published in this journal in
9. Wilson AM, Lipworth BJ. Dose-response evaluation of the therapeutic index for
December 2007 for a full list of individual conflict of interest declarations.5a
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2000;108:269-75. doi:10.1016/S0002-9343(99)00435-0
Mark Levy is the Editor-in-Chief of the PCRJ, but was not involved in the editorial
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Undergraduate awards ceremony, Nov. 2, 2009 SCOTIA-GLENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS ASSEMBLY Pledge of Allegiance and Musical Arrangement THE SCOTIA-GLENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN YEAR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Medal – to members of the Class of 2012 with the highest achievement during the first year in high school: Matthew Ashcroft, Kul en Bailey, Nicholas Conlon, Sarah Dean, Nicole H